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Phasmida - Stick Insects

The following table lists the species in this taxon assessed under the Singapore Red List, which is also published in the third edition of the Singapore Red Data Book.

You may find information for the conservation statuses assessed in the second edition Singapore Red Data Book (RDB2) and third edition Singapore Red Data Book (RDB3).

The information below is accurate as at the time of the listing online for the taxon.

Checklist of Phasmida Species with their Category of Threat Status for Singapore

Prepared by Francis Seow-Choen

Family Genus Species Authority Common Name Origin RDB2 RDB3
Diapheromeridae Pseudobactricia ridleyi Brock, 1999 Ridley’s Stick Uncertain NEx NA
Lonchodidae Baculofractum insigne (Brunner, 1907) Broken Twig Native VU CR
Lonchodidae Carausius transiliens Brunner, 1907 Knob-back Stick Native Not Listed NT
Lonchodidae Lonchodes brevipes Gray, 1835 Gray’s Malayan Stick Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Staelonchodes geniculatus (Gray, 1835) Orange-kneed Stick Native Not Listed NT
Lonchodidae Stheneboea malaya Stål, 1875 Warty-legged Stick Native Not Listed NT
Lonchodidae Acacus sarawacus sinkiebensis (Wood-Mason, 1877) White-kneed Stick Native VU NT
Lonchodidae Anarchodes annulipes (Gray, 1835) Yellow-and-Brown Stick Native Not Listed NEx
Lonchodidae Asceles malaccae (Saussure, 1868) Hairy Asceles Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Asceles rabihahae Seow-Choen, 2021 Mottled Asceles Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Asceles tanarata singapura Seow-Choen & Brock, 1999 Singapore Asceles Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Calvisia (Calvisia) sangarius (Westwood, 1859) Brown Knob-Neck Native NEx NEx
Lonchodidae Calvisia (Conoicalvisia) virbius virbius (Westwood, 1859) Green Knob-Neck Native Not Listed CR
Lonchodidae Diacanthoidea diacanthos (Haan, 1842) Spike Head Stick Native Not Listed NEx
Lonchodidae Diacanthoidea malaccensis (Kirby, 1904) Cone Head Stick Native Not Listed NEx
Lonchodidae Diardia battak Redtenbacher, 1908 Thin-Spine Neck Stick Native Not Listed CR
Lonchodidae Diesbachia tamyris tamyris (Westwood, 1859) Spiny Flying Stick Native VU EN
Lonchodidae Gargantuoidea triumphalis Redtenbacher, 1908 Triumphant Giant Native VU NT
Lonchodidae Lobonecroscia subflava Brock & Seow-Choen, 2000 Lobe-Legged Stick Native VU CR
Lonchodidae Lopaphus brachypterus (Haan, 1842) Short Winged Lopaphus Native VU VU
Lonchodidae Lopaphus iolas iolas (Westwood, 1859) Round Winged Lopaphus Native Not Listed NT
Lonchodidae Marmessoidea rosea (Fabricius, 1793) Yellow-Spotted Stick Native NEx NEx
Lonchodidae Necroscia connexa (Redtenbacher, 1908) Rose-Wing Stick Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Necroscia ingenua (Redtenbacher, 1908) Green Flying Stick Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Necroscia punctata (Gray, 1835) Spotted Flying Stick Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Necroscia westwoodi Kirby, 1904 Westwood’s Flying Stick Native Not Listed VU
Lonchodidae Phaenopharos struthioneus (Westwood, 1859) Small-Red-Wings Native NEx CR
Lonchodidae Planososibia esacus (Westwood, 1859) Banded Sosibia Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Planososibia lysippus (Westwood, 1859) Greater Sosibia Native Not Listed LC
Lonchodidae Planososibia tommykohi Seow-Choen, 2017 Tommy’s Sosibia Native Not Listed CR
Lonchodidae Singaporoidea meneptolemus (Westwood, 1859) Green-Legged Stick Native Not Listed NT
Lonchodidae Sipyloidea chlorotica Serville, 1838 Pink Winged Stick Native VU LC
Lonchodidae Trachythorax sp. Native Not Listed NE
Phasmatidae Ramulus nematodea (Haan, 1842) Great Thin Stick Native VU LC
Phasmatidae Phobaeticus serratipes (Gray, 1835) Giant Malayan Stick Native VU NEx
Phasmatidae Eurycnema versirubra Serville, 1838 Pink-Winged Green Giant Non-Native NEx NA
Aschiphasmatidae Chlorobistus xiuyuae Brock & Seow-Choen, 1999 Xiuyu’s Abrosoma Native Not Listed NT
Aschiphasmatidae Kerabistus (Kerabistus) murphyi Seow-Choen, 2017 Murphy’s Kerabistus Native Not Listed CR
Aschiphasmatidae Presbistus peleus (Gray, 1835) Green-Striped Flying Stick Native Not Listed LC
Heteropterygidae Orestes draegeri Bresseel & Constant, 2018 Small Cigar Stick Native VU LC
Heteropterygidae Planispectrum bengalense (Redtenbacher, 1906) Pygmy Stick Native VU VU
Heteropterygidae Pylaemenes mitratus (Redtenbacher, 1906) Money Plant Stick Native Not Listed LC
Heteropterygidae Haaniella mecheli macroptera Hennemann, Conle, Brock & Seow-Choen, 2016 Spiny Brown Stick Native Not Listed CR
Heteropterygidae Heteropteryx dilatata (Parkinson, 1798) Malayan Jungle Nymph Native CR NEx
Phylliidae Cryptophyllium chrisangi Seow-Choen, 2017 Chris Ang’s Leaf Insect Native Not Listed LC
Phylliidae Phyllium hausleithneri Brock, 1999 Hausleithner’s Leaf Insect Uncertain Not Listed NA
Phylliidae Pulchriphyllium bioculatum (Gray, 1832) Gray’s Leaf Insect Native VU NT


The list of the Categories used in 3rd edition of the Red List is:





Not Threatened

Least Concern


Not approaching the above criteria



Approaching but not yet reaching the threshold for the above criteria




There are fewer than 1,000 mature individuals but more than 250 and there may or may not be any other evidence of decline, small range size or fragmentation.



There are fewer than 250 mature individuals and no other evidence of decline or fragmentation.

Critically Endangered


There are fewer than 50 mature individuals, OR if more than 50 mature individuals but less than 250, with some evidence of decline or fragmentation.




Presumed Nationally Extinct


The species is extinct (extirpated) within Singapore but it still survives outside Singapore.

Globally Extinct


The species is extinct all over the world, both in the wild and in cultivation







Other Categories

Data Deficient


Inadequate information to make an informed assessment

Not Applicable


Species that are not eligible for assessment at the national level (mainly introduced taxa and vagrants)

Not Evaluated



Species that are possibly eligible for assessment but have not yet been evaluated against the criteria

Not Listed


Species not listed in the records (in the IUCN Global Red List database, or the first edition Singapore Red Data Book - RDB 1 and second edition Singapore Red Data Book - RDB 2) for whatever reason

Last updated on 24 May 2024

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