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Assassin Bug

The following table lists the species in this taxon assessed under the Singapore Red List, which is also published in the third edition of the Singapore Red Data Book.

You may find information for the conservation statuses assessed in the second edition Singapore Red Data Book (RDB2) and third edition Singapore Red Data Book (RDB3).

The information below is accurate as at the time of the listing online for the taxon.

Checklist of Assassin Bug Species with their Category of Threat Status for Singapore

Prepared by Hwang Wei Song

Family Genus Species Authority RDB2 RDB3
Reduviidae Acanthaspis quadriannulata Stål, 1870 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Acanthaspis inermis Stål, 1870 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Acanthaspis signifera Stål, 1863 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Ademula reticulata McAtee & Malloch, 1926 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Agyrius podagricus Stål, 1863 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Aulacogenia patalungae Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Aulacogenia vicina Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Bagauda similis Wygodzinsky, 1966 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Biasticus eburneus Miller, 1941 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Canthesancus gulo Stål, 1863 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Centrocnemis malayana Miller, 1956 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Cosmolestes picticeps (Stål, 1859) Not Listed LC
Reduviidae Ectomocoris atrox (Stål, 1855) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Ectomocoris elegans (Fabricius, 1803) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Emesopsis gaius McAtee & Malloch, 1926 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Emesopsis obsoletus McAtee & Malloch, 1926 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Empicoris tesselatoides Wygodzinsky & Usinger, 1960 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Empyrocoris pelia (Distant, 1904) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Euagoras plagiatus (Burmeister, 1834) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Euagoras sordidatus Stål, 1866 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Gardena melinathrum Dohrn, 1859 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Gardena muscicapa (Bergroth, 1906) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Haematoloecha ridleyana Distant, 1902 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Holoptilus leprosus Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Inara alboguttata Stål, 1863 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Inara flavopicta Stål, 1859 Not Listed LC
Reduviidae Ischnobaenella polymela (Kirkaldy, 1901) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Lenaeus pyrrhus Stål, 1859 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Lisarda annularis (Walker, 1873) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Lisarda erecta Distant, 1904 Not Listed EN
Reduviidae Lisarda inornata (Walker, 1873) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Lisarda pallidispina Stål, 1874 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Lisarda rhypara Stål, 1859 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Lisarda singaporiensis Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Neostaccia laticollis Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Oncocephalus cingalensis Walker, 1873 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Oncocephalus lineosus Distant, 1904 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Oncocephalus annulipes Stål, 1855 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Oncocephalus sarawakensis Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Phyrxobotrys ridicula Wygodzinsky, 1966 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Physoderes curculionis China, 1935 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Ploiaria insolida (White, 1877) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Ploiaria maai Wygodzinsky, 1966 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Polididus armatissimus Stål, 1859 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Polytoxus fuscovittatus (Stål, 1859) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Ptilocerus subreticulatus Montandon, 1907 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Ptilocerus unicolor Montandon, 1907 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Ptilocerus venosus (Walker, 1873) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Pygolampis ridleyi Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Rhynocoris niasensis Miller, 1941 Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Sastrapada singaporiensis Miller, 1940 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Scadra costalis (Lethierry, 1888) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Scadra gemella Miller, 1953 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Schottus luteicollis (Walker, 1873) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Scipinia horrida (Stål, 1843) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Sycanus collaris (Fabricius, 1781) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Triatoma rubrofasciata (De Geer, 1773) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Tribelocephala indica (Walker, 1873) Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Tridemula pallida McAtee & Malloch, 1926 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Tridemula plurima McAtee & Malloch, 1926 Not Listed DD
Reduviidae Valentia apetala (Vuillefroy, 1864) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Velinus nigrigenu (Amyot & Serville, 1843) Not Listed VU
Reduviidae Velitra rubropicta (Amyot & Serville, 1843) Not Listed EN
Reduviidae Vesbius purpureus (Thunberg, 1783) Not Listed DD
Last updated on 24 May 2024

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