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Species List (Red Data Book List)

Despite having only a total land area of 735 sq km, Singapore is home to a significant number of plant and animal species. Click on the links below to learn more.

The Singapore Red Data Book is a publication which provides information such as the scientific and common names, national conservation status and description, of plant and animal species that have been recorded from Singapore. The first edition of the Singapore Red Data Book was published in 1994. The second edition of the Singapore Red Data Book was published in 2008 while the third edition Singapore Red Data Book is the latest version and was published in 2024. Check out the Checklists of Biodiversity from the Singapore Red Data Book.

The national conservation status of the plant and animal species of Singapore were assessed by taxonomic experts drawn from academia, civil society and the government. The national conservation status lists of threatened species, also known as The Red Lists have been compiled and written into the third edition Singapore Red Data Book. The Red Lists of various taxonomic groups can be found in the lists below.



Photo credit: Padina sp. by Michelle Lee Ai Chin



Photo credit: Phoroncidia lygeana f. by J. Koh

Arachnida - Spiders
Arthropoda - Freshwater Decapod Crustaceans

Photo credit: Ng PKL and Ng PYC

Arthropoda - Horseshoe Crabs and Marine Decapod Crustaceans


Photo Credit: Marc Chang Jia Jin

Arthropoda - Marine Insects


Photo credit: Chim Chee Kong

Arthropoda - Tanaidacean Crustaceans


Photo credit: Giant Termite by Dennis Murphy

Blattodea - Termites and Cockroaches
cnidaria  Cnidaria (non-Scleractinia) 
 Hard Coral Cnidaria (Scleractinia) - Stony Corals 

Photo credit: Luciola singapura by Shivaram Rasu

Coleoptera - Beetles 


Photo credit: Diptera_Diopsidae-Teleopsis_dalmanni by Marcus Ng

Diptera - Flies


Photo credit: Icon star by Jeffrey Low Kim Yew

Echinodermata - Sea Stars, Feather Stars, Brittle Stars, Sea Cucumbers and Sea Urchins


  Freshwater Fishes


Photo credit: Physalacriaceae cyptotrama asprata by Serena Lee



Photo credit: Hebrus mangrovensis by Tran Anh Duc

Hemiptera - Freshwater Aquatic Bugs 

Photo credit: Vesbius purpureus by Hwang Wei Song

Hemiptera (Reduviidae) - Assassin Bugs 
Bee  Hymenoptera - Bees 
Hymenoptera - Wasps 


Photo credit: Aiki Yamada

Hymenoptera (Formicidae)-Ants 
   Lepidoptera - Butterflies

Photo credit: Dennis Murphy

Lepidoptera - Moths

Photo credit: Tan Heok Hui

Marine Annelida - Segmented Worms

Photo credit: Bluering Angelfish by Jeffrey Low Kim Yew

Marine Fishes
Marine Mammals


Photo Credit: Leong Tzi Ming

Miscellaneous Arthropoda and Onychophora

Photo credit: Ellobium scheepmakeri by Tan Siong Kiat

Mollusca - Molluscs
  Odonata - Dragonflies and Damselflies
Orthoptera - Crickets and Katydids
phasmid  Phasmida - Stick Insects
polyclad  Polycladida - Flatworms
 Sponge Porifera - Sponges
Terrestrial Mammals
Last updated on 07 June 2024

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