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Odonata - Dragonflies and Damselflies

The following table lists the species in this taxon assessed under the Singapore Red List, which is also published in the third edition of the Singapore Red Data Book.

You may find information for the conservation statuses assessed in the second edition Singapore Red Data Book (RDB2) and third edition Singapore Red Data Book (RDB3).

The information below is accurate as at the time of the listing online for the taxon.

Checklist of Odonata Species with their Category of Threat Status for Singapore

Prepared by Robin Ngiam Wen Jiang, Marcus F.C. Ng

Family Species Common Name RDB2 RDB3
Argiolestidae Podolestes orientalis Blue-spotted Flatwing CR VU
Calopterygidae Echo modesta White-faced Clearwing Not Listed NEx
Calopterygidae Neurobasis chinensis Green Metalwing NEx NEx
Calopterygidae Vestalis amethystina Common Flashwing Not Listed VU
Calopterygidae Vestalis amoena Charming Flashwing Not Listed EN
Calopterygidae Vestalis gracilis Plain Flashwing Not Listed CR
Chlorocyphidae Libellago aurantiaca Fiery Gem Not Listed CR
Chlorocyphidae Libellago hyalina Clearwing Gem CR CR
Chlorocyphidae Libellago lineata Golden Gem Not Listed LC
Chlorocyphidae Libellago stigmatizans Orange-faced Gem NEx NEx
Coenagrionidae Aciagrion hisopa Blue Slim CR VU
Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis femina Variable Wisp Not Listed LC
Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis minima Marsh Wisp Not Listed CR
Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis nana Dwarf Wisp CR EN
Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis pygmaea Wandering Wisp CR LC
Coenagrionidae Amphicnemis bebar Bebar Wisp Not Listed CR
Coenagrionidae Amphicnemis gracilis Will-o-wisp Not Listed VU
Coenagrionidae Archibasis melanocyana Blue-nosed Sprite CR EN
Coenagrionidae Archibasis rebeccae Rebecca’s Sprite Not Listed CR
Coenagrionidae Archibasis viola Violet Sprite CR LC
Coenagrionidae Argiocnemis rubescens rubeola Variable Sprite CR LC
Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion cerinorubellum Ornate Coraltail Not Listed LC
Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion chaoi Fiery Coraltail Not Listed VU
Coenagrionidae Ischnura senegalensis Common Bluetail Not Listed LC
Coenagrionidae Mortonagrion aborense Blue Midget Not Listed CR
Coenagrionidae Mortonagrion arthuri Arthur’s Midget Not Listed VU
Coenagrionidae Mortonagrion falcatum Hooked Midget CR CR
Coenagrionidae Pericnemis stictica Dryad CR VU
Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion australasiae Look-alike Sprite Not Listed VU
Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion microcephalum Blue Sprite Not Listed LC
Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion pruinosum Grey Sprite CR VU
Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion rubriceps Orange-faced Sprite CR NT
Coenagrionidae Teinobasis cryptica Cryptic Shadesprite Not Listed CR
Coenagrionidae Teinobasis ruficollis Red-tailed Sprite CR NT
Devadattidae Devadatta argyoides Malayan Grisette Not Listed EN
Euphaeidae Dysphaea dimidiata Black Velvetwing NEx NEx
Euphaeidae Euphaea impar Blue-sided Satinwing Not Listed LC
Lestidae Lestes praemorsus Crenulated Spreadwing Not Listed LC
Lestidae Orolestes wallacei Great Spreadwing NEx NEx
Lestidae Platylestes heterostylus Slender Spreadwing CR CR
Platycnemididae Coeliccia albicauda White-tailed Sylvan CR CR
Platycnemididae Coeliccia didyma Twin-spotted Sylvan Not Listed CR
Platycnemididae Coeliccia octogesima Telephone Sylvan Not Listed VU
Platycnemididae Copera marginipes Yellow Featherlegs Not Listed LC
Platycnemididae Copera vittata Variable Featherlegs CR VU
Platycnemididae Onychargia atrocyana Shorttail Not Listed LC
Platycnemididae Prodasineura collaris Collared Threadtail Not Listed VU
Platycnemididae Prodasineura humeralis Orange-striped Threadtail CR LC
Platycnemididae Prodasineura interrupta Interrupted Threadtail Not Listed CR
Platycnemididae Prodasineura notostigma Crescent Threadtail Not Listed LC
Platystictidae Drepanosticta quadrata Singapore Shadowdamsel Not Listed VU
Aeshnidae Anax guttatus Emperor Not Listed LC
Aeshnidae Anax panybeus Arrow Emperor Not Listed LC
Aeshnidae Gynacantha basiguttata Spoon-tailed Duskhawker Not Listed VU
Aeshnidae Gynacantha bayadera Small Duskhawker Not Listed LC
Aeshnidae Gynacantha dohrni Spear-tailed Duskhawker Not Listed LC
Aeshnidae Gynacantha subinterrupta Dingy Duskhawker Not Listed LC
Aeshnidae Heliaeschna crassa Nighthawker Not Listed CR
Aeshnidae Heliaeschna simplicia Plain Nighthawker Not Listed CR
Aeshnidae Heliaeschna uninervulata Lesser Nighthawker Not Listed NT
Aeshnidae Oligoaeschna amata Paddletail NEx CR
Aeshnidae Oligoaeschna foliacea Leaftail Not Listed CR
Aeshnidae Tetracanthagyna plagiata Giant Hawker CR VU
Corduliidae Hemicordulia tenera Emerald CR VU
Gomphidae Acrogomphus malayanus Malayan Hooktail Not Listed VU
Gomphidae Burmagomphus arthuri Arthur’s Clubtail Not Listed CR
Gomphidae Burmagomphus divaricatus Splayed Clubtail CR NEx
Gomphidae Burmagomphus plagiatus Lesser Splayed Clubtail CR NEx
Gomphidae Heliogomphus kelantanensis Malayan Grappletail CR CR
Gomphidae Ictinogomphus decoratus Common Flangetail Not Listed LC
Gomphidae Leptogomphus risi Ris’ Clubtail CR VU
Gomphidae Macrogomphus quadratus Forktail Not Listed VU
Gomphidae Merogomphus femoralis Malayan Spineleg Not Listed CR
Gomphidae Microgomphus chelifer Tiny Sheartail CR VU
Gomphidae Paragomphus capricornis Banded Hooktail CR EN
Libellulidae Acisoma panorpoides Trumpet Tail Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Aethriamanta aethra Blue Adjutant CR LC
Libellulidae Aethriamanta brevipennis Scarlet Adjutant Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Aethriamanta gracilis Pond Adjutant Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Agrionoptera insignis Grenadier Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Agrionoptera sexlineata Handsome Grenadier CR LC
Libellulidae Brachydiplax chalybea Blue Dasher Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Brachydiplax farinosa Black-tailed Dasher CR EN
Libellulidae Brachygonia oculata Pixie NEx EN
Libellulidae Brachythemis contaminata Common Amberwing Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Camacinia gigantea Sultan CR LC
Libellulidae Chalybiothemis fluviatilis Green-eyed Percher CR VU
Libellulidae Cratilla lineata Lined Forest Skimmer CR LC
Libellulidae Cratilla metallica Dark-tipped Forest Skimmer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Crocothemis servilia Common Scarlet Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Diplacodes nebulosa Black-tipped Percher Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Diplacodes trivialis Blue Percher Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Hydrobasileus croceus Water Monarch Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Indothemis carnatica White-tipped Demon Not Listed CR
Libellulidae Indothemis limbata Restless Demon CR VU
Libellulidae Lathrecista asiatica Scarlet Grenadier Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Lyriothemis cleis Bombardier Not Listed EN
Libellulidae Macrodiplax cora Coastal Glider Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Nannophya pygmaea Scarlet Pygmy Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Nesoxenia lineata Striped Grenadier CR LC
Libellulidae Neurothemis disparilis Rare Parasol NEx NEx
Libellulidae Neurothemis fluctuans Common Parasol Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Onychothemis testacea Riverhawk Not Listed EN
Libellulidae Orchithemis pruinans Blue Sentinel Not Listed CR
Libellulidae Orchithemis pulcherrima Variable Sentinel Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Orthetrum chrysis Spine-tufted Skimmer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Orthetrum glaucum Common Blue Skimmer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Orthetrum luzonicum Slender Blue Skimmer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Orthetrum sabina Variegated Green Skimmer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Orthetrum testaceum Scarlet Skimmer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Pantala flavescens Wandering Glider Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Pornothemis starrei Mangrove Marshal Not Listed NT
Libellulidae Potamarcha congener Common Chaser Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Pseudothemis jorina Banded Skimmer CR LC
Libellulidae Raphismia bispina Mangrove Dwarf Not Listed NT
Libellulidae Rhodothemis rufa Common Redbolt Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Rhyothemis fulgens Small Bronze Flutterer Not Listed NEx
Libellulidae Rhyothemis obsolescens Bronze Flutterer CR LC
Libellulidae Rhyothemis phyllis Yellow-barred Flutterer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Rhyothemis triangularis Sapphire Flutterer Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Risiophlebia dohrni Potbellied Elf CR EN
Libellulidae Tetrathemis hyalina Elf Not Listed EN
Libellulidae Tholymis tillarga White-barred Duskhawk Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Tramea transmarina euryale Saddlebag Glider CR LC
Libellulidae Trithemis aurora Crimson Dropwing Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Trithemis festiva Indigo Dropwing Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Trithemis pallidinervis Dancing Dropwing Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Tyriobapta torrida Treehugger Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Urothemis abbotti Rare Basker CR NEx
Libellulidae Urothemis signata insignata Scarlet Basker Not Listed LC
Libellulidae Zyxomma obtusum White Duskdarter Not Listed CR
Libellulidae Zyxomma petiolatum Slender Duskdarter Not Listed LC
Macromiidae Epophthalmia vittigera Pond Cruiser Not Listed LC
Macromiidae Macromia cincta Stream Cruiser Not Listed EN
Macromiidae Macromia cydippe Lesser Stream Cruiser Not Listed EN
Synthemistidae Idionyx yolanda Shadowdancer CR LC


Singapore Red Data Book Conservation Status (Adopted from the IUCN) Conservation Status Criteria Distribution & Rarity Criteria
Critically Endangered (CR) Found in one location only Widespread Found in more than five locations
Endangered (EN) Found in two to three locations Restricted Found in five or less locations
Vulnerable (VU) Found in four to five locations Common At most known locations, almost 100% chance of encountering adults and/or larvae
Near Threatened (NT) Found in more than five locations but habitat type/locations are at risk, or very sporadic records of few individuals Uncommon At most known locations, almost 75% chance of encountering adults and/or larvae
Least Concern (LC) Found in more than five locations Rare At most known locations, almost 50% chance of encountering adults and/or larvae
Nationally Extinct (NEx) No records for more than 50 years Very Rare At most known locations, almost 25% chance of encountering adults and/or larvae
Nationally Extinct No records for more than 50 years



Ngiam, R. W. J., & Cheong, L. F. (2016). The dragonflies of Singapore: An updated checklist and revision of the national conservation statuses. Nature in Singapore, 9, 149-163.

Soh, J., Leng, F., Mohamed Fawzi, S. K., Thomas, N., & Ngian, R. W. J. (2018). New record of the dragonfly, Anax panybeus, in Singapore. Singapore Biodiversity Records, 2018, 19-21.

Soh, M., Ng, M., & Ngiam, R. W. J. (2019). New Singapore record of a dragonfly, Indothemis carnatica, with an updated Singapore Odonata checklist. Singapore Biodiversity Records, 2019, 10-17.


Last updated on 24 May 2024

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