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Talks and Exhibitions for Schools


Assembly Talks 

Did you know that Singapore is transforming ourselves from a City in a Garden to City in Nature? Did you know that City in Nature is one of the five pillars of the Singapore Green Plan 2030? Did you know that we have flora and fauna named after Singapore as they can only be found in Singapore?

All these facts about our City in Nature and native biodiversity will be shared in our assembly talks conducted at your school. These assembly talks are usually one hour, and are on the topics of our City in Nature journey, conservation of our green spaces, our native biodiversity as well as the community and companion animals.

NParks conducts talks to students as young as preschool to tertiary level.


Karenne Tun (Director/Coastal & Marine and Terrestrial) sharing with tertiary students on conservation issues in Singapore


If you are interested in having an assembly talk at your school, please fill in this request form.


Please note that the assembly talks are complimentary, but are subjected to availability. 


Interactive School Plays (Preschool and Primary school levels)


Discover Singapore's rich biodiversity and learn how each of us can play a part in protecting the ecosystem and transforming Singapore into a City in Nature through our school plays: Ally in Wanderland (Primary level) and Sora and her Amazing Wildlife Friends (Preschool level).


Brought to you by the National Parks Board (NParks) and supported by the Garden City Fund (GCF), the school plays are offered complimentary to all primary schools and preschools. Registration will be done on a first-come-first-served basis and limited to one booking per school. To register your interest, please email


Exhibitions at Schools

We have three sets of exhibition panels available for loan to schools.

  1. Singapore: Our City in Nature (suitable for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels)
  2. Animals in Our City in Nature (suitable for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels)
  3. Animals in Our City in Nature (suitable for Preschool level)

These panels can be displayed in indoor open spaces within your school, for your students to view them during their breaks.

Please note that all panels and pop-up displays are suitable for indoor use only and should not be exposed to strong wind.


Singapore: Our City in Nature (suitable for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels)

These panels aim to educate students about our biodiversity and the importance of conservation. It outlines the initiatives for intensifying and restoring natural habitats, promotes coexistence with wildlife and explore how we can each play a part in our City in Nature [Preview].  


Animals in Our City in Nature (suitable for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels)

This set of seven panels educates students on showing consideration towards our pets, community animals, and wildlife, as well as the science and technology used to safeguard our wildlife [Preview].

Animals in Our City in Nature (Pri, Sec, Tertiary levels)

Dimensions of each panel: 84 cm (W) x 205 cm (H)

Note: Each panel can be kept in a compact bag and will fit in the boot of a sedan comfortably.


Animals in Our City in Nature (suitable for Preschool level)

This pop-up display educates students on how to be considerate to our pets, and wildlife [Preview].

Animals in Our City in Nature (Preschool level)

Dimensions: 240 cm (W) x 210 cm (H) x 33 cm (D)

Note: This pop-up display can be easily assembled and packed into a provided roller box measuring 1 m x 0.4 m x 0.4 m. It is recommended to keep the roller box in the back seat of the car.


Loan policy

  1. Schools may request for the exhibition panels at least 2 weeks to 6 months in advance, subject to availability
  2. Each school can only loan the exhibition panels for a maximum of 2 weeks. 
  3. Teachers will be required to submit photos of students viewing the panels to document the use of the educational panels in the school
  4. The exhibition panels are to be self-collected and returned by the school at the National Parks Board Headquarters (1 Cluny Road Singapore 259569) during office hours
  5. Schools are fully responsible for the care of the exhibition panels throughout the specified loan period
  6. The loan of the exhibition panels is free


If you are interested in borrowing our exhibition panels, please fill in this request form

Last updated on 04 June 2024

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