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Preschool resources  


Further enrich your children’s learning by using these fun worksheets as an extension to the pre-school resources. Choose from a wide range of printable activities that feature our local flora and fauna, from colouring pages to connect-the-dot worksheets. Occupy your pre-schoolers and let them pick up some new skills at the same time!


Counting the Animals

Matching the Animals and Numbers
Circle the Numbers
Write the Numbers



Word Search

Crossword Puzzle

 Fine Motor Skills


 Creative Expression

Colouring Activities

Craft Activities




  • Beginner: Help the Plaintain Squirrel find its way to the tree!
  • Intermediate: Help the Asian Tad find its way to tje lily pad!
  • Beginner: Help the Plaintain Squirrel find its way to the tree!
  • Intermediate: Help the Asian Tad find its way to tje lily pad!
  • Last updated on 25 February 2020

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