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Marine Annelida - Segmented Worms

The table below lists the conservation statuses of the species in this taxon assessed under the Singapore Red List as published in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB2 and RDB3 respectively).

The information is accurate as at the time of the listing.


You can find more information about these species in Flora & Fauna Web

Not ThreatenedLeast ConcernLCNot approaching threatened status
Near-ThreatenedNTClose to becoming threatened or may meet the criteria for threatened status in the near future
ThreatenedVulnerableVUThere are more than 250 but fewer than 1,000 mature individuals, and there may or may not be any other evidence of decline, small range size or fragmentation.
EndangeredENThere are fewer than 250 mature individuals and no other evidence of decline or fragmentation.
Critically EndangeredCRThere are fewer than 50 mature individuals, OR if more than 50 mature individuals but less than 250, with some evidence of decline or fragmentation.
Extirpation & ExtinctionPresumed Nationally ExtinctNExThe species is extinct (extirpated) within Singapore but it still survives outside Singapore.
Globally ExtinctEXThe species is extinct all over the world, both in the wild and in cultivation
Other CategoriesData DeficientDDInadequate information to make an informed assessment
Not ApplicableNASpecies that are not eligible for assessment at the national level (mainly introduced taxa and vagrants)
Not EvaluatedNESpecies that are possibly eligible for assessment but have not yet been evaluated against the criteria
Not ListedNLSpecies not listed in the records (in the IUCN Global Red List database, or the first and second edition of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB1 and RDB2)
FamilyGenusSpeciesAuthorityCommon NameRDB2RDB3
AlciopidaeNaiadescantrainiiDelle Chiaje, 1830 Not ListedNE
AmphinomidaeChloeiaflava(Pallas, 1766) Not ListedNE
AmphinomidaeChloeiaparvaBaird, 1870 Not ListedNE
AmphinomidaeEurythoecomplanata(Pallas, 1766) Not ListedNE
AphroditidaePontogeniaindicaGrube, 1878 Not ListedNE
AspidosiphonidaeAspidosiphon (Aspidosiphon)muelleri muelleriDiesing, 1851 Not ListedNE
AspidosiphonidaeAspidosiphon (Paraspidosiphon)steenstrupiiDiesing, 1859 Not ListedNE
ChaetopteridaeChaetopterusappendiculatusGrube,1874Fairy TubewormENNT
EunicidaeEuniceaphroditois(Pallas, 1788) Not ListedNE
EunicidaeEunicecoccinioidesAugener, 1922 Not ListedNE
EunicidaeEunicegrubeiGravier, 1900 Not ListedNE
EunicidaeEunicehirschiFauchald, 1992 Not ListedNE
EunicidaeEunicenesiotes(Chamberlin, 1919) Not ListedNE
EunicidaeEuniphysaaculeataWesenberg-Lund, 1949 Not ListedNE
EunicidaeLeodiceantennata(Savigny in Lamarck, 1818) Not ListedNE
EunicidaeLysidicecollarisGrube, 1870 Not ListedNE
EunicidaeMarphysadisjunctaHartman, 1961 Not ListedNE
EunicidaeMarphysamacintoshiCrossland, 1903 Not ListedNE
EunicidaeMarphysamossambica(Peters, 1854) Not ListedNE
FlabelligeridaePherusamonroi(Day, 1957) Not ListedNE
GlyceridaeGlyceranicobaricaGrube, 1868 Not ListedNE
GlyceridaeGlyceratridactylaSchmarda, 1861 Not ListedNE
GoniadidaeGoniadacf. maculataÖrsted, 1843 Not ListedNE
GoniadidaeGoniadajaponicaIzuka, 1912 Not ListedNE
HesionidaeLeocratesclaparedii(Costa in Claparède, 1868) Not ListedNE
HesionidaeOxydromuslatifrons(Grube, 1878) Not ListedNE
IphionidaeIphionemuricata(Savigny in Lamark, 1818) Not ListedNE
LumbrineridaeLumbrinerishartmani(Day, 1953) Not ListedNE
MaldanidaeEuclymenelombricoides(Quatrefages, 1865) Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeContramyzostomabialatumEeckhaut & Jangoux, 1995 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomabrachiatumGraff, 1877 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomacapitocutisEeckhaut, van den Spiegel & Grygier, 1994 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomaelegansGraff, 1877 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomahorologiumGraff, 1884 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomajagersteniEeckhaut, van den Spiegel & Grygier, 1994 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomalongicirrumGraff, 1887 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomasingaporenseEeckhaut, van den Spiegel & Grygier, 1994 Not ListedNE
MyzostomatidaeMyzostomastochoeidesAtkins, 1927 Not ListedNE
NephtyidaeAglaophamusdibranchis(Grube, 1877) Not ListedNE
NephtyidaeMicronephtyssphaerocirrata(Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) Not ListedNE
NereididaeCeratonereismirabilisKinberg, 1866 Not ListedNE
NereididaeComposetiahircinicola(Eisig, 1870) Not ListedNE
NereididaeDendronereidesheteropodaSouthern, 1921 Not ListedNE
NereididaeDendronereideszululandicaDay, 1951 Not ListedNE
NereididaeDendronereisarborifera(Peters, 1855) Not ListedNE
NereididaeGymnonereisfauveli(Pillai, 1961) Not ListedNE
NereididaeLeonnatesdecipiensFauvel, 1929 Not ListedNE
NereididaeLeonnatesjousseaumeiGravier, 1911 Not ListedNE
NereididaeLeonnatesstephensoniRullier, 1965 Not ListedNE
NereididaeNeanthesglandicinctaSouthern, 1921 Not ListedNE
NereididaeNeantheswilsonchaniLee & Glasby, 2015 Not ListedNE
NereididaeParaleonnatesuschakoviKhlebovitch & Wu, 1967 Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisaibuhitensisGrube, 1878 Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisbarbaraMonro, 1926 Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisbrevicirris(Grube, 1878) Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisperspicillataGrube, 1878 Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisrhombodontaWu, Sun & Yang, 1981 Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereissingaporiensis(Grube, 1878) Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisstriolataGrube, 1878 Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisvancaurica(Ehlers, 1868) Not ListedNE
NereididaePerinereisviridisGlasby & Hsieh, 2006 Not ListedNE
NereididaeTylonereisbogoyawlenskyiFauvel, 1911 Not ListedNE
NereididaeTylonereisheterochaetaTan & Chou, 1994 Not ListedNE
OenonidaeArabellairicolor(Montague, 1804) Not ListedNE
OenonidaeOenonefulgida(Savigny in Lamarck, 1818) Not ListedNE
OnuphidaeDiopatraclaparediiGrube, 1878 Not ListedNE
OnuphidaeDiopatraneapolitanaDelle Chiaje, 1841 Not ListedNE
OnuphidaeOnuphispunggolensisTan & Chou, 1998 Not ListedNE
OpheliidaeOphelinaacuminataÖrsted, 1843 Not ListedNE
OweniidaeOweniafusiformisDelle Chiaje, 1841 Not ListedNE
PhascolionidaePhascolion (Isomya)convestitumSluiter, 1902 Not ListedNE
PhascolionidaePhascolion (Phascolion)hibridumMurina, 1981 Not ListedNE
PhascolosomatidaeAntillesomaantillarum(Grube, 1858) Not ListedNE
PhascolosomatidaeApionsoma (Apionsoma)trichocephalusSluiter, 1902 Not ListedNE
PhascolosomatidaePhascolosoma (Phascolosoma)arcuatum(Gray, 1828) Not ListedNE
PhascolosomatidaePhascolosoma (Phascolosoma)nigrescens(Keferstein, 1865) Not ListedNE
PhascolosomatidaePhascolosoma (Phascolosoma)scolops(Selenka & de Man, 1883) Not ListedNE
PhyllodocidaeEteonesiphodonta(Delle Chiaje, 1822) Not ListedNE
PhyllodocidaeEulaliamagalhaensisKinberg (1866) Not ListedNE
PhyllodocidaePhyllodocemadeirensisLangerhans, 1880 Not ListedNE
PilargidaeSigambrapettiboneaeHartmann-Schröder,1979 Not ListedNE
PoecilochaetidaePoecilochaetusserpensAllen, 1904 Not ListedNE
PolynoidaeGaudichaudiuscimex(de Quatrefages, 1866) Not ListedNE
PolynoidaeLepidonotussquamatus(Linnaeus, 1767) Not ListedNE
PolynoidaeParalepidonotusampulliferus(Grube, 1878) Not ListedNE
SabellidaeHypsicomusphaeotaenia(Schmarda, 1861) Not ListedNE
SabellidaePotamillaleptochaetaSouthern, 1921 Not ListedNE
SabellidaePseudopotamillareniformisBruguière, 1789 Not ListedNE
SabellidaeSabellastartespectabilis(Grube, 1878) Not ListedNE
SipunculidaeSiphonosomacumanense(Keferstein, 1867) Not ListedNE
SipunculidaeSipunculus (Sipunculus)nudusLinnaeus, 1766 Not ListedNE
SipunculidaeSipunculus (Sipunculus)robustusKeferstein, 1865 Not ListedNE
SpionidaeMalacocerosindicus(Fauvel, 1928) Not ListedNE
SpionidaePrionospiokomaetiHylleberg & Nateewathana, 1991 Not ListedNE
SpionidaePrionospiomalayensisHylleberg & Nateewathana, 1991 Not ListedNE
SpionidaePrionospiomalmgreniClaparède, 1870 Not ListedNE
SyllidaeHaplosyllisspongicola(Grube, 1855) Not ListedNE
SyllidaeSyllisgracilisGrube, 1840 Not ListedNE
SyllidaeSyllissolidaGrube, 1878 Not ListedNE
TerebellidaeNicoleagracilibranchis(Grube, 1878) Not ListedNE
ThelepodidaeThelepusgracilis(Kinberg, 1855) Not ListedNE
TrichobranchidaeTerebellidesstroemiSars, 1835 Not ListedNE