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The table below lists the conservation statuses of the species in this taxon assessed under the Singapore Red List as published in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB2 and RDB3 respectively).
The information is accurate as at the time of the listing.
You can find more information about these species in Flora & Fauna Web
Category | Abbreviation | Criteria | |
Not Threatened | Least Concern | LC | Not approaching threatened status |
Near-Threatened | NT | Close to becoming threatened or may meet the criteria for threatened status in the near future | |
Threatened | Vulnerable | VU | There are more than 250 but fewer than 1,000 mature individuals, and there may or may not be any other evidence of decline, small range size or fragmentation. |
Endangered | EN | There are fewer than 250 mature individuals and no other evidence of decline or fragmentation. | |
Critically Endangered | CR | There are fewer than 50 mature individuals, OR if more than 50 mature individuals but less than 250, with some evidence of decline or fragmentation. | |
Extirpation & Extinction | Presumed Nationally Extinct | NEx | The species is extinct (extirpated) within Singapore but it still survives outside Singapore. |
Globally Extinct | EX | The species is extinct all over the world, both in the wild and in cultivation | |
Other Categories | Data Deficient | DD | Inadequate information to make an informed assessment |
Not Applicable | NA | Species that are not eligible for assessment at the national level (mainly introduced taxa and vagrants) | |
Not Evaluated | NE | Species that are possibly eligible for assessment but have not yet been evaluated against the criteria | |
Not Listed | NL | Species not listed in the records (in the IUCN Global Red List database, or the first and second edition of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB1 and RDB2) |
Family | Taxon Name | Authority | Common Name | RDB2 | RDB3 |
Erebidae | Achaea janata | Linnaeus,1758 | Castor Semi-Looper | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Achaea serva | Fabricius,1775 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Amata huebneri | Boisduval,1828 | Hubner's Wasp Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Anomis albipunctula | Hampson | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Anomis cupienda | Swinhoe,1903 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Arctornis dorsalineatus | Holloway,1999 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Arctornis egerina | Swinhoe,1893 | Not Listed | NT | |
Lasiocampidae | Arguda rosemariae | Holloway,1987 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Asota caricae | Fabricius,1775 | Tropical Tiger Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Asota plana | Walker,1854 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Asota subsimilis | Walker,1864 | Not Listed | LC | |
Saturniidae | Attacus atlas | Linnaeus,1758 | Atlas Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Avitta bracteola | Holloway,1976 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Avitta guttulosa | Swinhoe,1900 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Avittonia albidentata | Hampson,1926 | Not Listed | NT | |
Noctuidae | Bagada labi | Holloway,1989 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Bamra albicola | Walker,1858 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Bematha extensa | Walker,1865 | Not Listed | LC | |
Cossidae | Bergaris lutescens | Roepke,1957 | Not Listed | NT | |
Noctuidae | Borbotana nivifascia | Walker,1858 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Brontypena ochrocuprea | Pagenstecher,1894 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Brunia antica | Walker,1854 | Not Listed | LC | |
Geometridae | Bulonga schistacearia | Walker,1859 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Calliteara horsfieldii | Saunders,1851 | Horsfield's Tussock Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Noctuidae | Callopistria wallacei | Felder,1874 | Not Listed | VU | |
Limacodidae | Cania striola | Hering,1931 | Not Listed | LC | |
Notodontidae | Cerasana pagenstecheri | Schintlmeister & Lourens,2010 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Chalciope mygdon | Cramer,1777 | Triangular Striped Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Zygaenidae | Chalcosia coliadoides | Walker,1862 | Not Listed | NEx | |
Nolidae | Chloriola gratissima | Walker,1863 | Not Listed | NT | |
Geometridae | Chrysocraspeda argentimacula | Holloway,1997 | Not Listed | NT | |
Geometridae | Chrysocraspeda phlogea | Prout,1938 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Claterna cydonia | Cramer,1775 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Corcobara angulipennis | Moore,1894 | Not Listed | VU | |
Geometridae | Coremecis maculata | Warren,1899 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Creatonotos gangis | Linnaeus,1763 | Baphomet Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Creatonotos transiens | Walker,1855 | Clouded Tiger Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Crithote horridipes | Walker,1864 | Not Listed | LC | |
Crambidae | Culladia hastiferalis | Walker,1865 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Cultripalpa lunulifera | Hampson,1926 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Cultripalpa partita | Guenée,1852 | Not Listed | EN | |
Zygaenidae | Cyclosia inclusus | Walker,1864 | Not Listed | NT | |
Zygaenidae | Cyclosia pieridoides | Herrich-Schäffer,1854 | False Idea Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Cyme reticulata | C. Felder,1861 | Not Listed | LC | |
Sphingidae | Daphnis nerii | Linnaeus,1758 | Oleander Hawkmoth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Dasychira chekiangensis | Collenette,1938 | Zhejiang Tussock Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Diascia hayesi | Holloway,1976 | Not Listed | VU | |
Geometridae | Dysphania subrepleta | Walker,1854 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Egnasides rudmuna | Swinhoe,1905 | Not Listed | LC | |
Sphingidae | Elibia dolichus | Westwood,1847 | Large Banded Hawkmoth | Not Listed | EN |
Sphingidae | Enpinanga borneensis | Butler,1879 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Ercheia pulchrivenula | Gaede,1938 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Erebus ephesperis | Hűbner,1827 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Eressa confinis | Walker,1854 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Eublemma ignefusa | Hampson,1910 | Not Listed | EN | |
Erebidae | Eudocima phalonia | Linnaeus,1763 | Common Fruit-piercing Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Eugnathia diagonalis | Hampson,1910 | Not Listed | NT | |
Crambidae | Eurrhyparodes tricoloralis | Zeller,1852 | Not Listed | LC | |
Sphingidae | Eurypteryx bhaga | Moore,1865 | Not Listed | VU | |
Geometridae | Fascellina viridicosta | Holloway,1993 | Not Listed | NT | |
Eupterotidae | Ganisa plana | Walker,1855 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Gesonia obeditalis | Walker,1859 | Not Listed | LC | |
Bombycidae | Gunda subnotata | Walker,1859 | Not Listed | NEx | |
Erebidae | Hadennia kimae | Holloway,2008 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Hamodes lutea | Walker,1863 | Not Listed | NT | |
Crambidae | Herpetogramma licarsisalis | Walker,1859 | Grass Webworm Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Geometridae | Heteralex rectilineata | Guenée, 1857 | Not Listed | LC | |
Crambidae | Hoplisa xipharesalis | Walker, 1859 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Hulodes caranea | Cramer, 1780 | Not Listed | LC | |
Crambidae | Hydriris ornatalis | Duponchel, 1832 | Ornate Hydriris Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Indiania citrona | Hampson, 1907 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Ischyja anna | Swinhoe, 1902 | Not Listed | NEx | |
Erebidae | Ischyja ferrifracta | Walker, 1864 | Not Listed | VU | |
Geometridae | Krananda semihyalina | Moore, 1868 | Not Listed | LC | |
Cosmopterigidae | Labdia stibogramma | Meyrick, 1924 | Not Listed | VU | |
Crambidae | Lamprosema tampiusalis | Walker, 1859 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Lopharthrum comprimens | Walker, 1858 | Not Listed | EN | |
Erebidae | Lutzugia trigonalis | Kobes, 1983 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Lymantria faircloughi | Holloway, 1999 | Not Listed | NT | |
Uraniidae | Lyssa zampa | Butler, 1869 | Tropical Swallowtail Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Sphingidae | Macroglossum multifascia | Rothschild & Jordan,1903 | Not Listed | NT | |
Geometridae | Maxates magnipuncta | Prout,1916 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Mecodina leucosticta | Hampson,1926 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Metaemene atrigutta | Walker,1862 | Not Listed | LC | |
Crambidae | Metoeca foedalis | Guenée,1854 | Not Listed | LC | |
Geometridae | Microcalicha punctimarginaria | Leech,1897 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Mocis undata | Fabricius,1775 | Brown-striped Semilooper | Not Listed | LC |
Tortricidae | Neocalyptis affinisana | Walker,1863 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Neochera inops | Walker,1854 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Neochera marmorea | Walker,1856 | Not Listed | NEx | |
Geometridae | Nothomiza xanthocolona | Meyrick,1897 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Nyctemera lacticinia | Cramer,1775 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Oeonistis altica | Linnaeus,1768 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Olene mendosa | Hűbner,1823 | Brown Tussock Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Geometridae | Organopoda perorbata | Prout,1937 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Orvasca subnotata | Walker,1865 | Not Listed | LC | |
Notodontidae | Oxoia smaragdiplena | Walker,1862 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Pandesma quenavadi | Guenée,1852 | Not Listed | LC | |
Crambidae | Parapoynx diminutalis | Snellen,1880 | Hydrilla Leafcutter Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Geometridae | Peratophyga xanthyala | Hampson,1896 | Not Listed | NT | |
Crambidae | Peribona venosa | Butler,1889 | Not Listed | VU | |
Tineidae | Phereoeca uterella | Walsingham, 1897 | Household Casebearer | Not Listed | LC |
Gracillariidae | Phyllocnistis nepenthae | Hering,1931 | Pitcher-plant Leaf-miner Moth | EN | DD |
Zygaenidae | Pidorus corculum | Butler,1879 | Not Listed | NEx | |
Erebidae | Pilipectus cyclopis | Hampson,1912 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Pindara illibata | Fabricius,1775 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Platyja sumatrana | Felder,1894 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Plecoptera recta | Pagenstecher,1886 | Not Listed | NT | |
Tortricidae | Polemograptis miltocosma | Meyrick,1910 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Poliofoca gebenna | Swinhoe,1903 | Not Listed | VU | |
Zygaenidae | Pompelon marginata | Guerin,1843 | Not Listed | LC | |
Geometridae | Protuliocnemis helpsi | Holloway,1996 | Not Listed | NT | |
Zygaenidae | Psaphis camadeva | Doubleday,1847 | Not Listed | CR | |
Erebidae | Pseudosphetta fissisigna | Hampson,1926 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Pterocyclophora ridleyi | Hampson,1913 | Not Listed | VU | |
Pterophoridae | Pterophorus lacteipennis | Walker,1864 | Not Listed | LC | |
Nolidae | Ptisciana seminivea | Walker,1865 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Rhesala imparata | Walker,1858 | Not Listed | LC | |
Geometridae | Rhombocentra semipurpurea | Warren,1897 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Rhynchodina molybdota | Hampson,1926 | Not Listed | NT | |
Crambidae | Sameodes cancellalis | Zeller,1852 | Banded Pearl | Not Listed | LC |
Choreutidae | Saptha beryllitis | Meyrick,1910 | Not Listed | LC | |
Choreutidae | Saptha exanthista | Meyrick,1910 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Saroba pansa | Swinhoe,1902 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Schistorhynx lobata | Prout,1925 | Not Listed | NT | |
Geometridae | Scopula divisaria | Christoph,1893 | Not Listed | NT | |
Drepanidae | Scytalopteryx elongata | Snellen,1889 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Somena aurantiacoides | Holloway,1999 | Not Listed | EN | |
Erebidae | Speiredonia mutabilis | Fabricius,1794 | Not Listed | VU | |
Noctuidae | Spodoptera litura | Fabricius,1775 | Oriental Leafworm Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Noctuidae | Spodoptera pecten | Guenée,1852 | Not Listed | LC | |
Crambidae | Spoladea recurvalis | Fabricius,1775 | Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Metarbelidae | Squamura disciplaga | Swinhoe,1901 | Not Listed | EN | |
Erebidae | Stenocarsia sthenoptera | Swinhoe,1895 | Not Listed | NT | |
Lasiocampidae | Suana riemsdyki | Heylaerts,1889 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Sundagrapha tenebrosa | Swinhoe,1902 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Syntomoides imaon | Cramer,1780 | Handmaiden Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Talariga capacior | Walker,1858 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Tamba basiscripta | Walker,1864 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Tamsia hieroglyphica | Swinhoe,1902 | Not Listed | VU | |
Crambidae | Tatobotys varanesalis | Walker,1858 | Striped Mangrove Moth | VU | DD |
Callidulidae | Tetragonus catamitus | Geyer,1832 | Common Butterfly Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Thyas coronata | Fabricius,1775 | Yellow Underwing | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Tiruvaca hollowayi | Kobes,1988 | Not Listed | VU | |
Geometridae | Traminda aventiaria | Guenée,1857 | Cross-line Wave Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Geometridae | Traminda mundissima | Walker,1861 | Not Listed | LC | |
Erebidae | Trigonodes hyppasia | Cramer,1779 | Triangles Moth | Not Listed | LC |
Erebidae | Tropidtamba lepraota | Hampson,1898 | Not Listed | NT | |
Erebidae | Veslema flavifrons | Bucsek,2012 | Not Listed | VU | |
Erebidae | Xanthanomis xanthina | Holloway & Zilli,2005 | Not Listed | NT | |
Nolidae | Xenochroa xanthia | Hampson,1902 | Not Listed | NT | |
Noctuidae | Yepcalphis dilectissima | Walker,1858 | Not Listed | NT |
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