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The table below lists the conservation statuses of the species in this taxon assessed under the Singapore Red List as published in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB2 and RDB3 respectively).

The information is accurate as at the time of the listing.


You can find more information about these species in Flora & Fauna Web

Not ThreatenedLeast ConcernLCNot approaching threatened status
Near-ThreatenedNTClose to becoming threatened or may meet the criteria for threatened status in the near future
ThreatenedVulnerableVUThere are more than 250 but fewer than 1,000 mature individuals, and there may or may not be any other evidence of decline, small range size or fragmentation.
EndangeredENThere are fewer than 250 mature individuals and no other evidence of decline or fragmentation.
Critically EndangeredCRThere are fewer than 50 mature individuals, OR if more than 50 mature individuals but less than 250, with some evidence of decline or fragmentation.
Extirpation & ExtinctionPresumed Nationally ExtinctNExThe species is extinct (extirpated) within Singapore but it still survives outside Singapore.
Globally ExtinctEXThe species is extinct all over the world, both in the wild and in cultivation
Other CategoriesData DeficientDDInadequate information to make an informed assessment
Not ApplicableNASpecies that are not eligible for assessment at the national level (mainly introduced taxa and vagrants)
Not EvaluatedNESpecies that are possibly eligible for assessment but have not yet been evaluated against the criteria
Not ListedNLSpecies not listed in the records (in the IUCN Global Red List database, or the first and second edition of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB1 and RDB2)
FamilyTaxon NameCommon NameRDB2RDB3
AgaricaceaeAgaricus trisulphuratus BerkScaly Tangerine FungusNot ListedLC
AgaricaceaeChlorophyllum molybdites (G. Mey.) MasseeGreen-spored Parasol; False ParasolNot ListedLC
AgaricaceaeClarkeinda trachodes (Berk.) Singer Not ListedVU
AgaricaceaeConiolepiota spongodes (Berk. & Broome) Vellinga Not ListedLC
AgaricaceaeLeucocoprinus fragilissimus (Ravenel ex Berk. & M.A. Curtis) PatFragile DapperlingNot ListedLC
AgaricaceaeTulostoma exasperatum MontSpiny-stalked PuffballNot ListedLC
AmanitaceaeAmanita cinctipes Corner & Bas Not ListedVU
AmanitaceaeAmanita hemibapha subsp. similis (Boedijn) Corner & BasBoedijn's Slender CaesarNot ListedVU
AmanitaceaeAmanita malayensis L.P. Tang, Zhu L. Yang & S.S. LeeMalayan AmanitaNot ListedVU
AmanitaceaeAmanita mira Corner & Bas Not ListedLC
AmanitaceaeAmanita obsita Corner & Bas Not ListedLC
AmanitaceaeAmanita pilosella Corner & Bas Not ListedVU
AmanitaceaeAmanita princeps Corner & Bas Not ListedVU
AmanitaceaeAmanita sculpta Corner & BasSculptured ToadstoolNot ListedCR
AmanitaceaeAmanita sychnopyramis Corner & Bas Not ListedVU
AuriculariaceaeAuricularia mesenterica (Dicks.) PersTripe FungusNot ListedLC
Auriculariales [in.sed]Elmerina sclerodontia (Mont. & Berk.) Miettinen & SpirinRambutan FungusNot ListedLC
BoletaceaeAustroboletus mucosus (Corner) WolfeMucus BoleteNot ListedVU
BoletaceaeBoletellus dissiliens (Corner) Pegler & T.W.K. Young Not ListedCR
BoletaceaeBoletellus emodensis (Berk.) SingerShaggy Cop BoleteNot ListedLC
BoletaceaeFistulinella nana (Massee) E. Horak Not ListedCR
BoletaceaeHeimioporus retisporus (Pat. & C.F. Baker) E. Horak Not ListedVU
BoletaceaeIonosporus longipes (Massee) O. Khmelnitsky, Davoodian, Raspé, S.M.L. Lee Not ListedLC
BoletaceaePseudoaustroboletus valens (Corner) Y.C. Li & Zhu L. YangGhost BoleteNot ListedEN
BoletaceaePulveroboletus frians (Corner) Singer Not ListedCR
BoletaceaePulveroboletus icterinus Berk. & M.A. CurtisChrome-yellow BoleteNot ListedLC
BoletaceaeSpongispora temasekensis G. Wu, S.M.L. Lee, E. Horak & Zhu L. YangSingapore BoleteNot ListedVU
BoletaceaeStrobilomyces velutipes Cooke & MasseeVelvet Old Man of the WoodsNot ListedVU
BoletaceaeTylopilus ballouii (Peck) SingerBurnt-orange BoleteNot ListedVU
BoletaceaeTylopilus cervinicoccineus (Corner) E. Horak Not ListedVU
BoletinellaceaeBoletinellus merulioides (Schwein.) MurrillAsh-tree BoleteNot ListedLC
BondarzewiaceaeStecchericium seriatum (Lloyd) Maas Geest Not ListedVU
CantharellaceaeCantharellus lateritius (Berk.) SingerSmooth ChanterelleNot ListedLC
ConiophoraceaeGyrodontium sacchari (Spreng.) Hjortstam Not ListedLC
DacrymycetaceaeDacryopinax spathularia (Schwein.) G.W. MartinSweet Osmanthus Ear; Fan-shaped Jelly FungusNot ListedLC
DiplocystidiaceaeAstraeus odoratus Phosri, Watling, M.P. Martín & Whalley Not ListedVU
EntolomataceaeEntoloma burkilliae Massee Not ListedLC
EntolomataceaeEntoloma columbinum Corner & E. Horak Not ListedLC
EntolomataceaeEntoloma flavidum (Massee) Corner & E. Horak Not ListedLC
EntolomataceaeEntoloma murrayi (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. & P. Syd Not ListedCR
EntolomataceaeEntoloma purpureum Petch Not ListedDD
FomitopsidaceaeRhodofomitopsis feei (Fr.) B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai Not ListedLC
GanodermataceaeGanoderma boninense Pat Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma ellipsoideum Hapuar., T.C. Wen & K.D. Hyde Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma mastoporum (Lév.) Pat Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma nasalanense Hapuar., Pheng. & K.D. Hyde Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma philippii (Bres. & Henn. ex Sacc.) Bres Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma sichuanense J.D. Zhao & X.Q. Zhang Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma subresinosum (Murrill) C.J. Humphrey Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma tropicum (Jungh.) Bres Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma weberianum (Bres. & Henn. Ex Sacc.) Steyaert Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeGanoderma williamsianum Murrill Not ListedDD
GanodermataceaeSanguinoderma rugosum (Blume & T. Nees) Y.F. Sun, D.H. Costa & B.K. Cui Not ListedLC
GanodermataceaeTomophagus colossus (Fr.) Murrill Not ListedLC
GeastraceaeGeastrum mirabile Mont Not ListedLC
GeoglossaceaeTrichoglossum variabile (E.J. Durand) NannfEarth TongueNot ListedVU
GomphaceaeGloeocantharellus echinosporus Corner Not ListedCR
HydnaceaeCraterellus cf. tubaeformis (Fr.) QuélYellowfoot; Winter Mushroom; Funnel ChanterelleNot ListedDD
HydnaceaeCraterellus cornucopioides var. mediosporus CornerTropical Black TrumpetNot ListedVU
HydnaceaeHydnum elatum Massé Not ListedLC
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe firma (Berk. & Broome) Singer Not ListedLC
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe griseonigricans C.Q. Wang & T.H. Li Not ListedVU
HymenogastraceaeHebeloma parvisporum O.S. Pedersen, Læssøe, Beker & U. Eberh Not ListedVU
HypocreaceaeTrichoderma cornu-damae (Pat.) Z.X. Zhu & W.Y. ZhuangPoison Fire CoralNot ListedLC
HypoxylaceaeDaldinia concentrica (Bolton) Ces. & De NotKing Alfred's CakeNot ListedLC
LycoperdaceaeCalvatia cyathiformis (Bosc) MorganPurple-spored PuffballNot ListedLC
LycoperdaceaeCalvatia holothurioides Rebriev Not ListedLC
LyophyllaceaePraearthromyces corneri D. Stubbe, T.J. Baroni, T.W. Kuyper & van de Peppel Not ListedCR
MarasmiaceaeCrinipellis actinophora (Berk. & Broome) Singer Not ListedVU
MarasmiaceaeCrinipellis brunneipurpurea CornerPurple CrinipellisNot ListedVU
MarasmiaceaeCrinipellis malesiana Kerekes, Desjardin & Vikinesw Not ListedVU
MarasmiaceaeMarasmius elaeocephalus Singer Not ListedLC
MarasmiaceaeMarasmius guyanensis Mont Not ListedLC
MarasmiaceaeMarasmius neotrichotus Niveiro, N.A. Ramírez & Antonín Not ListedVU
MarasmiaceaeMarasmius palmivorus SharplesOil Palm Bunch RotNot ListedLC
MarasmiaceaeMarasmius pellucidus Berk. & Broome Not ListedLC
MarasmiaceaeMarasmius tenuissimus (Sacc.) Singer Not ListedVU
MeripilaceaeRigidoporus microporus (Sw.) Overeem Not ListedLC
MeripilaceaeRigidoporus pendulus Ryvarden Not ListedLC
MeruliaceaeClimacodon dubitativus (Lloyd) Ryvarden Not ListedLC
MycenaceaeMycena chlorophos (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) SaccGreen PepeNot ListedLC
MycenaceaeMycena roseilignicola CornerRosy MycenaNot ListedLC
MycenaceaeFiloboletus manipularis (Berk.) SingerLuminous PorecapNot ListedLC
MycenaceaePanellus luminescens (Corner) Corner Not ListedLC
NidulariaceaeCyathus stercoreus (Schwein.) De ToniDung-loving Bird's Nest FungusNot ListedCR
NidulariaceaeCyathus subglobisporus R.L. Zhao, Desjardin & K.D. HydeCommon Bird's Nest FungusNot ListedLC
OmphalotaceaeNeonothopanus nambi (Speg.) R.H. Petersen & Krisai Not ListedLC
OphiocordycipitaceaeOphiocordyceps sphecocephala (Klotzsch ex Berk.) G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones Not ListedVU
PanaceaePanus ciliatus (Lév.) T.W. May & A.E. Wood Not ListedVU
PanaceaePanus kinabaluensis Corner Not ListedVU
PanaceaePanus lecomtei (Fr.) CornerHairy OysterNot ListedVU
PanaceaePanus natarajanianus Senthil Not ListedVU
PanaceaePanus similis (Berk. & Broome) T.W. May & A.E. Wood Not ListedVU
PanaceaePanus velutinus (Fr.) Sacc Not ListedVU
PhallaceaeLysurus mokusin (L.) FrLantern StinkhornNot ListedLC
PhallaceaeMutinus bambusinus (Zoll.) E. FischBamboo StinkhornNot ListedVU
PhallaceaePhallus atrovolvatus Kreisel & Calonge Not ListedLC
PhallaceaePhallus indusiatus VentBridal Veil Stinkhorn; Bamboo Pith FungusNot ListedLC
PhallaceaePhallus multicolor (Berk. & Broome) Cooke Not ListedLC
PhysalacriaceaeCyptotrama asprata (Berk.) Redhead & GinnsGolden-scruffy CollybiaNot ListedCR
PhysalacriaceaeOudemansiella canarii (Jungh.) HöhnTropical Porcelain FungusNot ListedNE
PhysalacriaceaePhysalacria sulphurea (Corner) Singer Not ListedLC
PleurotaceaePleurotus djamor (Rumph. ex Fr.) BoedijnPink Oyster MushroomNot ListedLC
PleurotaceaePleurotus giganteus (Berk.) Karun. & K.D. Hyde Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeLentinus concentricus Karun., K.D. Hyde & Zhu L. Yang Not ListedVU
PolyporaceaeLentinus polychrous Lév Not ListedVU
PolyporaceaeLentinus sajor-caju (Fr.) FrVegetable-woodNot ListedLC
PolyporaceaeLentinus squarrosulus Mont Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeLentinus tuberregium (Fr.) Fr Not ListedCR
PolyporaceaeCubamyces menziesii (Berk.) Lücking Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeEarliella scabrosa (Pers.) Gilb. & Ryvarden Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeFavolus acervatus (Lloyd) Sotome & T. Hatt Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeFavolus eos (Corner) Zmitr Not ListedCR
PolyporaceaeFunalia aspera (Jungh.) Zmitr. & Malysheva Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeHexagonia apiaria (Pers.) Fr Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeHexagonia tenuis Speg Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeMicroporus affinis (Blume & T. Nees) Kuntze Not ListedLC
PolyporaceaeMicroporus xanthopus (Fr.) KuntzeYellow Stemmed MicroporeNot ListedLC
PolyporaceaePycnoporus sanguineus (L.) MurrillCinnabar BracketNot ListedLC
PolyporaceaeTrametes elegans (Spreng.) FrWhite Maze PolyporeNot ListedLC
PolyporaceaeTruncospora ochroleuca (Berk.) Pilát Not ListedLC
PsathyrellaceaeCoprinellus disseminatus (Pers.) J.E. LangeFairy lnkcapNot ListedLC
PsathyrellaceaeCoprinopsis pachyderma (Bogart) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo Not ListedLC
PsathyrellaceaeLacrymaria malayana S.M.L. Lee & Voto Not ListedLC
PsathyrellaceaeNarcissea cardiaspora (Bender) VotoTicker lnkcapNot ListedLC
PsathyrellaceaeParasola psathyrelloides K.G.G. Ganga & Manim Not ListedLC
PsathyrellaceaePsathyrella floriformis (Hauskn.) Voto Not ListedLC
PyronemataceaeTrichaleurina javanica (Rehm) M. Carbone, Agnello & P. AlvaradoPeanut Butter Cup FungusNot ListedLC
PyronemataceaeScutellinia scutellata (L.) LambotteEyelash FungiNot ListedLC
RussulaceaeLactarius brunneocinnamomeus Paloi, Verbeken & K. AcharyaMilkcapNot ListedLC
RussulaceaeLactarius politus Wisitr. & K.D. HydeMilkcapNot ListedLC
RussulaceaeLactifluus bicolor (Massee) VerbekenMilkcapNot ListedCR
RussulaceaeRussula alboareolata HongoBrittle-gillNot ListedVU
RussulaceaeRussula bellissima Manz & F. HampePink Brittle-gillNot ListedLC
SarcoscyphaceaeCookeina speciosa (Fr.) DennisTropical Elf CupNot ListedVU
SarcoscyphaceaeCookeina tricholoma (Mont.) KuntzeBristly Tropical CupNot ListedEN
SchizophyllaceaeSchizophyllum commune FrSplit-gill FungusNot ListedLC
SclerodermataceaePisolithus albus (Cooke & Massee) Priest Not ListedCR
SclerodermataceaeScleroderma columnare Berk. & BroomeEarthballNot ListedVU
SclerodermataceaeScleroderma leptopodium Pat. & HarEarthballNot ListedVU
SclerodermataceaeScleroderma sinnamariense MontYellow EarthballNot ListedLC
SerpulaceaeSerpula similis (Berk. & Broome) Ginns Not ListedLC
SirobasidiaceaeSirobasidium magnum BoedijnTropical Witches' ButterNot ListedLC
SteeccherinaceaeNigroporus vinosus (Berk.) Murrill Not ListedLC
StereaceaeStereum lobatum (Kunze ex Fr.) Fr Not ListedLC
TremellaceaeTremella fuciformis BerkSnow Fungus; White Jelly Mushroom; Bai mu erNot ListedLC