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Coleoptera - Beetles

The table below lists the conservation statuses of the species in this taxon assessed under the Singapore Red List as published in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB2 and RDB3 respectively).

The information is accurate as at the time of the listing.


You can find more information about these species in Flora & Fauna Web

Not ThreatenedLeast ConcernLCNot approaching threatened status
Near-ThreatenedNTClose to becoming threatened or may meet the criteria for threatened status in the near future
ThreatenedVulnerableVUThere are more than 250 but fewer than 1,000 mature individuals, and there may or may not be any other evidence of decline, small range size or fragmentation.
EndangeredENThere are fewer than 250 mature individuals and no other evidence of decline or fragmentation.
Critically EndangeredCRThere are fewer than 50 mature individuals, OR if more than 50 mature individuals but less than 250, with some evidence of decline or fragmentation.
Extirpation & ExtinctionPresumed Nationally ExtinctNExThe species is extinct (extirpated) within Singapore but it still survives outside Singapore.
Globally ExtinctEXThe species is extinct all over the world, both in the wild and in cultivation
Other CategoriesData DeficientDDInadequate information to make an informed assessment
Not ApplicableNASpecies that are not eligible for assessment at the national level (mainly introduced taxa and vagrants)
Not EvaluatedNESpecies that are possibly eligible for assessment but have not yet been evaluated against the criteria
Not ListedNLSpecies not listed in the records (in the IUCN Global Red List database, or the first and second edition of the Singapore Red Data Book (RDB1 and RDB2)
FamilyGenusSpeciesAuthorityCommon NameRDB2RDB3
CarabidaeAgastusustulatusGestro, 1875 Not ListedNEx
CarabidaeCatascopusbrachypterusChaudoir, 1861 Not ListedNEx
CarabidaeCatascopuscupripennisThomson, 1858 Not ListedNEx
CarabidaeCatascopuspunctipennisSaunders, 1863 Not ListedNEx
CarabidaeChlaeniusacroxanthusChaudoir, 1876 Not ListedNEx
CarabidaeColasidiamalayicaBasilewsky, 1954 Not ListedDD
CarabidaeCryptocephalomorphagavereiRitsema, 1875 Not ListedDD
CarabidaeDistichusdicaelusChaudoir, 1881 Not ListedNEx
CarabidaeEustracsikiiJedlicka, 1968 Not ListedDD
CarabidaeLachnodermatricolorAndrewes, 1926 Not ListedDD
CarabidaeParenanigrolineata(Chaudoir, 1852) Not ListedDD
CarabidaeStenaptinusoccipitalis(Macleay, 1825) Not ListedCR
CicindelidaeHeptodontaanalis(Fabricius, 1801) Not ListedNEx
CicindelidaeHypaethaquadrilineata(Fabricius, 1781) Not ListedNEx
CicindelidaeLophyrafuliginosa(Dejean, 1826) Not ListedVU
CicindelidaeTheratesbatesiiThomson, 1857 Not ListedNEx
CicindelidaeTheratesfleutiauxiHorn, 1898 Not ListedCR
BuprestidaeAnthaxia (Merocratus)mirandaDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeAnthaxia (Merocratus)violaceiventrisDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeAgrilusalbogasterDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeAgrilusamicusDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeAgriluslanciferDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeAgrilusjankaeJendek & Grebennikov, 2019 Not ListedCR
BuprestidaeAgrilustristinusObenberger, 1924 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeAgrilustritoDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeBelionotametasticta(Illiger, 1800) Not ListedDD
BuprestidaeCatoxanthaopulenta(Gory, 1832) Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeChrysobothriscyanescensDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeChrysobothrisnigripennisDeyrolle, 1864 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeChrysochroacastelnaudiiDeyrolle, 1862 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeCoraebuscollarisGory & Laporte, 1839 Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeEndelusbaumiObenberger, 1929  Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeEpideluswallacei(Thomson, 1857) Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeHaplotrinchusviridis(Deyrolle, 1864) Not ListedDD
BuprestidaeMegaloxanthahemixantha(Vollenhoven, 1864) Not ListedNEx
BuprestidaeMegaloxanthapurpurascens(Ritsema, 1879) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeAegoliptonmarginale(Fabricius, 1775) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeAmechananobilisThomson 1864 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeAstathes (Tetraophthalmus)contentiosaPascoe, 1867 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeAstathes (Tetraophthalmus)terminataPascoe, 1857 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeBacchisaalbicornis(Pascoe 1867) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeDorysthenes (Paraphrus)planicollis(Bates, 1878) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeEntelopesglaucaGuérin-Méneville, 1844 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeEpianthefunestaPascoe, 1869 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeEuryphaguslundiiFabricius, 1792 Not ListedCR
CerambycidaeGleneaalgebraicaThomson, 1857 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeGleneacorisPascoe, 1867 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeGleneajunoThomson, 1865 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeGleneamathematica(Thomson, 1857) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeGleneamyrrhisPascoe, 1867 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeGleneamyrsinePascoe, 1867 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeGleneapulchellaPascoe, 1858 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeGlenea (Tanylecta)aegoprepiformisBreuning, 1950 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeHoplocerambyxspinicornis(Newman, 1842) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeNepiodescinnamomeum ritsemai(Lameere, 1912) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeNotomulciber (Micromulciber)sexlineatusBreuning, 1959 Not ListedCR
CerambycidaeObereacomptaPascoe, 1867 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeOcalemiavigilansPascoe, 1858 Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeParacyriothasastesmarmoreus(Pascoe, 1857) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaePseudoparanaspialepturoides(Pascoe, 1869) Not ListedNEx
CerambycidaeRemphanhopeiWaterhouse, 1836 Not ListedNEx
LampyridaeLuciolasingapuraJusoh & Ballantyne, 2021Singapore FireflyNot ListedCR
LampyridaePteroptyxbearniOlivier, 1909The Comtesse’s Bent-winged FireflyNot ListedNEx
LampyridaePteroptyxmalaccaeGorham, 1880 Not ListedCR
LampyridaePteroptyxvalidaOlivier, 1909Non-synchronous Bent-winged FireflyENEN
LampyridaePyrocoeliafumigataGorham, 1880 Not ListedLC
ScarabaeidaeCoprisnumaLansberge, 1886 Not ListedNEx
ScarabaeidaeSisyphusthoracicusSharp, 1875 Not ListedNEx
ScarabaeidaeCatharsiusrenaudpaulianiOchi & Kon, 1996 Not ListedNT
ScarabaeidaeParagymnopleurusmaurus(Sharp, 1875) Not ListedNT
ScarabaeidaeCaccobiusunicornis(Fabricius, 1798) Not ListedDD
ScarabaeidaeOnthophagusdeliensisLansberge, 1885 Not ListedNT
ScarabaeidaeOnthophagustrituber(Wiedemann, 1823) Not ListedLC
ScarabaeidaeOnthophagusvulpesHarold, 1877 Not ListedNEx
ScarabaeidaeChalcosomaatlas(Linnaeus, 1758)Atlas BeetleNot ListedCR
ScarabaeidaeChalcosomachiron(Olivier, 1789) Not ListedNEx
ScarabaeidaeXylotrupesgideon(Linnaeus, 1767)Brown Rhinoceros BeetleNot ListedNT
CoccinellidaeCheilomenessexmaculataFabricius, 1781 Not ListedLC
CoccinellidaeChilocoruscircumdatus(Gyllenhall in Schönherr, 1808)Red ChilocorusNot ListedLC
CoccinellidaeCoelophorabissellataMulsant, 1850 Not ListedDD
CoccinellidaeHenosepilachnaindica(Mulsant, 1850) Not ListedLC
CoccinellidaeHeteronedabillardieriCrotch, 1871 Not ListedDD
CoccinellidaeHarmoniaoctomaculata(Fabricius, 1781) Not ListedVU
CoccinellidaeMegalocariadilatata(Fabricius, 1775) Not ListedVU
LycidaePlaterodrilusruficollis(Pic, 1942)Trilobite LarvaENVU