Lychee A slow-growing evergreen tree that reach a height of between 9-30m. Crown is dense and rounded in shape. Leaves are pinnately compound (10-20cm long) and have smooth, glossy, leathery leaflets (5-7cm long). Flowers are tiny, petal-less, greenish-white to yellow in colour. Fruits are bright red, round (2-3cm across), rough, textured skin. Seed, single, covered in sweet juicy translucent flesh. The Lychee is a native of Southern China and has been widely cultivated for its prized fruits for more than two millennia. The Lychee is a long-lived tree related to the Nephelium lappaceum (Rambutan), Dimocarpus longan (Longan) , Nephelium mutabile (Pulusan) and Nephelium malaiense (Mata Kuching) fruit trees, but it seldom fruits under local conditions. Mount Rosie was a private driveway in the 1800's, leading to grand bungalows, and named after Ms Rosie de Souza, wife of Mr Theodore H Sohst, a wealthy merchant who had lived there. They are still lined with some Lychee including this tree. This Heritage Tree had a girth of 8.1m when measured in Year 2001. Unique ID for Heritage Tree HT 2001-02 Location Found in Mount Rosie Road, opposite House No. 11J Get Directions Heritage Tree Information Scientific name Litchi chinensis Common name Lychee Girth 6.90 m @ 0.8 m height Height 19.2 m