5 Broad-leafed Mahogany
Broad-leafed Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
Family: Meliaceae
The Broad-leafed Mahogany is a large hardwood tree that can grow up to 30m or more. It can be easily recognised by its crown, which is dense dark green and round to oblong in shape.
Its leaves turn from pink to dark green, and become orange-brown to scarlet as they wither. The crown is dark green and its trunk is buttressed, with dark grey scaly bark.
It is the ‘original’ mahogany of the furniture trade, and its timber is regarded as among the best in the world. Its wood is used for making fine furniture and musical instruments.
The most distinctive feature of this tree is its large heavy brown fruit pods. These split into five valves to release flat, winged light-brown seeds.