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NParks calls Expression of Interest for design consultancy for Jurong Lake Gardens Central and East

07 Mar 2016

7 March 2016 — The National Parks Board (NParks) has called for an Expression of Interest (EOI) today, inviting consultants to undertake the concept design for Jurong Lake Gardens (JLG) Central and East. Consultants are also required to develop ideas to integrate these Gardens with the concept design of JLG West and the surroundings. NParks will work closely with the appointed consultant to incorporate the suggestions received during its public engagement exercise last year.

EOI for design consultancy

The 90-hectare JLG, Singapore’s new national gardens in the heartlands, will comprise JLG West (renamed from Jurong Lake Park); JLG Central (consisting of the Chinese and Japanese Gardens); and JLG East (consisting of the promenade fronting the new Science Centre and the northern part of Jurong Lake). The Gardens’ four key design principles are preserving nature & memories, co-creating show gardens, integrating science & nature, and vibrant programming. The consultancy services will be sought for:

  • Ideas to integrate JLG Central and East, and the existing concept design of JLG West and surroundings; and
  • Concept design of JLG Central and East, with the option of a full consultancy for their implementation.

The tender for the consultancy services comprises a two-stage selection process. Interested consultants are required to submit their proposals by 25 April 2016. NParks will evaluate the proposals and shortlist five firms to participate in the second stage of the tender in June 2016. The appointed firm will be announced in end 2016.

Scope of design consultancy services

JLG is envisioned to be a people’s garden, where spaces will be sensitively landscaped and created for families and the community to come together. The consultants are to develop a masterplan to integrate JLG Central and JLG East, and the existing concept design of JLG West and surroundings. It should look into the following components:

  • Accessibility and circulation
  • Active mobility and people mover system
  • Usage, experience and programming
  • Experiential concepts including day and night experience and views
  • Waterfront design strategies
  • Habitats and biodiversity enhancement
  • Smart technology
  • Sustainability framework, design and systems
  • Business proposal

The consultants are to also develop the concept design for JLG Central and JLG East, taking into consideration the history of the site, topography, vegetation, flora and fauna, buildings and structures, waterbody, programmes, and transportation network.

The design for JLG Central will include the two islands where the existing Chinese and Japanese Gardens are presently located. The Gardens will become a place for the community to have the opportunity to showcase their horticultural expertise and creativity through the creation of show gardens.

The design for JLG East will include a 15m wide promenade fronting the new Science Centre and the northern part of Jurong Lake. The new Science Centre located next to Chinese Garden MRT station will be integrated into JLG East, incorporating ideas for seamless connections, green roofs and landscape terraces. The Gardens will also complement the educational programmes of the Science Centre, where the outdoors of the Science Centre can feature science-based play designed around the fields of natural sciences, biodiversity and water sustainability efforts and technologies.

Design considerations

The Gardens’ habitats will be enhanced to demonstrate that urban landscapes can support rich biodiversity, with a focus to create a high-quality, sustainable environment for Singaporeans from all walks of life to enjoy. JLG will be sensitively developed based on the three pillars of sustainable development economic, environmental and social sustainability.

Economic sustainability

As the centrepiece of Lakeside, JLG will be a leisure and recreation destination that complements Jurong Gateway, the commercial hub of the Jurong Lake District. When completed, the Gardens will offer office workers in the vicinity a respite that will cater to their mental well-being. It will provide a green space where the business community can meet and network. JLG will also feature smart technology, and serve as a place for green industries to testbed their products.

Environmental sustainability

JLG is home to unique biodiversity such as native coastal plants, unique birds such as the herons and egrets, and butterflies. The Gardens’ habitats will be enhanced for the conservation of its biodiversity. It will also act as a vital green infrastructure that mitigates urban heat island effect, improves water and air quality. The design will also focus on environmental sustainability through water saving designs, features that minimise energy usage, the use of recycled and renewable materials, and green buildings.

Social sustainability

JLG demonstrates Singapore’s commitment to make quality parks and gardens accessible to all segments of the community. The design of the Gardens will incorporate results of public engagement exercises. In particular, community gardening will take centre stage and show gardens will be designed and set up together with the community. The Gardens will also be a place for vibrant programming to celebrate local and regional cultures. There is vast potential to provide a range of exciting activities and events. 

JLG public engagement exercise in 2015

Last year, NParks actively engaged various segments of JLG stakeholders through a public engagement exercise in April. More than 17,700 suggestions were gathered by the close of the public engagement in May 2015, reflecting strong support for the Gardens’ four key design principles. Common suggestions included preserving the tranquillity of the area, retaining existing nature and biodiversity hotspots, provision of ample basic amenities, accessibility for elderly and the handicapped, affordable food and beverage options, and careful traffic planning to mitigate potential road congestion. The suggestions will be incorporated into the detailed project brief to be given to the shortlisted consultants in the second stage of the tender selection process.

Development of JLG West will commence next month and is scheduled for completion in 2018 while development of JLG Central and JLG East will be progressively completed from 2020 onwards. 

Last updated on 06 April 2021

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