An Insight into the Evolution of a Palm
Commercialism — A Business of Botanic Gardens
Urban Invaders or Dwellers?
Ixora — a popular ornamental of our Garden City
Re-introducing Tigers — Grammatophyllum speciosum
Renaissance of the Fungal Collection
Message from the Director
Around the Gardens
Lord Mayor of London Plants a Tree
Ginger Encounters
New and Exciting
Licuala cordata
What’s Blooming
Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Highlight from the School of Horticulture
National Skills Recognition System (NSRS)
Key Visitors to the Gardens
July – December 2001
From the Archives
Illustrations of Useful Plants of the Southern Region
OBITUARY - John W. Ewart
What is This Plant? – The Herbarium’s Role in Plant Identification
Handkerchief Trees
Colours in the Breeze - Butterflies of the Gardens
Flowers in Heat
Singapore – Revisited
The Giant Platters of the Amazon
Message from the Director
Highlights from the School of Horticulture
4th Skyrise Gardens Exhibition
Around the Gardens
Volunteer Tour for the Public Launched
Au Jardin Les Amis – Friends in the Garden
New and Exciting
Certera manghas
Key Visitors to the Gardens
January – June 2001
From the Archives
Humphrey M. Burkill’s Gift to the Archives
Botanic Gardens for the 21st Century
Lichens in the Gardens – Uninvited but welcome Guest
Visitors to the Flowers
The Herbarium – Dancing to the Tune of BRAHMS
International Registration Authority for Cultivar and Hybrid Names for the Gingers, Curcuma and Hedychium - A New Activity for the Gardens
Message from the CEO
Around the Gardens
New Sculpture donated to the Gardens
The Singapore Orchid Show 2000
New and Exciting
Cyrtosperma merkusii – Swamp Taro
Highlights from the School of Horticulture
"Developing and Managing a Garden City" - Training under the Singapore Technical Assistance Programme for Sustainable Development
Key Visitors to the Gardens
July – December 2000
From the Archives
Rare Books from the Singapore Botanic Gardens Library
Ochrobryum kurzianum, a new ornamental moss introduced from Thailand
Three Uncommon and Exortic Ornamental Ferns and Fern Allies Cultivated in the Gardens
Four Pillars for Tropical Landscapes
Going “Nuts and “Bananas” – My Learning Curve in Pollination
Decorative Limestone Begonias from Sabah
Message from the CEO
Around the Gardens
Music for the Bromeliads
Thread Gently on Grass – Dances of Healing
Highlights from the School of Horticulture
Overseas Visitors to SBG
New and Exciting
The Red Torch Ginger
What's Blooming
Terenna odorata (Buah karang hutan)
Key Visitors to the Gardens
January – June 2000
From the Archives
Painting of Toadstools by Charles de Alwis
Christmas Plants in Singapore
New and Exotic Ornamental Ferns & Fern Allies in the Gardens
Ganoderma Basal Stem Rot – A Fungal Disease of Palms in Singapore
Southeast Asian Orchid Industry in the Next Millennium: Issues and Challenges
Sabah Sallies – Botanical Exploration in Borneo
Message from the CEO
Around the Gardens
Orchid Show
Sculpture Exhibition
Highlights from the School of Horticulture
23rd Convocation cum Inauguration of new Facilities at Tanglin
Park Management Course
Nature Conservation News
A Rare Visitor
New and Exciting
Typhonodorum lindleyanum
What's Blooming
Mr Machado's Palm
Key Visitors to the Gardens
July – December 1999
From the Archives
Stick-insects Destroying Orchids