The Singapore Botanic Gardens Herbarium (international acronym SING) houses a main collection of about 800,000 herbarium specimens, as well as a supporting spirit collection. The Herbarium collections mainly include materials from the Malesian region (Peninsular Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines and New Guinea) and adjacent areas (East Asia, mainland SE Asia, the Southwest Pacific), with the most extensive collections from Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia dating from the 1880s. Out of these, about 10,000 are type specimens.
The Herbarium uses the Botanical Research and Herbarium Management System (BRAHMS) to computerise the plant collection data. To access images of type specimens held in the Herbarium, please click here. The Herbarium sends material on loan and exchange only to recognised botanical institutions (see Index Herbariorum), both locally and abroad.
Botanical Specialists
Current taxonomic and systematic research in the Herbarium focuses on these plant families:
Researcher | Research Speciality |
Ms Lily M.J. CHEN | Cleomaceae, Loranthaceae, Primulaceae and Naturalised flora |
Dr CHEN Junhao | Annonaceae, Magnoliaceae and Rubiaceae |
Dr S K GANESAN | Dipterocarpaceae, Malvaceae (Dombeyoideae) and Anacardiaceae |
Dr HO Boon Chuan | Leguminosae and Bryophytes |
Dr Jana LEONG-ŠKORNIČKOVÁ | Asian Zingiberales and Hanguanaceae |
Ms Serena M.L. LEE | Singapore Macro Fungi |
Dr LOW Yee Wen | Myrtaceae (Syzygium) and Rubiaceae |
Dr Louise NEO | Dilleniaceae and Melastomataceae (Melastoma) |
Dioscoreaceae and Sapotaceae (Madhuca and Palaquium) | |
Dr Michele RODDA | Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae-Periplocoideae, Apocynaceae-Secamonoideae and Urticaceae |
Dr Daniel C. THOMAS | Annonaceae, Begoniaceae and Lauraceae |
Dr WONG Khoon Meng | Gentianaceae, Rubiaceae and the Poaceae-Bambusoideae (bamboos) |
Ms SEAH Wei Wei (Post-graduate studies) | Rubiaceae, Burseraceae, and Calophyllaceae |
Ms CHOO Le Min (Post-graduate studies) | Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) |
Assistance in Plant Identification*
Locally, the Herbarium plays an important advisory role in identifying both wild and cultivated plant species from Singapore.
For information, please contact either
Ms Bazilah Ibrahim, Manager/Herbarium at Bazilah_Mohd_Ibrahim@nparks.gov.sg OR
Ms Serena M.L. LEE, Senior Manager/Herbarium at Serena_Lee@nparks.gov.sg
*Charges apply