Eco-Garden and Eco-Lake

The perfect place for bird-watching and the learning of economically important plants.

Image of the Eco Lake at Eco Garden.

Ethnobotany Garden

Our newest addition (June 2018), the Ethnobotany Garden is located near Eco Lake. It comprises of an outdoor garden showcasing over 300 species of plants that are deeply-seated into traditional cultures of Malay Archipelago, Indochina and South Asia; and a Centre for Ethnobotany.

Foliage Garden

The Foliage Garden is a unique themed attraction which showcases a wide array of ornamental plants as well as an extensive collection of terrestrial and aquatic foliage of varying shapes and textures.

Jacob Ballas Children's Garden

Take your child on an educational trip to Asia’s first Children’s Garden for an exciting time of learning and discovery of the importance of plants in life. 


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