Talks and Workshops for Adults (Sep to Dec 2024)

New Orchid Discoveries: An Introduction to Orchid Hybridisation

Discover how we grow orchid hybrids using the micropropagation process. Get a glimpse of the materials used and how the orchid plantlets are transferred out of the flasks to clay pots. Join us at Burkill Hall to learn more about this. 

Date: Wednesday, 4 September 2024
Date (repeat session 1): Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Date (repeat session 2): Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Time: Drop in anytime from 10.00am – 11.00am
Venue: Burkill Hall, National Orchid Garden
Fee: Admission fees to the National Orchid Garden apply

No registration required. Please click here for more details.

New Growing Gingers for your Kitchen 

The Ginger family Zingiberaceae has various edible plants that are consumed worldwide. There are also gingers that are cultivated as ornamental plants and used in traditional medicine. Rhizomes, leaves and even flowers of some species are edible too. Due to their fragrance and spicy taste, they are popular as spices or flavouring agents. This talk will cover Common Ginger, Turmeric and Cekur. These three ginger species are suitable for beginners and apartment dwellers who prefer growing in pots to accommodate small spaces.

- Plant characteristics
- Light, fertiliser and potting media requirements
- Propagation methods of Common Ginger, Turmeric and Cekur

Date: Saturday, 21 September 2024 
Time: 10.00am – 11.00am
Venue: Centre for Education and Outreach  
Fee: Free

Please click here to register.

Nature’s Minimalists: Air Plants

Tillandsia, or air plants, are admired by plant hobbyists for their beautiful silver-green colour and form.  These epiphytic plants have minimal maintenance requirements and do not need soil to grow. Join us to learn about the characteristics of air plants and their native habitats, as well as how to make them flourish.

- Ecological habitats
- Unique plant characteristics – extreme epiphytism and hair-like structures on leaf surfaces
- Mesic and xeric conditions
- Light, fertiliser and watering requirements
- Propagation methods

Date: Saturday, 5 October 2024
Time: 10.00am – 11.00am  
Venue: Centre for Education and Outreach  
Fee: Free

Please click here to register.

Introduction to Growing Orchids

Keen to do some gardening but not ready to have potted plants at home yet? Try your hands at growing orchids instead! Many tropical orchid species and hybrids are epiphytic. They thrive well without soil. You will bring home your own orchid plant to start your gardening journey.


- What is an Orchid?  
- Diversity of orchids 
- Basic needs of an Orchid 
- Transplanting and propagation methods 
- Caring for your Orchid 
Date: Saturday, 12 October 2024
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Centre for Education and Outreach
Fee: $45.85/- per participant (inclusive of all materials)

Please click here to register.

Herbs and Spices  

Understand more about the herbs and spices commonly used in Asian cooking! This workshop will explore their historical significance, uses as herbal remedies and methods of propagation.  
- Herbs vs spices, what are they?  
- Different types of herbs, spices, and their products found locally 
- Propagation of some common herbs and spices plants 
Date: Saturday, 16 November 2024
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm 
Venue: Centre for Education and Outreach 
Fee: $50.94/- per participant (inclusive of all materials)

Please click here to register. 

Registration & Payment
To e-register for our Scheduled Programmes for Adults (Individuals), please click on the hyperlink located at the respective programmes. The page will be directed to the online registration platform.

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that the closing date of registration for each workshop is ten calendar days prior to the commencement of the programme, or when class is full, whichever is earlier.

Upon successful submission of online registration, registrants will be immediately redirected to the PayPal (PayPal account not required. Platform allows to checkout as guest). To secure a slot, we accept payment via NETS or Debit/Credit card (VISA or Mastercard only). Please ensure that the pop-up blocker is temporarily disabled and your device generating the one-time password (OTP) for payment is ready.

Please note that payment made is not refundable.

In the event the workshops are fully subscribed, you will be placed on our waitlist and will not be directed to PayPal.

Confirmation Email
We require a minimum of 10 participants to confirm a programme. A confirmation email will be sent to you when a programme is confirmed. If you do not hear from us one week prior to commencement of workshop, please contact us. 

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