Race Against Time - Science Behind a Botanic Garden Tour

Date : Saturday, 28 June

Time : 10am - 10.45am

Venue : Visitor Services Counter, Level 1 Botany Centre (Nearest Entrance: Tanglin Gate)

Registration: Required 15-min prior at the Tanglin Visitor Services Desk. Limited slots on a first-come-first-served basis. For ages 9 and above.



This session introduces the research facilities at the Singapore Botanic Gardens such as the Library of Botany & Horticulture, Orchid & Micro-propagation laboratory and the Herbarium.

Highlights of  this 45-minute tour includes a visit to the Herbarium which stores physical records of reference plant materials, some dating as far back as 1790.  In addition, learn about our hybridization programme for orchids, a process introduced back in 1930’s by the then Director, R.E Holttum.

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