Jul 2010, Vol.35

Date Published 01 July 2010
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The jewels, the cheats and the one-day wonders

A spreading alien fern in Singapore Tectaria incise Cavanille

A gift from the rain forest – yams in history, food, sex and medicine

Bamboozled... by Southeast Asia’s bamboos

The re-discovery & conservation of Bulbophyllum singaporeanum

Revisiting the Gardens masterplan

Flower Power – Singapore Garden Festival 2010

Regular Features

Message from the Director

Around the Gardens
International Certificate in Botanic Gardens Management in the
Asia Pacific Region
Watching murals grow!

Ginger and its Allies
Ensete lasiocarpum - The end of the monotypic banana genus Musella

From Taxonomy Corner
Travelling for taxonomy

From Education Outreach
‘Go out and learn’ – Ministry of Education Kindergarten
Conference 2010

Book Review
The Ginger Garden

Research Fellows
Botanical research fellows in the Gardens 2009-2010

What’s Blooming
The bullock’s eyes

Key Visitors to the Gardens
January – June 2010

From the Archives
Century of Ferns

Jan 2010, Vol. 34

Date Published 01 January 2010
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Collecting & conserving Thai Convolvulaceae

Spotlight on research: a PhD project on Convolvulaceae

Sowing the seeds of conservation in an oil palm plantation

Propagation of a very rare orchid, Robiquetia spathulata

150 years of connecting plants and people

Regular Features

Message from the Director

Around the Gardens
Convolvulaceae taxonomic workshop

What’s Blooming
Upside down or right side up? The baobab tree

Ginger and its Allies Spindle gingers – jewels of Singapore’s forests

From Education Outreach
“The Green Sheep” – a first for babies and toddlers at JBCG
International volunteers at the Jacob Baltas Children’s Garden

From Taxonomy Corner
The puzzling bathroom bubbles plant...

Book Review
Gardens of Lanka

Beyond the Gardens
Zingiberaceae symposium in Yunnan
The 3rd South East Asia Botanic Gardens Network (SEABG) Meeting
Two regional meetings on ASEAN biodiversity held in Japan

Staff Publications
Publications by Gardens staff in 2009
H.M. Burkill Research Fellowship

Key Visitors to the Gardens
July – December 2009

From the Archives
Famillies des Plantes, Vols I & II by Michel Adanson (1727-1806) Paris: Chez Vincent, 1763

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