Year of Publication: 1927, Vol. 04 (2&3) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)
Date Published
March 1927
Holttum, R. E.
Some Old Photographs of the Singapore Gardens [Page 47 - 48]
Some Old Photographs of the Singapore Gardens [Page 47 - 48]
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Henderson, M. R.
Additions to the Flora of the Malay Peninsula [Page 48 - 56]
Additions to the Flora of the Malay Peninsula [Page 48 - 56]
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Holttum, R. E.
A New Fern from the Malay Peninsula [Page 56 - 57]
A New Fern from the Malay Peninsula [Page 56 - 57]
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Holttum, R. E.
Notes on Malayan Ferns [Page 57 - 69]
Notes on Malayan Ferns [Page 57 - 69]
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Burkill, I. H.
A Note relating to the History of the Dell in the Gardens [Page 69 - 77]
A Note relating to the History of the Dell in the Gardens [Page 69 - 77]
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Burkill, I. H.
Tulang Daing or Sisik Puyuh Carallia suffruticosa [Page 77 - 78]
Tulang Daing or Sisik Puyuh Carallia suffruticosa [Page 77 - 78]
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Furtado, C. X.
Teratological Notes [Page 78 - 86]
Teratological Notes [Page 78 - 86]
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Burkill, I. H.
Dioscorea tamarisciflora, Pr. and Burk., [Page 86 - 88]
Dioscorea tamarisciflora, Pr. and Burk., [Page 86 - 88]
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Holttum, R. E.
A List of Mosses Collected in the Botanic Gardens, Singapore [Page 88 - 92]
A List of Mosses Collected in the Botanic Gardens, Singapore [Page 88 - 92]
In the previous issue of the Gardens' Bulletin appears a list of all mosses hitherto collected in the Malay Peninsula, prepared by Mr. H. N. Dixon, who has himself determined the majority of the specimens concerned. Our best thanks are due to Mr. Dixon for the very great amount of work which he has put into the preparation of this paper. Before receiving Mr. Dixon's list, I had compiled a list of mosses found in the Singapore Gardens, with such first-hand observations as I had been able to make concerning their habits of growth, as it seemed that few observations of the kind had been recorded. This list is here printed as a supplement to Mr. Dixon's paper. It contains no references to collectors or numbers (these can be found in the complete list) but only names of species and such information as to habit and habitat as I have found on herbarium labels or collected myself. Not having made a critical study of mosses, in many cases I can only speak of the habitats of individual specimens collected by me and identified by Mr. Dixon, but there are a few common species which it is easy to recognise at sight, and of these it is possible to speak with greater certainty. The Gardens present a fairly wide range of habitat for mosses, from the most exposed positions on the ground or on trees to the shade of the rockeries and the Gardens Jungle; but there is no place so moist and shady as much of the natural jungle of the Peninsula. The conditions are on the whole artificial, and this is reflected in the character of the moss flora; the more typical forest species are infrequent or absent. A striking feature of the list, referred to by Mr. Dixon in the introduction to his paper, is the large proportion of species of Syrrhopodon and Calymperes; this is more marked in Singapore than in the north of the Peninsula. In Singapore Island 32 species of the two genera have been found, out of 51 for the whole Peninsula; from the north fewer are recorded, 16 only having been found in Penang (mostly in the Waterfall Gardens or on the hill) which after Singapore is probably the most-collected area. In recent collections I have paid particular attention to these genera, and in searching Penang Gardens it was with difficulty that they could be found, whereas in Singapore they occur on tree trunks in any slightly shaded spot. It is possible that the more seasonal climate of Penang and the north of the Peninsula is not so favourable for these mosses; in Penang a pronounced dry season early in the year is the rule. They are not usually found in dense shade, but in light shade, on tree trunks, and sometimes on rocks or on the ground (according to the species and the conditions). They do not usually grow in full sunlight, except some of the more resistant species, (e.g. S. borneense ; this grows in a close cushion which can retain moisture). During rather dry weather they are often much shrivelled up. It is perhaps their habit of growing in somewhat exposed places, together with inability to withstand severe drought, which causes their restrictions, on the whole, to places with a fairly heavy and evenly distirbuted rainfall, or a continuously high atmospheric humidity.
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In the previous issue of the Gardens' Bulletin appears a list of all mosses hitherto collected in the Malay Peninsula, prepared by Mr. H. N. Dixon, who has himself determined the majority of the specimens concerned. Our best thanks are due to Mr. Dixon for the very great amount of work which he has put into the preparation of this paper. Before receiving Mr. Dixon's list, I had compiled a list of mosses found in the Singapore Gardens, with such first-hand observations as I had been able to make concerning their habits of growth, as it seemed that few observations of the kind had been recorded. This list is here printed as a supplement to Mr. Dixon's paper. It contains no references to collectors or numbers (these can be found in the complete list) but only names of species and such information as to habit and habitat as I have found on herbarium labels or collected myself. Not having made a critical study of mosses, in many cases I can only speak of the habitats of individual specimens collected by me and identified by Mr. Dixon, but there are a few common species which it is easy to recognise at sight, and of these it is possible to speak with greater certainty. The Gardens present a fairly wide range of habitat for mosses, from the most exposed positions on the ground or on trees to the shade of the rockeries and the Gardens Jungle; but there is no place so moist and shady as much of the natural jungle of the Peninsula. The conditions are on the whole artificial, and this is reflected in the character of the moss flora; the more typical forest species are infrequent or absent. A striking feature of the list, referred to by Mr. Dixon in the introduction to his paper, is the large proportion of species of Syrrhopodon and Calymperes; this is more marked in Singapore than in the north of the Peninsula. In Singapore Island 32 species of the two genera have been found, out of 51 for the whole Peninsula; from the north fewer are recorded, 16 only having been found in Penang (mostly in the Waterfall Gardens or on the hill) which after Singapore is probably the most-collected area. In recent collections I have paid particular attention to these genera, and in searching Penang Gardens it was with difficulty that they could be found, whereas in Singapore they occur on tree trunks in any slightly shaded spot. It is possible that the more seasonal climate of Penang and the north of the Peninsula is not so favourable for these mosses; in Penang a pronounced dry season early in the year is the rule. They are not usually found in dense shade, but in light shade, on tree trunks, and sometimes on rocks or on the ground (according to the species and the conditions). They do not usually grow in full sunlight, except some of the more resistant species, (e.g. S. borneense ; this grows in a close cushion which can retain moisture). During rather dry weather they are often much shrivelled up. It is perhaps their habit of growing in somewhat exposed places, together with inability to withstand severe drought, which causes their restrictions, on the whole, to places with a fairly heavy and evenly distirbuted rainfall, or a continuously high atmospheric humidity.
Henderson, M. R.
Addition to the list of Fraser Hill Plants [Page 92 - 105]
Addition to the list of Fraser Hill Plants [Page 92 - 105]
This list is intended to supplement the enumeration of Fraser Hill plants published by Burkill and Holttum in this Bulletin, Vol. III, pp. 33-110. The material from which it is compiled was obtained by a native collector working under the writer's supervision in August 1923, and by Mr. R. E. Holttum in the following month. A few plants from the collections of Messrs. Burkill and Holttum have been added, where these have been determined since the publication of the original list. All the plants, except where otherwise noted, were collected between the 3800 and 4200 feet contours.
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This list is intended to supplement the enumeration of Fraser Hill plants published by Burkill and Holttum in this Bulletin, Vol. III, pp. 33-110. The material from which it is compiled was obtained by a native collector working under the writer's supervision in August 1923, and by Mr. R. E. Holttum in the following month. A few plants from the collections of Messrs. Burkill and Holttum have been added, where these have been determined since the publication of the original list. All the plants, except where otherwise noted, were collected between the 3800 and 4200 feet contours.

Year of Publication: 1927, Vol. 04 (4&5) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)
Date Published
August 1927
Burkill. I. H.
Botanical Collectors, Collections and Collecting Places in the Malay Peninsula [Page 113 - 202]
Botanical Collectors, Collections and Collecting Places in the Malay Peninsula [Page 113 - 202]
Mr. Ridley's Flora of the Malay Peninsula, south of 7N. Lat. having being published and in regard to the higher plants the taxonomic foundation having been prepared thereby, it is appropriate that stock be taken at once of the knowledge that we possess upon the distribution of plants within the Peninsula.. Towards that objective the following report is a first step. It brings out no scientific conclusions; but it indicates as concisely as possible in what measure the parts of the Peninsula have been botanised. A traveller touching at Penang will find it in the names of all who have collected plants in that island, and where their collections lie. The resident - let us say at Ipoh, but any name will serve - will obtain an estimate of how much remains to be done in the collecting of information within his circle. The administrator, who has power to direct collecting, will feel guided as to the way in which he can most profitably dispose his resources. The student, examining the herbaria which exist, will find in it a vade-mecum for the interpretation of too-often inadequate labels. The report is in three parts- (1) the collectors - an alphabetical list of all whose names are known to occur upon the labels of Malayan herbarium specimens, embodying sufficient biographical information for our purpose; (2) the collections, under which head the whole Peninsula is considered by squares of a half-degree of latitude and longitude - 71 of them - and the work done in each set down; and (3) the collecting places, an index to the places-names which occur on the labels in herbaria, and at the same time an index to part 2. There are two maps in the report. Upon the first the squares are all marked. These squares explain themselves, except that 1a has been stretched a little to the west that all the Butang islands may be got into it; and square ok has been stretched a little to the east that Pulau Aor and the islets near it may be included. A complete square of level land has a surface of about 1,225 square miles, a large area for our purpose, but to deal with subdivisions proves impossible. Of the 71, 28 alone have the full complement of land: the rest are all in part of sea. The first map carries a figure in each square, the figure being the number of plants of the orders contained in the first volume of Mr. Ridley's Flora, which can be proved to occur within each square. Add all the figures together and the total of 9,410 is obtained : but by reason of double and treble records for squares, the data compressed into the map by a vey long way exceed the figure, and have been laborius to collect. That is why a halt has had to be called at the end of examination of the first volume, but the data on the data map do really suffice for the estimation of our knowledge in the form of a very approximate percentage. The second map graphically indicates the percentages arrived at. The lowness of these percentages as a whole is surprising. They read us a warning against hasty conclusions: they tell us how little we know; and that the square of Mount Ophir carries a figure so low as 12 and the square of Gunong Tahan one so low as 18 , is material for consideration. One more remark. The three Settlements, - Penang, Malacca and Singapore have received considerable attention, and a list of the places in them where at plants have been collected would be long and extend Part 3 much; but to make one has not seemed necessary, for collectors' labels in regard to them have rarely proved misleading. Village names from these three Settlements, therefore, will only for special reasons + to be found in the list. Good maps on a large scale are to be had and meet the rest of the need. It is evident that orderly work can be based on the report. In concluding these introductory remarks, Mr. Ridley, Colonel Kelsall, Dr. Gimlette and Dr. Foxworthy must be thanked for the kind way in which they supplied information.
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Mr. Ridley's Flora of the Malay Peninsula, south of 7N. Lat. having being published and in regard to the higher plants the taxonomic foundation having been prepared thereby, it is appropriate that stock be taken at once of the knowledge that we possess upon the distribution of plants within the Peninsula.. Towards that objective the following report is a first step. It brings out no scientific conclusions; but it indicates as concisely as possible in what measure the parts of the Peninsula have been botanised. A traveller touching at Penang will find it in the names of all who have collected plants in that island, and where their collections lie. The resident - let us say at Ipoh, but any name will serve - will obtain an estimate of how much remains to be done in the collecting of information within his circle. The administrator, who has power to direct collecting, will feel guided as to the way in which he can most profitably dispose his resources. The student, examining the herbaria which exist, will find in it a vade-mecum for the interpretation of too-often inadequate labels. The report is in three parts- (1) the collectors - an alphabetical list of all whose names are known to occur upon the labels of Malayan herbarium specimens, embodying sufficient biographical information for our purpose; (2) the collections, under which head the whole Peninsula is considered by squares of a half-degree of latitude and longitude - 71 of them - and the work done in each set down; and (3) the collecting places, an index to the places-names which occur on the labels in herbaria, and at the same time an index to part 2. There are two maps in the report. Upon the first the squares are all marked. These squares explain themselves, except that 1a has been stretched a little to the west that all the Butang islands may be got into it; and square ok has been stretched a little to the east that Pulau Aor and the islets near it may be included. A complete square of level land has a surface of about 1,225 square miles, a large area for our purpose, but to deal with subdivisions proves impossible. Of the 71, 28 alone have the full complement of land: the rest are all in part of sea. The first map carries a figure in each square, the figure being the number of plants of the orders contained in the first volume of Mr. Ridley's Flora, which can be proved to occur within each square. Add all the figures together and the total of 9,410 is obtained : but by reason of double and treble records for squares, the data compressed into the map by a vey long way exceed the figure, and have been laborius to collect. That is why a halt has had to be called at the end of examination of the first volume, but the data on the data map do really suffice for the estimation of our knowledge in the form of a very approximate percentage. The second map graphically indicates the percentages arrived at. The lowness of these percentages as a whole is surprising. They read us a warning against hasty conclusions: they tell us how little we know; and that the square of Mount Ophir carries a figure so low as 12 and the square of Gunong Tahan one so low as 18 , is material for consideration. One more remark. The three Settlements, - Penang, Malacca and Singapore have received considerable attention, and a list of the places in them where at plants have been collected would be long and extend Part 3 much; but to make one has not seemed necessary, for collectors' labels in regard to them have rarely proved misleading. Village names from these three Settlements, therefore, will only for special reasons + to be found in the list. Good maps on a large scale are to be had and meet the rest of the need. It is evident that orderly work can be based on the report. In concluding these introductory remarks, Mr. Ridley, Colonel Kelsall, Dr. Gimlette and Dr. Foxworthy must be thanked for the kind way in which they supplied information.
The Palms of British India and Ceylon [Page 203 - 204]
The Palms of British India and Ceylon [Page 203 - 204]
The volume published under the above title by the Oxford University Press comes from the able pen of Father E. Blatter. Having lived for many years in India he has had exceptional opportunities to study both indigenous and introduced species of the Palm family. This, coupled with a keen interest in the subject, has resulted in the production of a book, useful alike to the botanist and the layman. Much useful information is contained in the volume, well supported by numerous photographs and figures which are a very great help for identification purposes. The introduction contains much useful information (i) in regard to the Geographic Distribution of Palmae generally, (ii) a short history of the exploration of the Palm flora in India together with a detailed account of its distribution and (iii) a general description of Palms couched in popular language.
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The volume published under the above title by the Oxford University Press comes from the able pen of Father E. Blatter. Having lived for many years in India he has had exceptional opportunities to study both indigenous and introduced species of the Palm family. This, coupled with a keen interest in the subject, has resulted in the production of a book, useful alike to the botanist and the layman. Much useful information is contained in the volume, well supported by numerous photographs and figures which are a very great help for identification purposes. The introduction contains much useful information (i) in regard to the Geographic Distribution of Palmae generally, (ii) a short history of the exploration of the Palm flora in India together with a detailed account of its distribution and (iii) a general description of Palms couched in popular language.