Year of Publication: 1912, Vol. 01 (5) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)
Date Published
May 1912
Anderson, J. W.
The Eucalyptus [Page 145 - 150]
The Eucalyptus [Page 145 - 150]
From time to time a considerable number of leters appear in the local papers commenting on the desirability of planting varieties of the Eucalyptus as suitable roadside trees, and also, on account of their supposed value in purifying localities where severe drought fevers are prevalent. We have received many letters asking for advice on the same subjects, and in order to give a general answer to all such correspondents, I shall endeavour to outline the success which has attended the efforts of this Department, to introduce any of the Eucalyptus family.
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From time to time a considerable number of leters appear in the local papers commenting on the desirability of planting varieties of the Eucalyptus as suitable roadside trees, and also, on account of their supposed value in purifying localities where severe drought fevers are prevalent. We have received many letters asking for advice on the same subjects, and in order to give a general answer to all such correspondents, I shall endeavour to outline the success which has attended the efforts of this Department, to introduce any of the Eucalyptus family.
Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, April, 1912
A Saccharine Constiutent of Para Rubber [Page 150 - 152]
A Saccharine Constiutent of Para Rubber [Page 150 - 152]
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Para Rubber in St. Lucia [Page 152 - 153]
Para Rubber in St. Lucia [Page 152 - 153]
Report on the Botanic Station and Experiment Plots, St. Lucia, 1910 - 11.
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Report on the Botanic Station and Experiment Plots, St. Lucia, 1910 - 11.
Rubber in the Seychelles [Page 153 - 154]
Rubber in the Seychelles [Page 153 - 154]
The following extracts are taken from the Report of the Curator (M. Dupont) on the Botanic Station, Seychelles, for 1911.
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The following extracts are taken from the Report of the Curator (M. Dupont) on the Botanic Station, Seychelles, for 1911.
A New Coconut Pest [Page 155 - 157]
A New Coconut Pest [Page 155 - 157]
Yet another pest of the Coconut has been discovered in the Philippines and from all accounts it will prove a serious menace to plantations in the Colony and Federated Malay States unless sufficient precautions are taken immediately. So far, it seems to be restricted to certain areas in the Philippines, and the Department of Agriculture are fully aware of the danger arising from this insect, and we may be sure that they will use every means in their power, to prevent its spreading throughout the Philippines and ultimately to the Straits Settlements. It has been considered advisable to prohibit the importation of palms, etc., from the Philippines. We reprint the description, etc., of this pest as it has appeared in The Philippine Agricultural Review, together with the copy of the ordinance as it appeared in the S. S. Gazette, May 31st, 1912.
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Yet another pest of the Coconut has been discovered in the Philippines and from all accounts it will prove a serious menace to plantations in the Colony and Federated Malay States unless sufficient precautions are taken immediately. So far, it seems to be restricted to certain areas in the Philippines, and the Department of Agriculture are fully aware of the danger arising from this insect, and we may be sure that they will use every means in their power, to prevent its spreading throughout the Philippines and ultimately to the Straits Settlements. It has been considered advisable to prohibit the importation of palms, etc., from the Philippines. We reprint the description, etc., of this pest as it has appeared in The Philippine Agricultural Review, together with the copy of the ordinance as it appeared in the S. S. Gazette, May 31st, 1912.
Anderson, J. W.
The Castor Plant [Page 157 - 159]
The Castor Plant [Page 157 - 159]
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Times of Ceylon, 6th. June, 1912
Mr. H. A. Wickham coming out to Ceylon with a Curing Machine [Page 159]
Mr. H. A. Wickham coming out to Ceylon with a Curing Machine [Page 159]
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Clearing with Explosives [Page 160 - 162]
Clearing with Explosives [Page 160 - 162]
H. B. Faviell, Bonville, in the Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, May 2, 1912.
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H. B. Faviell, Bonville, in the Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, May 2, 1912.
Market Report
Market Report [Page 163 - 166]
Market Report [Page 163 - 166]
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Year of Publication: 1912, Vol. 01 (4) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)
Date Published
April 1912
Derry, R.
Notes for a Demonstration Concerning the Improvements in, or relating to, the Curing of Para Rubber [Page 81 - 91]
Notes for a Demonstration Concerning the Improvements in, or relating to, the Curing of Para Rubber [Page 81 - 91]
This invention relates to improvements in the curing of Para Rubber and refers more particularly to apparatus for coagulating and curing the latex of Para Rubber known as Hevea braziliensis.
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This invention relates to improvements in the curing of Para Rubber and refers more particularly to apparatus for coagulating and curing the latex of Para Rubber known as Hevea braziliensis.
Market Report
Market Report [Page 92 - 93]
Market Report [Page 92 - 93]
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Meteorological Readings
Meteorological Readings [Page 94 - 106]
Meteorological Readings [Page 94 - 106]
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Minutes of Meeting
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya [Page 107 - 136]
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya [Page 107 - 136]
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No abstract.
Skinner, E. B.
Planters' Association of Malaya. Fifth Annual Report for the year ending 31st. March, 1912 [Page 137 - 140]
Planters' Association of Malaya. Fifth Annual Report for the year ending 31st. March, 1912 [Page 137 - 140]
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Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting of April, 1912 [Page 141 - 142]
Annual Meeting of April, 1912 [Page 141 - 142]
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Year of Publication: 1912, Vol. 01 (3) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)
Date Published
March 1912
Derry, R.
The Third International Rubber Exhibition [Page 43 - 45]
The Third International Rubber Exhibition [Page 43 - 45]
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Derry, R.
Ipecacuanha (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) [Page 45 - 47]
Ipecacuanha (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) [Page 45 - 47]
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Derry, R.
Calabar Bean (Physostigma venenosum) [Page 47 - 48]
Calabar Bean (Physostigma venenosum) [Page 47 - 48]
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Derry, R.
Coccaine (Erythroxylon coca) [Page 48]
Coccaine (Erythroxylon coca) [Page 48]
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The Production of Cocaine in Peru [Page 48 - 49]
The Production of Cocaine in Peru [Page 48 - 49]
This subject receives atttention in a recent number of The Engineer, in an article which is reproduced in Peru To-day for September 1911: In introducing the article, the latter publication points out the importance of the cocaine industry in Peru; this is shown by the circumstance that the value of the annual production of the drug is 2,500,000 pounds. A great part of this is exported, while most of the rest is consumed by the native Indians.
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This subject receives atttention in a recent number of The Engineer, in an article which is reproduced in Peru To-day for September 1911: In introducing the article, the latter publication points out the importance of the cocaine industry in Peru; this is shown by the circumstance that the value of the annual production of the drug is 2,500,000 pounds. A great part of this is exported, while most of the rest is consumed by the native Indians.
Derry, R.
Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria) [Page 50]
Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria) [Page 50]
The following paper read before the Ceylon Agricultural Society on the possibility of producing natural Indigo to compete with the synthetic dye is of a special interest for its latent possibilities.
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The following paper read before the Ceylon Agricultural Society on the possibility of producing natural Indigo to compete with the synthetic dye is of a special interest for its latent possibilities.
Ceylon Observer, March 7, 1912.
Ceylon as an Indigo Country [Page 50 - 55]
Ceylon as an Indigo Country [Page 50 - 55]
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Anderson, J. W.
Pruning [Page 55 - 57]
Pruning [Page 55 - 57]
Pruning consists in removing any part of a tree, either stem, branches or root with a view to repressing its growth in one direction, and directing the course of sap towards other parts of the tree or shrub, etc, which are better situated and constituted for performing the natural functions.
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Pruning consists in removing any part of a tree, either stem, branches or root with a view to repressing its growth in one direction, and directing the course of sap towards other parts of the tree or shrub, etc, which are better situated and constituted for performing the natural functions.
Smith, Staniforth
In Unknown Papua. Mr. Staniforth Smith's Tour. London, Feb.16 [Page 57 - 66]
In Unknown Papua. Mr. Staniforth Smith's Tour. London, Feb.16 [Page 57 - 66]
Mr. Staniforth Smith, Administrator of the Territory of Papua, lectured this week before the Royal Geographical Society on his recent adventurous journey through the Western District of Papua. Here are some notable results of his adventures which prove that the terra incognita consisting of huge up-raised coral beds has a larger area of elevated land than any other discovered in the territory.
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Mr. Staniforth Smith, Administrator of the Territory of Papua, lectured this week before the Royal Geographical Society on his recent adventurous journey through the Western District of Papua. Here are some notable results of his adventures which prove that the terra incognita consisting of huge up-raised coral beds has a larger area of elevated land than any other discovered in the territory.
Market Report
Market Report [Page 67 - 78]
Market Report [Page 67 - 78]
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Year of Publication: 1912, Vol. 01 (1) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)
Date Published
February 1912
Anderson, Jas. W.
Index [Page 1 - 66]
Index [Page 1 - 66]
As the Bulletin contain much material of interest to Planters and Horticulturists in general, I have endeavored to form as complete an index as possible by including each article under its special heading. This has been a matter of extreme difficulty as many articles had no titles so that in many cases one article may be found in one of two or three headings.
Many of our readers may be interested in some special subject and may not want to purchase a complete volume to obtain the necessary literature, so that I have given the Volume, the Month and page in nearly every case. Should they desire some particular article, it would now only be necessary to write to the Botanic Gardens giving the Volume and Month (by the way, enclosing the cost of same).
As the Bulletin has been edited largely for the help of Planters in general, I have also endeavored to keep all the articles on Para Rubber by themselves. This method should greatly facilitate the reference to articles required by Plants which have appeared in the Bulletins.
I trust this has not been a labour in vain and that it will supply a long felt want.
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As the Bulletin contain much material of interest to Planters and Horticulturists in general, I have endeavored to form as complete an index as possible by including each article under its special heading. This has been a matter of extreme difficulty as many articles had no titles so that in many cases one article may be found in one of two or three headings.
Many of our readers may be interested in some special subject and may not want to purchase a complete volume to obtain the necessary literature, so that I have given the Volume, the Month and page in nearly every case. Should they desire some particular article, it would now only be necessary to write to the Botanic Gardens giving the Volume and Month (by the way, enclosing the cost of same).
As the Bulletin has been edited largely for the help of Planters in general, I have also endeavored to keep all the articles on Para Rubber by themselves. This method should greatly facilitate the reference to articles required by Plants which have appeared in the Bulletins.
I trust this has not been a labour in vain and that it will supply a long felt want.

Year of Publication: 1912, Vol. 01 (2) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)
Date Published
February 1912
Spring, F. G.
Vitality of Rubber Seeds [Page 1 - 4]
Vitality of Rubber Seeds [Page 1 - 4]
Seeds of Hevea braziliensis do not retain their vitality for a long peiod and the consequent difficulty of forwarding them successfully to distant countries is well known. This year several hundred thousand Para seeds from tapped trees were packed in Venesta chests with charcoal and forwarded to Trinidad. The results obtained were far from satisfactory although the seeds were most carefully selected and packed. There is no doubt that seeds picked immediately on falling, and carefully packed, give the best results. If they are allowed to be on the ground, or if badly packed, a smaller percentage of germination will be obtained. It must be borne in mind however, that no matter how the packing has been done, the vitality of Para seeds cannot be retained for any length of time if they are not gathered immediately. The seeds must not be packed too many in a box, otherwise fermentation starts and the whole mass heats and loses its vitality; the packing material must be just sufficiently moist to prevent the seeds from drying out and not moist enough to encourage the growth of moulds and bacteria. For the same reason the packing must be fairly tight and yet not quite air-tight. Small boxes seem better than larger cases. Experiments have been carried out as mentioned in a previous article at the suggestion of the Director of Agriculture to compare the germination power of seeds from tapped and untapped trees (Expt. 1.) and to see if by coating the surfaces of the seeds with various substances (Expt. 11.) the germinating power could be retained for a longer period. The tapped and untapped trees selected for the experiments are 12 years old ; the first mentioned have been tapped for the past 2 years, the seeds were collected fresh each morning and treated as mentioned in the following list.
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Seeds of Hevea braziliensis do not retain their vitality for a long peiod and the consequent difficulty of forwarding them successfully to distant countries is well known. This year several hundred thousand Para seeds from tapped trees were packed in Venesta chests with charcoal and forwarded to Trinidad. The results obtained were far from satisfactory although the seeds were most carefully selected and packed. There is no doubt that seeds picked immediately on falling, and carefully packed, give the best results. If they are allowed to be on the ground, or if badly packed, a smaller percentage of germination will be obtained. It must be borne in mind however, that no matter how the packing has been done, the vitality of Para seeds cannot be retained for any length of time if they are not gathered immediately. The seeds must not be packed too many in a box, otherwise fermentation starts and the whole mass heats and loses its vitality; the packing material must be just sufficiently moist to prevent the seeds from drying out and not moist enough to encourage the growth of moulds and bacteria. For the same reason the packing must be fairly tight and yet not quite air-tight. Small boxes seem better than larger cases. Experiments have been carried out as mentioned in a previous article at the suggestion of the Director of Agriculture to compare the germination power of seeds from tapped and untapped trees (Expt. 1.) and to see if by coating the surfaces of the seeds with various substances (Expt. 11.) the germinating power could be retained for a longer period. The tapped and untapped trees selected for the experiments are 12 years old ; the first mentioned have been tapped for the past 2 years, the seeds were collected fresh each morning and treated as mentioned in the following list.
J. M. H. and Derry, R.
Gogo Vine (Entada scandens, Benth) [Page 4 - 5]
Gogo Vine (Entada scandens, Benth) [Page 4 - 5]
In the "Board of Trade Journal," September 14th. last , reference is made to samples of "soap bark," the prepared bark of the Gogo Vine recently received from H. M. Consul at Manila, with the information that the material is suitable for the manufacture of soap and hair-washes.
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In the "Board of Trade Journal," September 14th. last , reference is made to samples of "soap bark," the prepared bark of the Gogo Vine recently received from H. M. Consul at Manila, with the information that the material is suitable for the manufacture of soap and hair-washes.
Factories on Plantations ( The Selection of a Site ) [Page 5 - 8]
Factories on Plantations ( The Selection of a Site ) [Page 5 - 8]
The selection of a suitable factory site requires, in some countries, considerable thought. On hilly estates, it is customary to select some area as low, while as central as possible. This generally enables the manager to economise in transport and sometimes to use water power. On such properties, site which are swampy, liable to flood, or unhealthy, should be avoided. It is often much cheaper to select a site at some altitude, and pump water up to the factory, than to choose a place convenient only for water and transport. In considering the site in relation to transport, it should be borne in mind that carrying the latex - which may contain more than 50 per cent of water - to the factory is more expensive than subsequent transport of dry rubber to the nearest cart road. The selection of a site is also partly determined by the accessibility of the area for passengers and cart traffic, proximity to a good, clean supply of water, exposure to wind, and the character of the subsoil. One difficulty frequently experienced, especially when artificial heating apparatus is not employed, is that of getting a good supply of cool air through the building. This defect is often due to the site not being at a sufficient altitude and to the building being closely surrounded by forest trees of the Hevea type. (Extracted from India Rubber Journal)
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The selection of a suitable factory site requires, in some countries, considerable thought. On hilly estates, it is customary to select some area as low, while as central as possible. This generally enables the manager to economise in transport and sometimes to use water power. On such properties, site which are swampy, liable to flood, or unhealthy, should be avoided. It is often much cheaper to select a site at some altitude, and pump water up to the factory, than to choose a place convenient only for water and transport. In considering the site in relation to transport, it should be borne in mind that carrying the latex - which may contain more than 50 per cent of water - to the factory is more expensive than subsequent transport of dry rubber to the nearest cart road. The selection of a site is also partly determined by the accessibility of the area for passengers and cart traffic, proximity to a good, clean supply of water, exposure to wind, and the character of the subsoil. One difficulty frequently experienced, especially when artificial heating apparatus is not employed, is that of getting a good supply of cool air through the building. This defect is often due to the site not being at a sufficient altitude and to the building being closely surrounded by forest trees of the Hevea type. (Extracted from India Rubber Journal)
Potatoes and Jerusalem Artichokes for Pigs [Page 8 - 11]
Potatoes and Jerusalem Artichokes for Pigs [Page 8 - 11]
"In his valuable work on "Pigs and their Management," Mr. H. W. Potts, Principal of the Hawkesbury College and Experiment Farm, Richmond, New South Wales, gives a chapter on "Crops for Pigs." Amongst the roots and tubers he considers Jerusalem artichokes as a most valuable food. Why this crop has been so much neglected by Queensland pigbreeders is hard to understand, seeing that its cultivation is simple and the yield of tubers considerable.
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"In his valuable work on "Pigs and their Management," Mr. H. W. Potts, Principal of the Hawkesbury College and Experiment Farm, Richmond, New South Wales, gives a chapter on "Crops for Pigs." Amongst the roots and tubers he considers Jerusalem artichokes as a most valuable food. Why this crop has been so much neglected by Queensland pigbreeders is hard to understand, seeing that its cultivation is simple and the yield of tubers considerable.
Anderson, J. W.
Jerusalem Artichoke [Page 11]
Jerusalem Artichoke [Page 11]
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Anderson, J. W.
Horticultural Notes [Page 12 - 12]
Horticultural Notes [Page 12 - 12]
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Market Report
Market Report [Page 13 - 22]
Market Report [Page 13 - 22]
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