Year of Publication: 1916, Vol. 01 (10) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)

Date Published 10 July 1916
Burkill, I. H.
Locusts in Malacca July 1914 to October 1915 [Page 335 - 349]
On July 3rd, 1914, one of us (I. H. B.) was sent to Malacca to enquire into the locust problem ; and on August 15th, 1914, the other (P. C. C.-B.) was appointed Special Assistant for Locust Destruction in Malacca, and went into residence there. We continued to work together until the commencement of November 1915 ; and we here repoprt on the work done.

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Year of Publication: 1915, Vol. 01 (09) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)

Date Published 01 August 1915
Preparation of Yams for the Table [Page 304 - 305]
Europeans in the East do not know, how to cook yams: therefore the following recipes are reproduced from one of the publications of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the British West Indies.
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Burkill, I. H.
Three Lepidoptera which attack Dioscoreas in Singapore [Page 308 - 310]
In the course of two years observations on Dioscoreas in Singapore the caterpillars of three lepidoptera have attracted attention. There are: Theretra nessus, Moore, Loxura atymnus, Horsf. And Tagiades gana, Butl. The second in the most injurious.
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Burkill, I. H.
Fragments of Malayan Geographic Botany.  No. 1. Enumeration of Pahang plants collected by the late A. M. Burn Murdoch [Page 310 - 318]
On a journey of inspection down the Pahang river in June, 1913, the late Mr. A. M. Burn Murdoch, took with him a collector from the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, and obtained the species here enumerated. The collecting began near Temerloh, which is 75 miles in a straight line from the coast, and was continued down the tortuous course of the river to its mouth, whence again northwards, it was carried up the coast to Balok. Nos. 151 - 179 came for Temerloh and its neighbourhood. Nos. 180 - 192 came from places on the first 60 miles of this river's course below Temerloh. Nos. 193 - 200, and 301 -311 came from the neighbourhood of the Chenik river where is a forest reserve. Nos. 312 - 332 were collected below the Chenik river, chiefly about Kwala Pahang. Near Kuantan, Balok and Beserah were collected Nos. 201 - 204 and Nos. 333 - 350. There is a paper by Mr. H. N. Ridley on the flora of this part of the Peninsula in the Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 2nd. Series, Botany, iii., pp. 267-408, enumerating very many more plants than are here recorded; but nevertheless Mr. Burn Murdoch's bundles add much information towards a knowledge of the distribution of plants in the Peninsula. There is a further brief notice of the flora of the lower part of the Pahang river in the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, part 25 (1894) pp. 33-37. Mr. Ridley has kindly described the novelties of the collection in the Journal of Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, No.. 68 (1915), pp. 12-14. Here after each name an indication is given of the dispersal which that plant has in the Peninsula: and unfortunately the scantiness of our knowledge of the flora of the Eastern side is made evident in it.
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Burkill, I. H.
Orchid Notes [Page 318 - 320]
So little is known of the botany of eastern Johore that it is of interest to record the receipt from Mr. St. V. B. Down, of the following three orchids collected by him on the Sedili river near Dohol :- Eria vestita, Lindl., Eria velutina, Lindl., 30 feet above the river on a Lagerstroemia indica, associated with Drynaria.  Dendrobium Serra, Lindl..

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Burkill, I. H.
The Singapore Prickly-Pear [Page 320 - 321]
The prickly pear which may be seen near the coast about Tanjong Katong, on various roofs in Singapore town, sometimes in Chinese gardens and often in pots in Chinese houses, is Opuntia monacantha, Haw., and not Opuntia Dillenii, Haw., as recorded.

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Borrowings from New Books
Borrowings from New Books [Page 329 - 333]
Culture et Exploitation du Caoutchouc au Bresil, by O. Labroy and V. Cayla, Paris, 1913, pp. 1 - 233.
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Year of Publication: 1915, Vol. 01 (08) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)

Date Published 22 June 1915
Burkill, I. H.
The Treatment to which the Para Rubber Trees of the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, have been Subjected [Page 247 - 295]
An attempt is being made in the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, to mark down among the old trees the best that they may serve as parents for improved stock. The work of selection will cover many years, and be in some degree tedious; but there is every reason to expect that it will prove worth all the time that may be absorbed. Hevea brasiliensis, the Para-rubber tree, in Malaya, shows much variability, and therefore a promise that the general average of the trees can be raised; and moreover not only do we observe the variability here with our own eyes; but we have the assurance of Monsieur Labroy and others that in Brazil great variability can be seen. The work in hand commences with the comparison of tree with tree as judged by the amount of latex given. Were our trees all virgin, this comparison would be facilitated ; but they have been subjected to treatment in various ways; and though we do not know as yet, what the effect of tapping is on the life and functions of a rubber-tree, it becomes necessary that in the task before us the past of the selected parents should be known.  With this object in view the following record has been compiled from all available sources.

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Year of Publication: 1914, Vol. 01 (07) (The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements)

Date Published 20 June 1914
Selection of Rubber Seed [Page 212 - 213]
Extracted from Bulletin de l'Association des Planteurs de Caoutchouc, v, 1913, page 305.
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Burkill, I. H.
The Positions of the Agricultural Industries in the Straits Settlements in 1913 [Page 213 - 235]
In arranging the following statements, the first place is given to the territory of Malacca, because in it Para Rubber - the premier crop of the Malay Peninsula - is more developed than elsewhere.
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Kenari Seeds [Page 237 - 239]
The following correspondence is printed for the record:- Imperial Institute, London, S.W., 16th October, 1913.
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