Year of Publication: 2002, Vol. 54 (02)

Date Published 20 December 2002
Gideon, O.G..
Coprosma bougainvilleensis (Rubiaceae), a new species from Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea [Page 165 - 170]
With the description of a new species, C. bougainvilleensis Gideon, from Bougainville, the genus Coprosma (Rubiaceae) is reported for the first time from the Solomons.  The species is described and illustrated.  Infrageneric relationships and biogeography are briefly discussed.

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Hay, A and C. Herscovitch
Two remarkable new West Malesian Homalomena (Araceae) species [Page 171 - 178]
Two very distinctive new species of Homalomena Schott (Araceae-Homalomenaee are described from Sumatera (H. elegantula A. Hay & Herscovitch) and Borneo (H. expedita A. Hay & Herscovitch). Both are illustrated.

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Kloet, S.F. Vander
Re-examination of Vaccinium dialypetalum (Ericaceae) [Page 179 - 183]
Morphological re-examination of Vaccinium dialypetalum sensu lato supports the view that it includes three distinct taxa: V. dialypetalum J.J.Sm., V micrantha (Ridl.) Vander Kloet and V. perakensis (Ridl.) Vander Kloet, all first described by Ridley under Agapetes but transferred by Sleumer to Vaccinium. Keys and descriptions are provided to distinguish the three taxa and new combinations are made for two taxa.

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Mabberley, D.J.
Limau hantu and limau purut: the story of lime-leaves {Citrus hystrix DC, Rutaceae) [Page 185 - 197]
Limau purut {Citrus hystrix DC), cultivated throughout SE Asia, appears to be a selected form of the wild limau hantu (C. macroptera Montr., i.e. C. auraria Michel), though its earliest scientific name may be C fusca Lour. Complete synonymy with types is presented in a provisional arrangement of 'wild' plants and cultivars.  Suggestions for further work on C. hystrix and its relations with other cultivated citrus are made.  X Citroncirus is formally reduced to Citrus and a new name proposed for the citrange root-stock, Citrus x insitorum Mabb. A diagram of the relationships through hybridity of cultivated citrus is presented.

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Rustiami, H.
Two new species of Daemonorops (Palmae) from Sumatra. [Page 199 - 204]
Two new species of Daemonorops (Palmae) from Sumatra are described and illustrated, D. dransfieldii Rustiami from Batang Palupuh, Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra and D. acehensis from Takengon, Aceh.

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Kiew, R.
Mangifera odorata (Anacardiaceae) is a hybrid [Page 205 - 206]
Mangifera x odorata Griff, (pro sp.) is confirmed as a hybrid between M. foetida Lour, x M. indica L.

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Ashton, P. S.
Taxonomic notes on the tree flora of Brunei: 1 [Page 207 - 216]
As a precursor to The Field Guide to the Trees of Brunei Darussalam, the following taxonomic changes and novelties are presented: Gluta wallichii (Hook.f.) Ding Hou subsp. lafrankiei P.S.Ashton subsp. nov. and Pasishia coriacea P.S..Ashton. sp. nov. (Anacardiaceae); Canarium latistipulatmn Ridley subsp. mitiis P.S.Ashton subsp. nov.and Dacryodes patentinervia (Leenh.) P.S.Ashton. stat. nov. (Burseraceae): Hopea rugifolia P.S.Ashton, sp. nov. and Vatica patentinervia P.S.Ashton sp. nov. (Dipterocarpaceae).

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Lee, C. C.
The identity of Swietenia alternifolia (Mill.) Steud. ('Meliaceae') [Page 257- 261]
Nepenthes platychila Chi.C. Lee, a new species from the Hose Mountains in central Sarawak, Borneo, is described and illustrated.

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Chung, R.C.K.
Nepenthes platychila (Nepenthaceae), a new species of pitcher plant from Sarawak, Borneo [Page 263- 286]
Leaf epidermal morphology of 5 species of Grewia L. and 32 species of Microcos L. (including) their type species) were examined. Grewia and Microcos both have glandular and nonglandular trichomes. Trichome characters alone cannot be used for delimiting Grewia from Microcos or for distinguishing species within each genus.  Five epidermal characters were useful for distinguishing the two genera in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo. Grewia species differ from Microcos species in having radiating cuticular striation of epidermal / subsidiary cells, predominantly anomocytic stomata, stomata elliptic to broadly elliptic in outline with  mean length 18.6-22.9 um and average length-width (L/W) ratios of 1.2-1.4.  Microcos species were characterised by the absence of radiating cuticular striation of epidermal subsidiary cells (except in M. tomentosa), predominantly paracytic and anisocytic stomata, stomata broadly elliptic to oblate in outline with mean length 12-16.4 um and average L/W ratios of 0.9-1.1.

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Vermeulen, J.J.
Updates on sections of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) revised in Vermeulen (1993) [Page 287- 288]
Some errors and omissions in the revision of Bulbophyllum, sections Macrouris and Uncifera (Vermeulen, 1993), are addressed.

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Year of Publication: 2002, Vol. 54 (01)

Date Published 31 July 2002
Vermeulen, J.J.
A taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceac) 2: Sections Altisceptrum and Hirtula [Page 1 - 151]
Bulbophyllum sect. Altisceptrum and sect. Hirtula (Orchidaceae) are revised. Both sections are distributed in South and east Asia, and Malesia.  The two sections together include 49 species and 1 subspecies. The investigations leading to this paper yielded 25 new species.  Many of these have been described in precursors to this revision, eight are described here as new: B. sororculum. B. lanuginosum. B. grotianum. B. scaphiforme. B. comberipictum, B. ochthodes, B. debrincatiae, and B. pilosum. All species (except one) are illustrated.

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Vermeulen, J.J.
Bulbophyllum praetervisum J.J. Verm. (Orchidaceae). An overlooked species close to B. macranthum Lindl.. [Page 153 - 154]
Bulbophyllum praetervisum sp. nov. is described, a species very similar in general aspect to Bulbophyllum macrantum Lindl., but differing in the shape of the column and the lip.

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Year of Publication: 2001, Vol. 53 (1&2)

Date Published 31 July 2001
Argent, G.
Contributions to the flora of Mount Jaya VI. A new banana species, Musa johnsii (Musaceae) from New Guinea [Page 1 - 7]
A new species of banana, Musa johnsii Argent, is described and illustrated from Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), Indonesian New Guinea, and its possible position in the genus is discussed.

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Bastmeijer, J.D. and R. Kiew
A new Cryptocoryne hybrid (Araceae) from the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore [Page 9 - 17]
A Cryptocoryne from the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, identified for many years as C. griffithii  Schott, is recognised to be a new hybrid species: Cryptocoryne x timahensis Bastmeijer.  It is difficult to accurately determine its parents, but good candidates are C. nurii Furtado and C. cordata Griff., both native to Johore, Peninsular Malaysia.

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Boyce, P.C.
The genus Rhapidophora Hassk. (Araceae-Monsteroideae-Monstereae) in Borneo [Page 19 - 74]
An alpha-taxonomic account of Bornean Rhaphidophora is presented as a precursor to the forthcoming Flora Malesiana Araceae treatment. Thirteen species are recognised, none novel. Rhaphidophora elliptica Ridl. 1905 {non 1908 = R. elliptifolia Merr.) and R. megaspema Engl. treated respectively as synonyms of R. montana (Blume) Schott and R. puberula Engl. by Boyce (1999), are resurrected as Bornean endemics. New synonyms are: Scindapsis havilandii Ridl., Rhaphidophora jaculiformis Alderw., R. subfalcata M. Hotta into R. megasperma, and R. nigrescens Ridl. into R. sylvestris (Blume) Engl. A dichotomous key to species is provided. All species are illustrated.

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Boyce, P.C.
The genus Rhaphidophora Hassk. (Araceae-Monsteroideae-Monstereae) in New Guinea, Australia and the tropical Western Pacific [Page 75 - 183]
An alpha-taxonomic account of Rhaphidophora in New Guinea, Australia and the tropical western Pacific is presented as a precursor to the forthcoming Flora Malesiana Araceae treatment. Thirty species are recognised, of which 12 (R. cravenschoddeana, R. cryptantha, R. fortis, R. gorokensis, R. guamensis, R. intonsa, R. intrusa, R.jubata, R kokodensis, R mima, R. pilosa and R. waria) are novel. Twenty new synonomies are made: R. hollrungii and R. iboensis = R australasica; R. pallidivenia = R. conica; R. oreophila = R. discolor; R. wentii = R. geniculata; R. nutans = R. microspadix; R. buergersii, R. confeta. R. drepanophylla, R. obliquata and R. peekelii = R. schlechteri; R. apiculata; R. engleri [syn. R. palauensis Engl. & K. Krause (1921) non Koidz. (1916), R. forbesii, R.kanehirae and R. palauensis Koidz. (1916) = R. spathacea; R. graeffei and R. reineckei = R. spuria; R. ledermannii = R. versteegii. One species {R. dahlii Engl.) is treated as doubtful. A dichotomous key to species is provided. All species are illustrated.

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Jong, K. and G. Argent
Cytology of two new species of Musa (Musaceae) from Borneo and their sectional relationship. [Page 185 - 189]
Cytological observations were made on two recently described new Bornean species of Musa L., M. monticola and M. suratii both have 2n = 20. Taxonomic and biogeographic implications are discussed.

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Khaw, S.H.
The genus Etlingera (Zingiberaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia including a new species [Page 191 - 239]
Etlingera pieeae Khaw from the Temenggor Forest Reserve in Perak. Peninsular Malaysia, is described as a new species. Including this new species, there are 12 Etlingera species in Peninsular Malaysia for which a key and descriptions are provided

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Kiew, R.
The limestone Begonias of Sabah, Borneo - flagship species for conservation [Page 241 - 286]
The 18 Begonia (Begoniaceae) species now known from limestone and associated substrates in Sabah, Malaysia, are listed and a key provided for their identification. Twelve are described as new species: Begonia anthonyi Kiew, B. baturongensis Kiew. B. berhamanii Kiew, B. diwolii Kiew, B. heliostrophe Kiew, B. keena Kiew, B. lambii, B. layang-layang Kiew, B. madaiensis Kiew, B. melikopia Kiew, B. punbatuensis Kiew and B. urunensis Kiew that belongs to sect. Diploclinium (lindl.) A.D.C.. reasons for placing are given.  Begonia is the most speciose genus on limestone in Sabah.  Of the 18 species, only one , B. gueritziana, is widespread and also found on non-limestone substrates.  Of the others, 12 species are known from single limestone hills and 5 are from hills within the same area.  Habitat disturbance, which increases the risk of fire, therefore poses the greatest threat to the conservation of these species.

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Kiew, R.
Begonia conipila Irmsch. ex Kiew (Begoniaceae) from the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia [Page 287 - 289]
Irmscher's name, Begonia conipila, is validated for the striking species that grows on the Melinau limestone in Sarawak, Borneo.

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Ng, F.S.P.
New species, varieties and reductions in Diospyros (Ebenaceae) in Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia including Peninsular Thailand [Page 291 - 313]
In the genus Diospyros, seven new species (D. beccarioides Ng, D. brainii Ng, D. crockerensis Ng, D. keningauensis Ng. D. Iunduensis Ng. D. multinervis Ng and D. parabuxifolia Ng) and six new varieties (D. curranii Merr. var. kalimantanensis Ng; D. ferruginescens Bakh. var. rufotomentosa Ng; D. lanceifolia Roxb. var. iliaspaiei Ng, var. renageorgei Ng, var. saliciformis Ng: D. penibukanensis Bakh. var. scalarinervis Ng) are described. Thirty species or varieties are reduced to synonymy.

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Tan, B.C. and E. H. Mandia
Nevv and noteworthy records of mosses from Mindoro, the Philippines, and their biogeographical implication [Page 315 - 322]
A recent, small collection of mosses from Mt. Halcon, Mindoro Island, the Philippines, has yielded two new records for the country {Rhacocarpus alpinus (Wright) Par. and Dicranoloma daymannianum Bartr.) and eight new records for the island. Relevant ecological, morphological and biogeographical notes for the 15 species collected are provided.

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Turner, I. M.
New combinations of Malesian Myricaceae [Page 323 - 325]
In line with recent opinion favouring the splitting of the genus Myrica L. sensu lato, new combinations in Morella Lour. {Morella esculenta (Buch.-Ham.) I.M. Turner and M. javinica (Blume) I.M. Turner) are provided for the two Malesian species of Myricaceae.

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Wong, C, R. Kiew, A. Lamb, Ohn Set, S. K. Lee, L. H. Gan and Y. Y. Gan
Sectional placement of three Bornean species of Musa (Musaceae) based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) [Page 327 - 341]
The traditional approach to the classification of Musa species (Musaceae) is the separation into four sections {Musa, Rhodochlamys, Callimusa and Australimusa) based on chromosome number and morphological characters. The sectional placing of Musa beccarii N.W Simmonds is still unresolved due to its unique chromosome number. The sections of two new species from Sabah, Malaysia, M. monticola (Hotta ex) Argent and M. suratii Argent, were also undetermined. This study employs Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) as a molecular tool to determine the sectional placement of these three species within Musa. Eight primer combinations generated 17 genetic markers, which confirmed and M monticola in sect. Australimusa, while results show M. suratii falling between sect. Callimusa and sect Australimusa suggesting that the two sections can no longer be maintained as distinct.

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Yii P.C. and P.P.K. Chai
New combinations, new names and new species of Madhuca (Sapotaceae) from Sabah and Sarawak, Borneo. [Page 343 - 356]
Five new species of Madhuca, M. engkikiana, M. markleeana, M. multinervia, M. ochracea. and M. silamensis, are described and two new combinations, M. daemonica and M. prolixa, and two new names, M. cheongiana and M. kuchingensis, are proposed as a consequence of the reduction of Ganua to Madhuca.

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Year of Publication: 2000, Vol. 52 (02)

Date Published 29 December 2000
Boyce, P.C.
The genus Rhaphidophora Hassk. (Araceae-Monsteroideae-Monstereae) in the Philippines [Page 213 - 256]
An alpha-taxanomic account of Rhaphodophora Hassk. in the Philippine Islands is presented as a precursor to the forthcoming Flora Malesiana Araceae treatment. Eleven species are recognised, of which Rhaphidophora cretosa is newly described and R banosensis is proposed as a nomen novum for R. stenophylla Elmer non K. Krause. R. bulusanensis is reduced to the synonymy of R. monticola, R.rigida is merged with R. philippinensis and R. lagunensis is synonymised with R. acuminata. A dichotomous key to species is provided. All species are illustrated.

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Zhu, H.
A new species of Lasianthus (Rubiaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia [Page 257 - 259]
A new species of Lasianthus Jack (Rubiaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia, named as Lasianthus malaiense H. Zhu, is described.

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Salma, I.
The significance of pollen morphology in the taxonomy of the genus Durio (Bombacaceae). [Page 261 - 271]
The pollen grains of 20 Durio species and 5 clones of D. zibethinus were studied. Based on the exine sculpture of the pollen, the Durio species can be divided into three major groups, i.e. psilate, scabrate and verrucate. However, variation in the exine sculpture is also exhibited in D. zibethiniis, D. malaceensis and D. singaporensis. In addition, pollen size and wall thickness provide useful taxonomic evidence in distinguishing certain species. Pollen characters, however, could be used as supplementary characters in the identification of Durio species.

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Vermeulen, J.J.
Carr's spirit collection of Kinabalu orchids recovered, with some notes on Bulhophyllum species present in this collection [Page 273 - 284]
In 1933. C.E. Carr assembled a large collection of orchids from Gunung Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. The herbarium specimens were duly processed and distributed, but the matching alcohol samples remained inaccessible until recently. Now, these samples have also been processed and are available for examination in the Singapore Botanic Gardens Herbarium. The material of the genus Bulbophyllum was studied; it yielded three new species and two new records for the Kinabalu area. These are described and annotated.

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O'Byrne, P. and J.J. Vermeulen
Notheria diaphana gen. nov., sp. nov. (Orchidaceae), a gem from Sulawesi. [Page 285 - 288]
Notheria, gen. nov. (Orchidaceae. Eriinae), is described, with N. diaphana, sp. nov., as type species. On account of similarity, it is assumed to be closely related to both Eria Lindl., and Ceratostylis Blume; however Notheria differs from both in having a footless column and a lip with a distinct spur. The genus is endemic to Sulawesi (Indonesia).

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Vermeulen, J.J. and L.G. Saw
Bulbophyllum sect. Hirtula (Orchidaceae): a new species and a new record for Peninsular Malaysia [Page 289 - 292]
Bulbophyllum setuliferum sp. nov. (sect. Hirtula) from Peninsular Malaysia is described. Bulbophyllum atratum J.J, Smith, of the same section, until now known only from Sumatra, is a new record for Peninsular Malaysia.

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Year of Publication: 2000, Vol. 52 (01)

Date Published 31 August 2000
Mabberley, D.J.
A tropical botanist finally vindicated [Page 1 - 4]
Proof of the existence of the note of authority from Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, to the Japanese, commending E.J.H. Corner to help conserve the Singapore Museum and Botanic Gardens has come to light.

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Adema, F.
Notes on Malesian Fabaceae (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae). 6. The rare genus Burkilliodendron [Page 5 - 10]
Comprehensive descriptions of the rare Malaysian genus Burkilliodendron Sastry and its single species B. album (Ridl.) Sastry are outlined and its relationship to Fordia discussed.

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Slik, J.W.F., Priyono and P.C. van Welzen
Key to the Macaranga Thou, and Mallotus Lour, species (Euphorbiaceace) of East Kalimantan, Indonesia [Page 11 - 88]
A key to all Macaranga (27 taxa) and Mallotus (19 taxa) species known to occur in East Kalimantan (Indonesia) is provided in this paper.  The key is mainly based on vegetative characters proven useful in the field. Some reproductive characters are included if identification is otherwise impossible. The taxa are described briefly by their diagnostic characters.  Drawings are provided for most of the treated species.

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Boyce, P.C, and J. Bogner
An account of neotenic species of Rhaphidophora Hassk. (Araceae-Monsteroideae-Monstereae) in New Guinea and Australia [Page 89 - 100]
An account of the neotenic Rhaphidophora Hassk. species in New Guinea and Australia is presented as a precursor to the Flora Malesiana and Flora of Australia accounts. Three species, two (R.hayi, and R. okapensis) new to science, are described, together with a brief discussion of neoteny in monsteroid aroids. A key is provided. All species are illustrated.

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Boyce, P.C.
The genus Rhaphidophora Hassk. (Araceae-Monsteroideae-Monstereae) in the southern and western Indonesian Archipelago. [Page 101 - 183]
An alpha-taxonomic account of Rhaphidophora in Sumatera, Java, Nusa Tenggara. Sulawesi and Maluku is presented as a precursor to the forthcoming Flora Malesiana Araceae treatment. Twenty four species are recognized, of which five (R. araea P.C. Boyce, R. balgooyi P.C.Boyce, R. floresensis P.C.Boyce, R. sabit  P.C. Boyce and R. ustulata P.C. Boyce) are newly described. One new synonomy {R. scaberula Alderw. into R. puberula Engl.) is made.  In addition, R. moluccensis Engl. & K. Krause is treated as doubtful. Eight informal morpho-taxonomic units ('Group') are proposed and compared. A dichotomous key to species is provided and 21 species are illustrated.

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Nguyen, T.H. and R. Kiew
New and interesting plants from. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. [Page 185 - 202]
Six new species are described from Ha Long Bay, Vietnam: Chirita halongensis Kiew & T.H. Nguyen, C. hiepii Kiew, C. modesta Kiew & T.H. Nguyen (Gesneriaceae), Impatiens halongensis Kiew & T.H. Nguyen (Balsaminaceae), Livistona halongensis T.H. Nguyen, Kiew (Palmae) and Paraboea halongensis Kiew & T. H. Nguyen ((Gesneriaceae). In addition, notes on habit and habitat for Chirita drakei B.L. Burtt, C. gemella D. Wood and C. hamosa R. Br. are provided.

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Argent, G.
Two interesting wild Musa species (Musaceae) from Sabah, Malaysia [Page 203 - 210]
Two new species of Musa are described and illustrated.  M. suratii is described from Sabah with an additional locality in Sarawak. M. monticola Hotta ex Argent is known only from the two montane localities in Sabah, Mt. Kinal and the Sinsuron Road in the Crocker Range.

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Nguyen, Q.B. and M. Newman
A new species of Alpinia (Zingiberaceae) from Vietnam [Page 211 - 212]
Alpinia calcicola Q.B. Nguyen & M.F. Newman, a new species of subsect. Alpinia from Ha Long Bay,Vietnam. is described.

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