Year of Publication: 2011, Vol. 62 (2)

Date Published March 2011
R. Cámara-Leret and J.F. Veldkamp
A remarkable new Medinilla (Melastomataceae) from Celebes (Sulawesi), Indonesia [Page 213 -222]
A new species of Medinilla (Melastomataceae) from Celebes, Indonesia, is described. It is a terrestrial shrub or treelet with specialised leafless inflorescence-bearing, many-branched branches at the base of the boles. It is clearly distinct in habit, branch-, leaf-, flower- and fruit morphology from the few other species that are reported to have this type of flowering.

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W.L. Goh, S. Chandran, K. Kamiya and K.M. Wong
A natural hybrid between Dendrocalamus pendulus and Gigantochloa scortechinii (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) in Peninsular Malaysia [Page 223 - 228]
A natural inter-generic bamboo hybrid between Dendrocalamus pendulus and Gigantochloa scortechinii is reported for Peninsular Malaysia. The hybrid has some morphological characteristics of each parent but also shows intermediacy between the parents. We demonstrate the hybridisation using the partial Granule-Bound Starch Synthase
(GBSS) I gene sequence. The nothogenus × Gigantocalamus K.M. Wong and nothospecies × Gigantocalamus malpenensis K.M.Wong are proposed for the hybrid. We suggest that chloroplast introgression could have occurred among the parental taxa or their ancestors and that the significance of introgressive hybridisation in the complex taxonomic relationships of woody tropical bamboos in SE Asian Bambuseae has not been fully appreciated.

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Mark Hughes and Deden Girmansyah
A revision of Begonia sect. Sphenanthera (Hassk.) Warb. (Begoniaceae) from Sumatra [Page 239 - 252]
Begonia sect. Sphenanthera is characterised by robust herbs with fleshy fruits. Three species are recognised from Sumatra (Begonia longifolia Blume, B. multangula Blume and B. scottii Tebbitt) and three names have been reduced to synonyms (B. sarcocarpa Ridl. and B. turbinata Ridl. = B. longifolia Blume and B. trigonocarpa Ridl. = B. multangula Blume). All species are considered to belong to the IUCN category Least Concern as they have wide distributions within Sumatra and are known from several localities.

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R. Kiew and C.L. Lim
Names and new combinations for Peninsular Malaysian species of Codonoboea Ridl.(Gesneriaceae) [Page 253 - 276]
Five species are reinstated in Codonoboea Ridl. and new combinations are made for 74 species that occur in Peninsular Malaysia that were formerly included in Henckelia Spreng. Codonoboea albina (Ridl.) Kiew is reinstated at specific rank and var. winkleri (Ridl.) Kiew as a variety of C. malayana (Ridl.) Kiew. Lectotypes are designated where appropriate.

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Kiaw Kiaw Ng, P.C. Boyce and S. Othman
Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia II: An historical and taxonomic review of the genus Homalomena (excluding Chamaecladon) [Page 277 - 290]
An historical and taxonomic review of Homalomena (excluding species assigned to the Chamaecladon Supergroup sensu Boyce & Wong) for Peninsular Malaysia is presented. Five species are recognised of which one, H. truncata (Schott) Hook.f. represents a new species record for the Peninsula. Keys to the Peninsular Malaysian Supergroups and species, and a taxonomic conspectus, are provided. Three species are illustrated from living plants, and H. wallichii from the type specimen. An historical and taxonomic review of Homalomena (excluding species assigned to the Chamaecladon Supergroup sensu Boyce & Wong) for Peninsular Malaysia is presented. Five species are recognised of which one, H. truncata (Schott) Hook.f. represents a new species record for the Peninsula. Keys to the Peninsular Malaysian Supergroups and species, and a taxonomic conspectus, are provided. Three species are illustrated from living plants, and H. wallichii from the type specimen.

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V.D. Nguyen and P.C. Boyce
Pycnospatha (Araceae: Lasioideae), a new generic record for the flora of Cambodia and Vietnam [Page 291 - 296]
Pycnospatha arietina Gagnep. (Araceae–Lasioideae) is recorded as a new species and genus record for Cambodia and Vietnam. An updated species description and a key to both species of Pycnospatha are provided. The Cambodian plant is figured.

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C. Rattamanee, S. Sungkaew and Y. Paisooksantivatana
Additional notes on Maclurochloa montana (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in Thailand [Page 297 - 300]
The bamboo genus, Maclurochloa K.M.Wong, hitherto known by a single species from Peninsular Malaysia, M. montana (Ridl.) K.M.Wong, is here recorded with certainty for Thailand. Additional details of morphology based on Thai specimens and illustrations are provided.

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J.F. Veldkamp
The nomenclature of Uvaria velutina Roxb. ex Blume (Annonaceae) [Page 301 - 306]
The nomenclature of Uvaria velutina Roxb. ex Blume (Annonaceae) is clarified.

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K.M. Wong
Steenisia (Rubiaceae) newly recorded for mainland Asia with a new variety of S. pleurocarpa (Airy Shaw) Bakh.f. [Page 307 - 312]
Mussaendopsis malayana T.Yamaz. (Rubiaceae), described based on material from the Malay Peninsula, is a distinct variety of Steenisia pleurocarpa (Airy Shaw) Bakh.f. It represents a new record for mainland Asia of Steenisia Bakh.f., a genus otherwise endemic to Borneo and the Natuna islands. The new combination Steenisia pleurocarpa var. malayana (T.Yamaz.) K.M.Wong is made.

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Sin Yeng Wong, P.C. Boyce and B.A. Fasihuddin
Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo III: The helophytic Homalomena of Sunda [Page 313 - 327]
An account of the helophytic Homalomena in Sunda is presented. Two species are recognized: H. expedita A.Hay & Hersc. and H. rostrata Griff., neither novel. Homalomena expedita is so far endemic to Sarawak, where it is known from three widely separated sites. Homalomena rostrata is widespread from Sumatera through Peninsular Malaysia to Borneo, and onwards to Maluku (Pulau Ceram). Throughout its range H. rostrata is morphologically plastic, such that it has accrued a considerable synonymy, proposed here: Homalomena beccariana Engl., H. ensiformis Alderw., H. miqueliana Schott, H. miqueliana var. truella Alderw., H. paludosa Hook.f., H. propinqua Schott, H. raapii Engl., H. sagittifolia Jungh. ex Schott, H. sagittifolia var. angustifolia Furtado, H. sagittifolia var. pontederiifolia Ridl. (including
homotypic H. ridleyana Engl.), H. sagittifolia var. sumatrana Alderw., H. teysmannii Engl., and H. triangularis Alderw. An overview of the occurrence of helophytism in Araceae, together with speculations on the evolution of helophytism in Homalomena, a key to the species, and illustrations of both species are presented.

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T.L. Yao
Ginalloa siamica var. scortechinii is a species of Viscum (Viscaceae) [Page 327 - 328]
Ginalloa Korth. is not represented in Peninsular Malaysia. Ginalloa siamica Craib var. scortechinii Gamble, known only from the type specimen, is conspecific with Viscum ovalifolium Wall. ex DC.

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Year of Publication: 2010, Vol. 61 (2)

Date Published March 2010
Boyce, P.C., I.B. Ipor and W.L.A. Hetterscheid
A Review of the White-flowered Amorphophallus (Araceae: Thomsonieae) Species in Sarawak [Page 249 - 268]
A review of the white-flowered Amorphophallus species in Sarawak is presented. A total of five species are recognized, four of which belong to the Eburneus Group and are restricted to limestone, and moreover, locally endemic: A. eburneus Bogner (Padawan and Tebedu areas), A. brachyphyllus Hett. (Bau), A. juliae sp. nov. (Merirai) and A. niahensis sp. nov. (Niah). A fifth species, Amorphophallus infundibuliformis Hett., A.Dearden & A.Vogel, of doubtful affinity, is widespread and locally abundant on a variety of substrates excluding limestone. A key to the white-flowered species in Sarawak is presented and all species are illustrated.

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Boyce, P.C., S.Y. Wong and Fasihuddin B.A.
Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo II: The Homalomena of Nanga Sumpa (Batang Ai) – Novel and Pre-existing Taxa, and Notes on Iban Usages [Page 269 - 318]
Fieldwork targeting indigenous Homalomena at Nanga Sumpa, part of the Batang Ai drainage system (Sri Aman Divison, Sarawak) revealed 14 species of which six are novel and herewith described: Homalomena atrox P.C.Boyce, S.Y.Wong & Fasihuddin, H. clandestina P.C.Boyce, S.Y.Wong & Fasihuddin, H. hanneae P.C.Boyce, S.Y.Wong & Fasihuddin, H. sengkenyang P.C.Boyce, S.Y.Wong & Fasihuddin, H. symplocarpiifolia P.C.Boyce, S.Y.Wong & Fasihuddin, and H. vivens P.C.Boyce, S.Y.Wong & Fasihuddin. Of the six Homalomena species present at Batang Ai for which there are pre-existing names, two, H. borneensis Ridl. & H. humilis (Jack) Hook.f., are species complexes still awaiting a full taxonomic and systematic investigation, and are treated here as morpho-taxa to which we apply the earliest applicable epithet. The remaining four species with available names have only recently been described: H. geniculata M.Hotta (1967); H. vagans P.C.Boyce (1994), and H. josefii P.C.Boyce & S.Y.Wong, and H. pseudogeniculata P.C.Boyce & S.Y.Wong (2008). Additionally, two further species located during fieldwork, that while unarguably novel based on their vegetative morphology, were not located as fertile plants and have yet to flower in cultivation; they are here treated as sp. nov. A & B. Of the 14 species present at Batang Ai, five have significance in the ethnobotany of the indigenous Iban people of the Ai drainage, and of these five, four are novel. A key to the Homalomena in the Batang Ai drainage area is given, and all species are illustrated.

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Green, P.T., J. Claussen and D. J. O’Dowd
Lost for a Century: Rediscovery of the Endemic Ridley’s Jewel Orchid, Zeuxine exilis Ridl., on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean [Page 319- 326]
In a botanical expedition to Christmas Island in 1904, Sir Henry Ridley*, the first director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, discovered and thereafter described an endemic ground orchid, Zeuxine exilis Ridl. Botanical expeditions and surveys over the century since the original discovery failed to relocate Z. exilis. We report here the rediscovery of Z. exilis in rainforest in the western section of the island, and in Ridley’s honour, propose “Ridley’s jewel orchid” as its common name. The distribution and conservation status of Z. exilis remains to be determined. Despite a century of ecological insults to this unique oceanic island, primarily through phosphate mining and the introduction of invasive species, the rediscovery of this endemic orchid renews hope that the imperiled biodiversity on this island is resilient and can be conserved.

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Kloppenburg, R. and S.V. Siar
New Species of Hoya (Apocynaceae) from Brunei and the Philippines [Page 327 - 334]
Two new species of Hoya collected from Brunei and the Philippines are described and illustrated with coloured photographs of the flower details.

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Kumar, P. and J.F. Veldkamp
Pecteilis rawatii (Orchidaceae), a New Species from India [Page 335 - 342]
Pecteilis rawatii, sp. nov. (Orchidaceae) is described and compared to its nearest ally, P. triflora.

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Liang, J., H. Zhu and Y.-X. Ma
Land Use, Land Cover Change and Conservation in the Dipterocarp Rain Forest Area of Southern Yunnan, China [Page 343 - 358]
Based on Landsat TM/ETM images from 1988, 2003 and field data of 2006, land uses and land cover changes were researched over 18 years in the dipterocarp rain forest area in Southern Yunnan of China. The expansion of rubber plantations has resulted in a dramatic decrease in natural forest cover, especially the tropical seasonal rain forest at lower elevation. In 1988, rubber plantations covered 765.06 ha which increased to 2,294.07 ha in 2003, with an annual rate of change at 13.32%. The pace of change increased after 2003, with a change of 213.69 ha per annum. The tropical seasonal rain forest has decreased by 111.35 ha per annum since 1988 in the study area. Arable lands increased during 1988 and 2003 but declined rapidly from 2003 to 2006 due to expansion of rubber plantations and the construction of reservoirs. There was an increase in water bodies from 2003 to 2006 as well as construction areas. Market prices, policies, increasing population, and the unregulated pursuit of commerce and trade, at times at the cost of the environment were the main driving forces of change. We suggest that local government takes strong action to regulate further expansion of rubber plantations and creates conditions for sustainable and harmonious development of economy, society and natural resources in biodiversity rich region of Southern Yunnan.

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Ly, N.S., S. Hul and J. Leong-Škorničková
Siliquamomum oreodoxa (Zingiberaceae): a New Species from Southern Vietnam [Page 359- 368]
The second species of Siliquamomum (Zingiberaceae), S. oreodoxa N.S.Ly & Škorničk., is described as new and illustrated. The two species in the genus are compared and a key is provided for their identification.

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Middleton, D.J.
Three New Species of Wrightia (Apocynaceae: Apocynoideae) from Thailand [Page 369 - 378]
Three new species of Wrightia from Thailand are described: Wrightia karaketii D.J.Middleton, Wrightia tokiae D.J.Middleton and Wrightia poomae D.J.Middleton.

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Miettinen, O. and N. Hernawati
Two Basidiomycetes New to Indonesia, Pterygellus armeniacus and Rimbachia Leucobryi [Page 379 - 388]
Rimbachia leucobryi, a small pleurotoid agaric, is described as new to science. The species grew on living stems of Leucobryum sanctum in lowland rainforest. It is characterised by lamellate hymenophore, hymenial cystidia and small, ellipsoid spores. Pterygellus armeniacus, a bright-coloured stipitate stereoid species, is reported as new to Indonesia. The two species are illustrated.

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Nathi, Y., B.C. Tan and T. Seelanan
Ten New Records of Mosses from Doi Inthanon National Park in Thailand [Page 389 - 400]
Ten species of mosses collected from Doi Inthanon National Park are reported newly for the flora of Thailand. Of these, Rhizomnium and Oligotrichum are two new moss generic records for the country. The report includes notes on ecology, morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of the new species records.

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Reynolds, D.R.
Epifoliar Fungi of Singapore [Page 401 - 436]
This article is a discussion of the known epifoliar fungi from Singapore found in several worldwide Herbaria, and those collected by the author. Fifty species in 15 genera are reviewed and annotated. An additional twenty new combinations in Setameliola are proposed to contain Meliola species with an ascocarp bearing straight setae. Critical attention is given to the species concepts in Meliola and Polychaeton.

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Sipman, H.J.M.
A Conspectus of the Lichens (Lichenized Fungi) of Singapore [Page 437 - 482]
A total of 296 species of lichenized fungi are reported from Singapore and presented in an annotated list with local distributional information. It is based on herbarium and literature study and the fieldwork done in the year 2000. Unidentified samples suggest the figure to be an underestimation, while some of the listed species may have become extinct. Lists of synonyms and collectors are added.

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Staples, G.W.
A Checklist of Merremia (Convolvulaceae) in Australasia and the Pacific [Page 483 - 522]
A checklist of Merremia species is presented for Australasia and the Pacific. In total, 49 species are enumerated here. Total numbers of species are estimated by region and for the genus as a whole. Comments on the systematics and taxonomy of the genus are reported and several problematic species complexes are identified. An index of numbered specimens examined is included to facilitate curation and identification of herbarium specimens.

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Widodo, P., A. Hartana and T. Chikmawati
Syzygium subscandens (Myrtaceae), a New Species from Sumatra [Page 523- 526]
A new species of Syzygium Gaertn. from Sumatra is described and illustrated: Syzygium subscandens Widodo. Morphologically the new species is similar to S. garciniifolium, but differs in being a small tree and in having longer terminal and axillary panicles.

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Wong, S.Y.
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XII: Three New Species of Schismatoglottis in the Multiflora Group [Page 527- 540]
Fieldwork since 2002 has revealed three novel taxa of Schismatoglottis in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Based on the presence of a free ligular portion to the petiolar sheath, these new taxa belong to the Multiflora Group sensu Hay and Yuxammi (2000). Here, these species, Schismatoglottis clausula S.Y.Wong, S. dulosa S.Y.Wong, and S. jitinae S.Y.Wong are described, and illustrated, and a key to the Multiflora Group in Sarawak is presented.

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Wong, S.Y. and P.C. Boyce
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo X. Pichinia, a New Genus from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo [Page 541 - 548]
Pichinia S.Y. Wong & P.C. Boyce is described as a new genus from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo with one species, Pichinia disticha S.Y. Wong & P.C. Boyce. This genus is, so far, known only from the type locality, Pichin, Serian, Bahagian Kuching, Sarawak. The genus is illustated and a key to the Schismatoglottideae is presented.

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Year of Publication: 2010, Vol. 62 (1)

Date Published August 2010
Ahmad Sofiman bin O. and P.C. Boyce
Studies on Monstereae (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia II: Rhaphidophora latevaginata, newly recorded for West Malaysia [Page 1 - 8]
Rhaphidophora latevaginata M.Hotta, a neotenic, shingling, climbing aroid, hitherto considered a Bornean endemic, has recently been found and collected from the southern part of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia (Johor: Kota Tinggi and Mersing), where so far it appears to be restricted to kerapah and the drier (raised podzol) facies of seasonally inundated peatswamp forest. This discovery of R. latevaginata takes to 18 the number of Rhaphidophora known to occur in Peninsular Malaysia, of which three are endemic. An updated description of R. latevaginata, a key to the Rhaphidophora species of Peninsular Malaysia, and a plate illustrating the diagnostic characters of those with shingle-stage juveniles is presented. A brief note on the significance of the new record with regard the Riau Pocket is made.   

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Ahmad Sofiman bin O., P.C. Boyce and Chan L.-K.
Studies on Monstereae (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia III: Scindapsus lucens, a New Record for Malaysia, and a Key to Peninsular Malaysian Scindapsus [Page 9 - 16]
Scindapsus lucens Bogner & P.C.Boyce is a species of considerable horticultural potential, arguably rivalling the commercially important S. pictus, originally described from cultivated material of unknown provenance and only later found wild in Sumatera. It has recently been discovered and collected from several localities in southern Peninsular Malaysia, representing both a new record for Malaysia, and through clonal propagation via various tissue culture techniques would supply a sustainable potential source of a local commercial ornamental horticultural product. An enlarged description of S. lucens, and a key to the Peninsular Malaysian Scindapsus are offered. A plate illustrating the diagnostic characters of S. lucens is given.

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Ardi, W.H. and M. Hughes
Begonia droopiae Ardi (Begoniaceae), a New Species of Begonia from West Sumatra [Page 17 - 22]
A new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), B. droopiae Ardi, is described from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It belongs to Begonia sect. Reichenheimia and is a limestone endemic in the Sawah Lunto District. Its IUCN threatened category is considered to be ‘Vulnerable’.

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Arifiani, D.
Newly Recorded Endiandra R. Br. (Lauraceae) from Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia [Page 23 - 30]
Endiandra trees are not frequently encountered in the forest in Indonesia. Recent exploration in Waigeo Island resulted in the collection of three species of Endiandra. All three species were collected for the first time from Waigeo Island. The three species are restricted in distribution to eastern part of Indonesia (Papua Province) and Papua New Guinea. Key to the species and species description are provided.

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Atik R.
Species of Marasmius (Agaricales: Tricholomataceae) from Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia [Page 31- 42]
Five species of Marasmius were encountered from forest surrounding Pa’raye village at Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan; three of them are described as new taxa (1 new species and 2 new varieties).The five species of Marasmius are M. cf. purpureostriatus, M. guyanensis,
M. coklatus var. mentarangensis, var. nov., M. caryote var. parayeensis, var. nov., and M. gypseus, sp. nov. Comprehensive descriptions, illustrations, and comparison with similar taxa are presented.

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Hadiah, J.T. and B.J. Conn
Lectotypification of Elatostema subscabrum H.Schroet. (Urticaceae) [Page 43 - 52]
Descriptions of Elatostema sessile J.R.Forst. & G.Forst and E. subscabrum H.Schroet. (Urticaceae) are provided to clarify the morphological differences between these two species. The lectotype of E. subscabrum H.Schroet. (Urticaceae) is here selected.

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Haerida, I., S.R. Gradstein and S.S. Tjitrosoedirdjo
Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae (Hepaticae) in West Java [Page 53 - 104]
The subfamily Ptychanthoideae of the family Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) in West Java is still poorly known. A study of Ptychanthoideae in this area reveals the occurrence of 26 species, in 8 genera: Acrolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (3 species), Archilejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (1 species),
Lopholejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (10 species), Mastigolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (3 species), Ptychanthus Nees (1 species), Schiffneriolejeunea Verd. (2 species), Spruceanthus Verd. (2 species) and Thysananthus Lindenb. (4 species). Mastigolejeunea indica and Thysananthus minor are newly
reported for Java. The altitudinal and geographical ranges of the species of Ptychanthoideae from West Java are presented as well as a key to the species and an assessment of their phytogeography. It appears that the species are rather widespread; none of the species are endemic to Java or
western Malesia. The widespread distribution of the species is probably due to their dispersal by spores, which may be easily carried by the wind over long distances, and by the rather old geological age of the group.

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Kurzweil, H., S. Watthana and S. Lwin
Phaius takeoi (Orchidaceae) Newly Recorded from Thailand and Myanmar [Page 105 - 110]
The occurrence of Phaius takeoi (Hayata) H.J. Su (Orchidaceae), previously only known in mainland China, Vietnam and Taiwan, is here reported for Thailand and Myanmar.

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Leong-Škorničková, J., Tran H.-D. and M.F. Newman
Curcuma vitellina (Zingiberaceae), a New Species from Vietnam [Page 111 - 118]
Curcuma vitellina, a new species of Zingiberaceae from Tây Nguyên, Vietnam, is described, illustrated and compared to its closest ally, C. pierreana.

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Lindsay, S.
New Combinations in Haplopteris (Adiantaceae) for the Flora of Peninsular Malaysia [Page 119 - 120]
Two new combinations are made here: Haplopteris hirta (Fée) S.Linds. And Haplopteris angustissima (Holttum) S.Linds.

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Nor-Ezzawanis, A.T.
New Combinations in Malaysian Staphyleaceae [Page 127 - 134]
New combinations are made for the seven species of Dalrympelea (Staphyleaceae) from Malaysia that were previously included in Turpinia. Dalrympelea pomifera Roxb. is distinct from D. sphaerocarpa (Hassk.) A.T.Nor-Ezzawanis and does not occur in Malaysia and Turpinia ovalifolia Elmer from the Philippines is distinct from D. trifoliata (Ridl.) A.T.Nor-Ezzawanis.

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Poulsen, A.D. and C.D. Specht
A New Species of Costaceae from Borneo [Page 135 - 142]
A new species, Cheilocostus borneensis, is described. Specimens were collected in Sarawak in 1987 and Kalimantan in 2000, but only intensified surveys of gingers in Sarawak in 2002-2004 provided sufficient collections to recognize the new species, which is here described and illustrated. It is closely related to the widespread C. globosus from which it differs by the chocolate-brown sheaths, absence of axillary shoots on vegetative stems, larger leathery leaves, and by its calyx that is not prickly.

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 Rajbhandary, S., M. Hughes and K.K. Shrestha
Three New Species of Begonia Sect. Platycentrum from Nepal [Page 143 - 154]
Three new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) are described from Nepal. All three species (Begonia nuwakotensis S. Rajbhandary, Begonia panchtharensis S. Rajbhandary and Begonia taligera S. Rajbhandary) belong to Begonia section Platycentrum, and they increase the number of Begonia species known from Nepal to 22. All are considered to belong to the IUCN threat category VUD2.

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Sudarmono and B.J. Conn
Genetic Variation of Populations of Scutellaria slametensis and S. discolor [Page 155 - 172]
Genetic variation within and between populations of Scutellaria slametensis Sudarmono & B.J.Conn and S. discolor Colebr. on Gunung Slamet (Jawa Tengah, Indonesia) are evaluated by allozyme electrophoresis. Gels stained by 4 enzyme systems, namely, Aspartate aminotransferase (Aat), Esterase (Est), Malate dehydrogenase (Mdh) and Peroxidase (Per), were used to evaluate the number of polymorphic loci. The mean of total number of observed alleles per locus (A), mean of total number of effective alleles per locus (Ae), percentage of polymorphic loci (Pp%), and expected genetic heterozygosity (He) have been generated as parameters of genetic variation. The interpopulation genetic differentiation (FST) and estimated geographic distance between populations were used to evaluate the correlation between genetic differentiation and geographic effect. It was found that S. slametensis is genetically distinct from S. discolor (D = 1.4572). The mean genetic variation of S. slametensis (Pp = 75 %, A = 2.00, HE = 0.450) is greater than that of S. discolor (Pp = 25 %, A = 1.25, HE = 0.125). Almost all loci of the latter species are monomorphic and homozygotic, especially population 9 near Baturaden (Pp = 0%; HE = 0; Allele frequencies all = 1). There is a moderately high degree of variation between populations of these two species (FST = 0.585, SE ± 0.092), whereas within-population variation is low (1–FST = 0.415). Both species are out-breeding (at subpopulation level: FIS
= -0.973, SE ± 0.015; and population level: FIT = 0.180, SE ± 0.183), with low levels of gene flow within and between populations (Nm = 0.249, SE ± 0.065). The chromosome number of S. slametensis and S. discolor is 2n = 24.

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Turner. I.M.
A new species of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) from Sabah [Page 173- 176]
Polyalthia lasioclada I.M. Turner, sp. nov. is described. It is a small tree known from the Mount Kinabalu area of Sabah.

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Wong S.Y.
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XIII: A Revision of the Schismatoglottis nervosa Species Complex [Page 177- 210]
A revision of the Schismatoglottis nervosa Ridl. species complex is presented. Ten species are recognized, of which three species are pre-existing (S. nervosa, S. elegans A.Hay, and S. brevicuspis Hook.f.) and seven are novel and described here (Schismatoglottis adoceta S.Y. Wong, S. linae S.Y. Wong, S. matangensis S.Y.Wong, S. simonii S.Y.Wong, S. tessellata S.Y. Wong, S. turbata S.Y. Wong, and S. ulusarikeiensis S.Y. Wong.) The S. nervosa species complex is readily delimitated by the pungent terpenoid smell when the vegetative tissues are crushed, and by the presence of longitudinally ridged petioles. A key to the S. nervosa species complex is presented and all species are illustrated.

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Year of Publication: 2009, Vol. 60 (2)

Date Published February 2009
J. Bogner and P.C. Boyce
Studies on the Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo VI: A New Schismatoglottis Species from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo [Page 175- 183]
Fieldwork in Sarawak continues to reveal further novelties in the genus Schismatoglottis Zoll. & Moritzi, notably in the Asperata and Multiflora Groups (sensu Hay & Yuzammi, 2000). The second author collected a new Schismatoglottis species in Sarawak belonging to the Multiflora Group. This is here described and illustrated and included in additions to the key to Bornean Schismatoglottis published by Hay & Yuzammi (2000).

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J.L. Dowe
A Taxonomic Account of Livistona R.Br. (Arecaceae) [Page 185- 344]
A taxonomic account of the palm genus Livistona is presented. Thirtysix species are recognised. Taxonomic and nomenclatural changes are applied to a number of species. Livistona rotundifolia (Lam.) Mart. is treated as a highly variable species, with L. rotundifolia var. luzonensis Becc., L. rotundifolia var. microcarpa (Becc.) Becc., L. rotundifolia var. mindorensis (Becc.) Becc. and L. robinsoniana Becc. placed as synonyms; L. fengkaiensis X.W.Wei & M.Y. Xiao is placed under L. speciosa Kurz; Livistona chinensis var. subglobosa (Hassk.) Becc. is placed under L. chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. ex Mart.; Livistona tonkinensis Magalon is placed under L. saribus (Lour.) Merr. ex A.Chev.; and Livistona kimberleyana A.N.Rodd is placed under L. lorophylla Becc. A neotype is proposed for L. saribus, and lectotypes are chosen for L. altissima Zoll., L. beccariana Burret, L. hoogendorpii Hort. ex Teysm. & Binn. ex Miq., L. olivaeformis (Hassk.) Mart., L. subglobosa (Hassk.) Mart., L. tonkinensis Magalon, L. woodfordii Ridl., and Chamaerops biroo Siebold.

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B.-C. Ho and B.C. Tan
Does the Moss Genus Lepidopilum (Brid.) Brid. (Pilotrichaceae) Occur in Asia? [Page 345 - 349]
The Asian species of Lepidopilum (Brid.) Brid. are reviewed. Hitherto, L. novae-guineae E.B. Bartram is the only remaining Asian species in the predominantly neotropical genus. However, examination of the type specimen of this taxon proves it to be a synonym of Dimorphocladon borneense Dixon.

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R. Kiew and J. Sang
Seven New Species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) From the Ulu Merirai and Bukit Sarang Limestone Areas in Sarawak, Borneo [Page 351 - 372]
Seven new species are described from Sarawak, Borneo: two, Begonia payung S.Julia & Kiew and B. sarangica Kiew & S.Julia, are endemic to Bukit Sarang in Ulu Sungai Kakus, Tatau District; and five, B. juliasangii Kiew, B. meriraiensis S.Julia & Kiew, B. nagaensis Kiew & S.Julia, B. piring Kiew & S.Julia and B. rhodochaeta S.Julia & Kiew, are endemic in the Ulu Merirai area in the Tatau District.

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H. Kurzweil, S. Chantanaorrapint and A. Buakhlai
A New Species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae) from Southeast Asia [Page 373- 379]
While revising the genus Habenaria Willd. for the Flora of Thailand the first author of this paper came across herbarium material of an unusual terrestrial orchid from Khao Yai National Park in central Thailand with small Liliaceae-like flowers. A subsequent search revealed that the same plant had been noted by Kerr (1969) in Laos and was later illustrated by Seidenfaden (1992: 70). A third collection, also in central Thailand, was made by the second and third authors of this paper. As the plant does not match any currently known species it is here described as new. 

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J. Leong-Škorničková, M. Sabu And M.G. Prasanthkumar
Transfer of Amomum fenzlii, a Nicobar Islands endemic, to Etlingera (Zingiberaceae). [Page 381 - 387]
A new combination of Etlingera fenzlii (Kurz) Škorničk. & M. Sabu (Zingiberaceae) based on the basionym, Amomum fenzlii Kurz, is proposed. Recent exploration on Great Nicobar Island resulted in the collection of this endemic species. An amended description with a colour plate is provided and a lectotype is designated.

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P.G. Wilson
Conspectus of the genus Eugenia (Myrtaceae) in the Philippines [Page 399 - 410]
This paper gives an overview of the genus Eugenia, with an emphasis on species found in the Philippines. In particular, the generic segregate Jossinia, adopted by Merrill for those species, is re-evaluated in the light of more recent research. This research does not support inclusion of species from the Asia-Pacific region in a segregate genus. Consequently, the Philippines species are here assigned to Eugenia and two new names, Eugenia uminganensis and E. inaequisepala, are proposed.

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Year of Publication: 2009, Vol. 61 (1)

Date Published October 2009
Argent, G. 
Rhododendron sojolense Argent (Ericaceae), A New Species of Rhododendron Subgenus Vireya from Sulawesi, Indonesia [Page 1- 6]
Rhododendron sojolense Argent (Ericaceae) is described as a new species of subgenus Vireya section Euvireya from Mt. Sojol on the northern arm of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Comparisons with related species are made.

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Ashton, P.S.
[Page 7- 16]
A further five species and two subspecies of Syzygium, and one subspecies of Tristaniopsis (Myrtaceae) are described as a precursor to the account of the family in the Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Shorea contorta Vidal is here recorded form Borneo for the first time.

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Barcelona J.F., L.L. Co, D.S. Balete and N.A. Bartolome
Rafflesia aurantia (Rafflesiaceae): A New Species from Northern Luzon, Philippines [Page 17 - 28]
A new Philippine species of Rafflesia from the Sierra Madre Mountain Range of northeastern Luzon is described. Rafflesia aurantia is the ninth presumed endemic species thus far described from the Philippines, and the fifth reported from the island of Luzon. This species is apparently allied to R. tengku-adlinii of Sabah - both are small-sized and their overall color is similar. Biogeographical considerations and the morphological differences between our new species and R. tengku–adlinii, however, strongly support the recognition of two distinct evolutionary lineages/species. The conservation status of the fast disappearing lowland dipterocarp forests in northeastern Luzon, particularly the type locality in the Quirino Protected Landscape (QPL) is also discussed and suggests that the new species may be highly threatened.

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Hughes, M., Deden Girmansyah, Wisnu Handoyo Ardi and Nurainas
Seven New Species of Begonia from Sumatra [Page 29 - 44]
Seven new Begonia species are described from northern and western Sumatra: Begonia gracilicyma Irmsch. ex M.Hughes (unplaced to section), Begonia laruei M.Hughes (sect. Petermannia), Begonia multijugata M.Hughes (sect. Petermannia), Begonia pasamanensis M.Hughes (sect. Reichenheimea), Begonia puspitae Ardi (sect. Reichenheimea), Begonia tuberculosa Girmansyah (sect. Platycentrum) and Begonia verecunda M.Hughes (sect. Bracteibegonia). The conservation status of each species is assessed.

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Iwatsuki, Z., K.-T. Yong and T. Suzuki
A New Species of Fissidens (Bryopsida, Fissidentaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia [Page 49 - 54]
A new moss species collected from Peninsular Malaysia, Fissidens benitotanii Z.Iwats., K.-T.Yong & Tad.Suzuki is described. The species belongs to subgenus Fissidens section Fissidens. Most of the members in sect. Fissidens have smooth laminal cells, except for a few species, which included this newly described species, possess unipapillose laminal cells. Fissidens benitotanii is easily distinguished from other Fissidens species in the region by the following characteristics: narrowly lanceolate leaves with shortly excurrent costa, thin limbidia that disappear near leaf apex, and unipapillose laminal cells with distinctive sharp papilla.
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Kato, M. and S. Koi
Taxonomic Studies of Podostemaceae of Thailand. 3. Six New and a Rediscovered Species [Page 55 - 72]
Podostemaceae is an ecologically and morphologically unusual aquatic plant family. By examination of new collections from Thailand, we describe seven species, two of which are new species assigned to Terniopsis of Tristichoideae (T. chanthaburiensis, T. minor), four are new species assigned to Hydrobryum and Polypleurum of Podostemoideae (H. phetchabunense, P. insulare, P. prachinburiense, P. sisaketense), and one is Zeylanidium lichenoides rediscovered. In total, two subfamilies, 10 genera, and 42 species with four varieties occur in Thailand. A key to all the species is provided.

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Kiew, R.
Three New Species of Gesneriaceae from Kelantan, Malaysia [Page 73 - 80]
During a botanical expedition in 2007 to the Gunung Tera area in Kelantan, NE Peninsular Malaysia, three new species of Gesneriaceae were discovered: Henckelia kelantanensis Kiew, H. pauziana Kiew, and Ridleyandra kelantanensis Kiew.

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Kurzweil, H.
A Review of the Genus Plocoglottis (Orchidaceae) in Thailand [Page 81- 94]
A review of the genus Plocoglottis in Thailand is presented. Five species are recognised. Four of them, P. javanica, P. lowii, P. quadrifolia and P. gigantea, are widespread in Malesia and have their northernmost limit of distribution in Peninsular Thailand, and P. javanica is also known in Vietnam. The fifth, P. bokorensis is also found in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam and is in Thailand known from a few widely scattered localities in the central, eastern, southeastern, southwestern and northern regions.
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Low, Y.W. and K.M. Wong
Old Hats are Better: New Considerations and Taxonomic Changes in the Southeast Asian Gardenia tubifera Complex (Rubiaceae) [Page 101 - 128]
Gardenia tubifera sensu Corner is revised over its entire range in Southeast Asia. It is a heterogeneous complex of three distinct taxa, G. elata Ridl., G. subcarinata (Corner) Y.W.Low (elevated from varietal status) and G. tubifera Wall., mainly distinguished by calyx form, fruit size and ecological distribution. Two new varieties are described, G. elata var. longipedicellata K.M.Wong (from the Philippines) and G. subcarinata var. sumatrana Y.W.Low (from Sumatra). A key for identification, descriptions, nomenclatural notes, illustrations and exsiccatae examined.

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Neamsuvan, O., T. Seelanan and J.F. Veldkamp
A Revision of Bothriochloa Kuntze (Poaceae) in Thailand [Page 129 - 144]
Bothriochloa Kuntze (Poaceae) has 3 species in Thailand: B. bladhii, B. ischaemum, and B. pertusa. A key, descriptions, and illustrations are provided.

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Neamsuvan, O., T. Seelanan and J.F. Veldkamp
A Revision of Hemisorghum (Poaceae, Sorghinae) in Thailand [Page 145 - 150]
Hemisorghum C.E. Hubb. (Poaceae, Sorghinae) has a single species in Thailand: H. mekongense (A. Camus) C.E. Hubb. It occurs from Burma to Laos and Cambodia. In Thailand it is rare along riverbanks. A lectotype is designated.

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Rosing, W.C.
Corticolous Myxomycetes of Singapore [Page 151 - 158]
The moist chamber culture technique was employed to detect myxomycetes (plasmodial slime molds) associated with the bark surface of living trees. Twenty-five species of myxomycetes in 13 genera were identified from moist-chambered bark samples collected at three localities in Singapore. Seventeen species are new records for Singapore. One species, Comatricha pseudonigra was previously known only from Mitchell River National Park in the state of Victoria, Australia.

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Suksathan, P. and P. Triboun
Ten New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Thailand [Page 159 - 184]
Ten new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), I. adenioides Suksathan & Keerat., I. charisma Suksathan & Keerat., I. daraneenae Suksathan & Triboun, I. doitungensis Triboun & Sonsupab, I. jiewhoei Triboun & Suksathan, I. oreophila Triboun & Suksathan, I. ruthiae Suksathan & Triboun, I. sirindhorniae Triboun & Suksathan, I. spectabilis Triboun & Suksathan, and I. tigrina Suksathan & Triboun from Thailand are described and illustrated.

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Turner, I.M. and J.F. Veldkamp
A History of Cananga (Annonaceae) [Page 189- 204]
The history of the name cananga in botanical nomenclature is outlined and clarified. Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson, is lectotypified. Cananga brandisiana (Pierre) I.M. Turner is proposed for Cananga latifolia (Hook.f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnep., nom. superfl. The infraspecific taxonomy of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson is reviewed and the cultivar group names for plants producing ylang-ylang and cananga oil are corrected.

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de Wilde, W.J.J.O. and B.E.E. Duyfjes
Miscellaneous Cucurbit News III [Page 205 - 216]
The miscellaneous notes on Cucurbitaceae comprise: (1) the description of a new species in Kedrostis from Peninsular Malaysia; (2) three new combinations in Neoachmandra from Africa, five new combinations in Pilogyne from New Guinea and the Pacific; and (3) a modern description of Zehneria baueriana, from Norfolk Isl., western Pacific.

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Wong, S.Y., P.C. Boyce and J. Bogner
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo VIII: A Review of Piptospatha elongata in Sarawak [Page 217 - 234]
A review of Piptospatha elongata (Engl.) N.E. Br. in Sarawak is presented. The species is shown to comprise three morphologically and ecologically distinct taxa, two of which are new to science and herewith described as Piptospatha impolita S.Y.Wong, P.C. Boyce & Bogner and P. viridistigma S.Y.Wong, P.C. Boyce & Bogner. A new key to Piptospatha is presented and all species of the Elongata group are illustrated. Additionally, new observations on the morphologies separating the Piptospatha elongata Group and P. grabowskii Group sensu Bogner and Hay (2000) are presented.

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