
Pets in Private Premises

A maximum of three cats or dogs, or a combination of both, is allowed to be kept in any one private (non-HDB residential or commercial) premises.

Only one Specified dog can be licensed and kept in each private (non-HDB residential or commercial) premises. This rule does not affect Specified dogs that have been licensed and kept in any such premises before 15 November 2010 as long as the licences have not been revoked or are renewed and not subsequently revoked.
Number of licensed cats/dogs allowed per unit of non-HDB residential or commercial premises
Date of pet licence application Number of Specified dogs allowed Number of cats and/or non-Specified dogs allowed  Maximum number of cats and/or dogs allowed
 From 1 September 2024*  0  0 – 3  3
 1  0 – 2 
* Cat owners can license all their existing pet cats owned before 1 September 2024 during the transition period from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2026. Cats owned or imported from 1 September 2024 are not considered existing cats and will need to comply with the allowable pet limit for the intended residence.

Can a licensee keep more cats and/or dogs?

You need to seek prior approval from AVS by writing in to us at if you wish to keep more than three cats or dogs, or a combination of both, not being of a Specified dog breed. All applications are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, subject to these evaluation criteria:

  • Cats/Dogs are securely kept within a premises that is large enough to comfortably house all of them.
  • All cats/dogs are licensed and microchipped.
  • All cats/dogs are healthy and in good condition.
  • Handler has good control over the cats/dogs. Dogs should show they can react appropriately to their handler’s commands.
  • Documentation that each subsequent cat is sterilised and/or that each subsequent dog is sterilised and obedience-trained by an AVS-accredited Certified Dog Trainer.
  • Licensee agrees to remove any of the cats and/or dogs to reduce the number to 3 cats or dogs, or a combination of both, if there is feedback that the cats/dogs are causing a nuisance.

To qualify for a reduced licence fee of S$15 for the fourth cat/dog, the applicant must produce an adoption letter confirming that their dog is a local mixed-breed dog (also known as Singapore Specials or a mongrel) and that their cat/dog is from one of our rehoming partners: