Flat-faced and heat-intolerant dogs
Flat-Faced and Heat-Intolerant Dogs
The AVS works closely with partners in the pet industry such as vets, animal welfare groups and pet owners to safeguard and promote animal welfare, such as through fostering responsible pet ownership.
Owning a dog is a life-time committment. Together with the Singapore Veterinary Association (SVA), we strongly encourage current and prospective pet owners to familiarise themselves with breed-specific health issues, in order to ensure proper care and well-being of their dogs.
in this context, we highlight two categories of dogs with particular health concerns:
1. Brachycephalic breeds (flat-faced dogs)
2. Heat-Intolerant breeds (dogs with thick, double coats)
We urge prospective owners to carefully consider the health and welfare issues and potential medical costs associated with these breeds.
Read and download the infographic here for more information!