
Wildlife & Endangered Species

Singapore is a signatory to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), an international agreement put in place to ensure that wildlife species are not threatened to extinction by trade.

Signatories regulate the import, export, and re-export of CITES specimens through permits which are issued only when certain trade conditions are met. CITES specimens include live animals, animal parts, and animal-based products

CITES-listed species are categorised under three appendices:



Appendix I

  • Comprises highly endangered species.
  • Trade of these species is generally prohibited.
  • Trade is permitted under special circumstances (e.g. supply to zoos, bird parks, museums, etc.).
  • Trade of species captive-bred on CITES-registered farms is allowed with proper CITES permits.
  • Examples: Apes, elephants, tigers, ladies' slipper orchids, etc.

Appendix II

  • Comprises threatened species.
  • Trade of these species is allowed with proper CITES permits.
  • Examples: Monkeys, tortoises, sturgeons, agarwood, etc.

Appendix III

  • Comprises species listed as protected by some countries.
  • Trade to and from listing countries require proper CITES permits.
  • Trade to and from non-listing countries require a Certificate of Origin.
  • Examples: Walruses, mongooses, foxes, etc.

More information on CITES’ regulation of endangered species can be found here.

To find out which animal and plant species are listed by CITES and in which Appendix they belong, refer to the full CITES Appendices.

Travellers entering Singapore may download our CITES brochure for further information on bringing CITES-listed species into Singapore.

The Mandarin version of the CITES brochure also contains information on the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) trade in Singapore.

Importing wildlife

We regulate the import of CITES-listed animals (or these animals’ parts and derivatives) for all purposes, e.g. commercial, personal, zoological, etc.

Below is an overview of the steps required to bring CITES-listed and non-CITES listed animals into Singapore.

1. Obtain a CITES export or re-export permit

This step only applies to import of CITES-listed animals.

Obtain a CITES export or re-export permit from the relevant CITES management authority or the relevant authority of the exporting country. This permit is needed to apply for an AVS-issued CITES import permit.

The list of CITES member countries and their contact details is available here.

Exception for Appendix III species

If you are importing an animal listed in CITES Appendix III from a country that does not list the animal as endangered, you only need a Certificate of Origin issued by the CITES management authority or the relevant authority of exporting country.

2. Obtain an AVS-issued CITES import permit

All unused and/or expired CITES permits issued by us must be returned to our Wildlife Trade Branch for cancellation.

Please enclose the permits in an envelope address it to Wildlife Trade Branch and drop it off at the below address.

Drop-off Box at Level 1, Raffles Building, Singapore Botanic Gardens 
1A Cluny Road, Singapore 259597

3. Submit inward TradeNet declaration

This step is not required if you are hand-carrying one or more CITES-listed species as personal effects. CITES permits are still required for personal effects imported via hand-carry.

To import both CITES-listed and non-CITES listed animals, you have to submit an inward declaration via TradeNet. Your declaration must specify the appropriate HS codes and product codes. 

The relevant lists of product codes for TradeNet are as follows:

4. Apply for an AVS-issued import licence

You must apply for and obtain an AVS-issued import licence via GoBusiness Licensing in order to bring both CITES-listed and non-CITES listed animals into Singapore. This licence is valid for 90 days from the date of issue.

Type of licence

Cost and validity

Licence to import/export/transship animals, birds, eggs and biologics(personal)

  • S$50 for normal service. Licence issuance will take place two working days after submission of all completed documents.
  • S$100 for express service, Licence issuance will take place one working day after submission of all completed documents.

This licence is valid for 30 days from the date of issue. Each licence allows you to export one consignment only.

Licence to import/export/transship animals, birds, eggs and biologics(commercial)

  • S$87 for normal service. Licence issuance will take place two working days after submission of all completed documents.
  • S$174 for express service. Licence issuance will take place one working day after submission of all completed documents.

This licence is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. Each licence allows you to export one consignment only.

5. Fulfil our veterinary conditions for import

Wildlife consignments must fulfil our veterinary conditions for import. These conditions are as follows:

6. Obtain a veterinary health certificate

Each consignment of wildlife must be accompanied by a veterinary health certificate confirming fulfilment of our veterinary conditions for import. The certificate must be signed by a government veterinary authority of the exporting country.

7. Inspection upon arrival in Singapore

Both CITES-listed and non CITES-listed consignments may be subject to inspection by us or the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) at the point of entry.

You are required to present the following documents during inspection:

  • An original CITES export or re-export permit issued by the exporting country.
  • An AVS-issued CITES import permit.
  • A TradeNet-issued cargo clearance permit.
  • Any relevant shipping documents.

The inspection for consignments arriving via air must be done at Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine Station’s (CAPQ) during their operating hours.

Exporting or re-exporting wildlife

Procedures for exporting or re-exporting CITES and non-CITES listed wildlife (or these animals’ parts and derivatives) are as follows.

1. Obtain an AVS-issued CITES export or re-export permit

This step only applies to export or re-export of CITES-listed animals.

Apply for and obtain an AVS-issued CITES export or re-export permit via GoBusiness Licensing.

You are required to submit the following supporting documents during your application. These documents, such as a copy of a CITES import permit, a receipt, or a letter of transfer, are needed to prove legality of acquisition or ownership.


Cost and validity

CITES export or re-export permit.

  • S$12 per species, subject to a minimum of S$60 per consignment
  • Issuance will take place within seven working days* after submission of all completed documents.

This licence is valid for three months from the date of issue. Each permit allows you to export or re-export one consignment only.

*Day 1 starts on the next working day from application submission date

You can pay for the CITES export or re-export permit in these ways:

All unused and/or expired CITES permits issued by us have to be returned to our Wildlife Section for cancellation.


Drop-off Box at Level 1, Raffles Building, Singapore Botanic Gardens 
1A Cluny Road, Singapore 259597

Exception for Appendix III species

If you are exporting or re-exporting an animal listed in CITES Appendix III to a country that does not list the animal as endangered, you will only need a Certificate of Origin for export, or a re-export certificate for re-export.

You can apply for and obtain the CITES certificates via GoBusiness Licensing.

You are also required to submit documents proving legality of acquisition or ownership of your consignment, such as a copy of the CITES import permit, a receipt, or a letter of transfer, during your application.


Cost and validity

Certificate of Origin.

  • S$29.40
  • Certificate issuance will take place within seven working days after submission of all completed documents.

The certificate is valid for six months from the date of issue. Each certificate allows you to export or re-export one consignment only.

Re-export certificate.

  • S$29.40
  • Certificate issuance will take place within seven working days after submission of all completed documents.

The certificate is valid for six months from the date of issue. Each certificate allows you to export or re-export one consignment only.

You can pay for the certificates in these ways:

2. Obtain a CITES import permit

This step only applies to CITES-listed animals.

You need to obtain a copy of the CITES import permit issued by the CITES management authority or relevant authority of the destination country only if the CITES species is listed under CITES Appendix I or if the CITES import permit is required by the importing country prior to your shipment.

The list of CITES member countries and their contact details is available here.

3. Submit outward TradeNet declaration

This step is not required if you are hand-carrying one or more CITES-listed species as personal effects. CITES permits are still required for personal effects exported via hand carry.

To export both CITES-listed and non-CITES listed animals, you have to submit an outward declaration via TradeNet. Your declaration must specify the appropriate HS codes and product codes. 

Please ensure that your consignment is accompanied by the original CITES permits (for CITES-listed species) or certificates, as well as the TradeNet outward declaration permit, before it leaves Singapore.

The relevant lists of product codes for TradeNet are as follows:

 4. Obtain certification of species

The step only applies to the export of non-CITES listed wildlife and if the destination country requires a certification of species.

The certification of species confirms the non-CITES status of your intended exports, e.g. non-CITES snake species, swiftlets, etc.

You can submit the application for certification of species here. The certification allows you to export or re-export one consignment only.

You can make payment in the following ways:

5. Apply for an AVS-issued export licence

You must apply for and obtain an AVS-issued export licence via GoBusiness Licensing in order to export both CITES-listed and non-CITES listed wildlife. The export licence is valid for 90 days from the date of issue.

Type of licence

Cost and validity

Licence to import/export/transship animals, birds, eggs, and biologics (personal)

  • S$50 for normal service. Licence issuance will take place two working days after submission of all completed documents.
  • S$100 for express service. Licence issuance will take place one working day after submission of all completed documents.

This licence is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. Each licence allows you to export one consignment only.

Licence to import/export/transship animals, birds, eggs, and biologics (commercial)

  • S$87 for normal service. Licence issuance will take place two working days after submission of all completed documents.
  • S$174 for express service. Licence issuance will take place one working day after submission of all completed documents.

This licence is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. Each licence allows you to export one consignment only.

6. Obtain a veterinary health certificate

This step only applies if the destination country mandates that a veterinary health certificate is a condition for entry.

Find out what the veterinary health certificate requirements of the destination country are. You can apply for and obtain an AVS-issued veterinary health certificate via GoBusiness Licensing if such a licence is accepted by the destination country.

7. Inspection before leaving Singapore

Consignments may be subject to inspection by us or the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) at the point of export. Inspection may take place regardless whether animals exported are CITES-listed and non CITES-listed species.

During inspection, you are required to present the following:

  • An original CITES export or re-export permit issued by us.
  • A copy of the CITES import permit issued by the destination country (if applicable).
  • A TradeNet-issued cargo clearance permit.
  • Any relevant shipping documents.


The inspection must be done during the Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine Station’s (CAPQ) operating hours.

Transshipping Wildlife Species

To transship wildlife species via Singapore, you will need an AVS-issued transshipment licence. 

Apply for an AVS-issued transshipment licence

Prepare a copy each of the following documents in soft copy:

·       A valid health certificate from the exporting country

·       An import permit or import licence issued by the importing country (if required)

·       CITES import and export permits (for CITES species)

You can apply for and obtain a transshipment licence via GoBusiness Licensing Portal. Be sure to submit the above documents during your application.

Type of licence

Cost and validity

Licence to import/export/transship animals, birds, eggs, and biologics (commercial)

· S$87 for normal service. Licence will be issued on the same day as application.

This licence is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. Each licence allows you to tranship one consignment only.