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Do the following before submitting your development plans:
Two of the following areas in the Central South and Eastern parts of Singapore were gazetted as Tree Conservation Areas (TCAs) on 2nd August 1991 to control the indiscriminate cutting of mature trees.
Image above: Map illustrating the Central tree conservation area
Covering an estimated land area of 4,700 hectares, the Central TCA is bounded by these roads:
Image above: Map illustrating the Changi tree conservation area
Covering an estimated land area of 200 hectares, the Changi TCA is bounded by these roads:
These areas were selected for the large extent of greenery and natural heritage that are worth conserving. The vegetation, some of which are 50 to 100 years old, beautifies the environment with lush foliage and shaded canopies.
Developers and homeowners needing to cut any tree with a girth of more than 1 metre must seek written approval from the Commissioner of Parks & Recreation, regardless of whether development works are in progress on-site.
For tree cutting:
To find out more information about these TCAs, you may:
We provide pre-submission consultation as a platform for QPs to seek clarifications on technical and submission requirements.
QPs are encouraged to sign up and attend a pre-submission consultation to facilitate the planning and design for their developments, and their subsequent development plan submissions.
You may submit a request via CORENET 2.0 by selecting "Pre-Consultation (PC)" under the Submission Type in the application form.
You should submit all the relevant information and plans so that we can respond to your enquiries promptly.
We have put together the Guidelines on greenery provision and tree conservation for developments to:
Download and view a copy of the guidelines
To streamline the application process, we have specified building works that do not require NParks' approval during the Development Control (DC) and Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) stages.
Refer to Chapter 8 in the Guidelines on greenery provision and tree conservation for developments for more information.
For more information on when NParks' approval is not required for landed housing developments, refer to Guide on Landed Housing Developments
Checklist and forms (Open Space development)
You will need to submit the following for Open Space developments:
A comprehensive checklist for consultants covering requirements for open space developments, including design, safety and maintenance standards.
A checklist for preparing and submitting an OMM for park projects, including drawings, warranties and certifications.
A form to submit park naming proposals, including park location, size, proposed names and supporting reasons for approval by relevant authorities
A set of guidelines describing the statutory requirements around greenery provision, tree planting and conservation for development projects in Singapore.
Covers updates to the guidelines such as the removing of grass paver requirements for street-level parking and clarifying submission procedures.
Details the removal of the requirement to submit applications at the Building Plan stage, streamlining the process for developers.