National Parks

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  • Getting to the Root of the Problem

    Getting to the Root of the Problem

    Ask the average gardener what the biggest challenge is when growing edibles, and it will likely be one of recurring pest issues, plants wilting in the middle of the day, or plants that just refuse to grow or fruit. But while these may be the visible symptoms, the root of the problem tends to be tucked away where we might otherwise forget to look – the soil!

  • The Singapore Garden Festival is Back!

    The Singapore Garden Festival is Back!

    Can’t wait to admire the beautiful blooms, greenery and displays at the Singapore Garden Festival in July? We give you an exclusive sneak peek of what you can expect!

  • NParks Portraits: Why I Love Gardening!

    NParks Portraits: Why I Love Gardening!

    Anyone can be a good gardener, says Natalie Cheong. “One gardening myth is that you need green fingers to grow something, but this is totally untrue.” She goes on to explain that after buying a plant, you should study the conditions the plant will grow best in and follow them. Natalie adds, “Trust me, it will flourish!”