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Dive In! The Water’s Fine At Sisters’ Islands Marine Park Dive Trail
Our country’s coastal and marine habitats are distributed along the northern coast, and the northern and southern offshore islands including Pulau Ubin and Pulau Tekong. There, you can find more than 250 species of hard corals (32% of hard coral species found worldwide); over 100 species of reef fish; about 200 species of sponges; and 12 seagrass species.
What Does It Take To Move A Mature Rain Tree?
As it turns out, a lot of manpower and machinery and two weeks’ worth of patience per tree! Recently at Empress Place, I had the rare opportunity of witnessing trees being transplanted.
Celebrating Some Of Our Very Singaporean Species This SG50
Lots of interesting and unique species are related to Singapore in more ways than one. Read on to discover what they are!