National Parks

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  • A Rare Glimpse into a Scientific Expedition

    A Rare Glimpse into a Scientific Expedition

    Not many non-scientists can say they have ever been on a scientific expedition, especially someone like me, who's not trained as a scientist. However, I got my chance when I signed on as a volunteer with Singapore's first Comprehensive Marine Biodiversity Survey (CMBS), also known as the Mega Marine Survey.

  • A Spawning Phenomena

    A Spawning Phenomena

    Every year, coral reef researchers in Singapore eagerly await the full moon preceding Easter, so that they can spend a special night out to witness a spectacle that was once thought to be reserved only for the pristine waters of the Great Barrier Reef. The event? Mass synchronous spawning of corals

  • The Fragile Rainforests of Singapore

    The Fragile Rainforests of Singapore

    Dusk has arrived. It is the weekend. In the forest, it is dark and humid. Yet, several people are moving about choosing to spend valuable time to appreciate trees and search for animals. Just who are these people?

  • The Fascinating World of Caterpillars

    The Fascinating World of Caterpillars

    Most people admire the beauty and grace of butterflies when they notice them fluttering around in our parks and gardens. The amazing colours, shapes and diversity of our butterflies never cease to thrill nature lovers. However, the same cannot be said for the caterpillars of these butterflies.

  • Translate Your Passion for Conservation into Action

    Translate Your Passion for Conservation into Action

    On screen, she is an award-winning television news anchor. Off screen, she is a reforestation enthusiast. If you happened to pass by Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza on the evening of 31 March, you might have seen her, Tung Soo Hua, host of Money Week, near the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) booth sharing her nature conservation stories with her fans and passers-by.