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Understanding Fertilisers
How well do you know fertilisers? Understand them better so that you can provide nutrients needed by your plants for their growth and other functions.
Common Bacterial and Viral Diseases of Vegetables
Get to know common bacterial and viral diseases that affect vegetables and how you can keep your garden safe from them.
Regrow! The Process of Vegetative Propagation III – Herbs
In our third and final part of the series on regrowing your own edible plants vegetatively from market produce, we focus on herbs you can get locally.
Save Seeds Today, Sow Them Tomorrow
Excess seeds can be harvested and kept in your refrigerator for growing in future. Follow this step-by-step guide to store seeds from your fruiting vegetables.
Homemade Remedies for Pests and Diseases of Edible Plants
Banish the problems that are ailing your edible plants by making your own safe and effective remedies.