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Pycnonotus goiavier


Pycnonotus goiavier

Family Name: Pycnonotidae
Taxonomic Group: Vertebrates (Bird)
Common Name: Yellow-vented Bulbul


Taxonomic Group 1
Taxonomic Group 2
Family Name
Species Epithet
Common Names


Description Slight crest, white face and yellow under tail coverts are distinctive. In adult, crown, nape and rest of upperparts are olive brown, sides of head, eyebrow, throat and belly white. Bill, feet and eyes black.

Ecology, Habitat & Location

Ecological Notes They are fond of berries and small fruits, especially figs and cinnamon tree fruits. They sip nectar, nibble on young shoots, and snack on insects. They forage in bushes and trees for berries and insects, and may even catch swarming insects on the wing. Known to feed on fruit of Melastoma malabathricum and seeds of Dillenia suffruticosa. Common throughout Singapore.
Associated Flora Known to feed on fruit of Melastoma malabathricum and seeds of Dillenia suffruticosa.
Habitats Mangroves, Parks & Gardens, Urban
Nature Reserves Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Nature Areas Pulau Ubin


Species Status Resident
Conservation Status Common




References Lim, K.S. & Gardner, D. 1997. Birds: An illustrated field guide to the birds of Singapore. Singapore: Sun Tree Publishing Limited. 226pp

Wang, L.K. & Hails, C.J. 2007. An annotated checklist of the birds of Singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement no. 15. 179pp


Master ID
Species ID
Species record last updated on: 21 August 2019.