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Egretta eulophotes


Egretta eulophotes

Family Name: Ardeidae
Taxonomic Group: Vertebrates (Bird)
Common Name: Chinese Egret, Burung Bangau Cina


Taxonomic Group 1
Taxonomic Group 2
Family Name
Species Epithet
Common Names


Size 69 cm
Description Legs shorter and thicker than Little Egret. Breeding: bill orange-yellow; bare skin on lores blue; plumes on lower back. Legs black; feet bright yellow. Non-breeding: no crest or plumes; leg greenish. Bill black with pale pinkish base to lower mandible.

Ecology, Habitat & Location

Habitats Mangroves, Mudflats
Distribution Breeds in Korea, Northeast China, Russian Far East; winters in southern China, Japan and South East Asia (mainly in Philippines and East Malaysia). Classified globally as vulnerable. Rare winter visitor and passage migrant to Singapore. A rare passage migrant to Sungei Buloh when one bird each was recorded in Aug 08 and Feb 09.
Nature Reserves Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve




Master ID
Species ID
Species record last updated on: 21 August 2019.

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