
Procedures upon arrival in Singapore 

 If your pet is arriving at Changi Airport, please refer to Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine Station (CAPQ) for clearance procedure.

 If your pet is arriving at Tuas Checkpoint, please refer to Tuas Checkpoint for clearance procedure.

If your pet is arriving at any other border checkpoints, you would have been advised on clearance procedures when issued the import licence. Please contact us at if you require clarification.

 The steps you are required to take after your dog’s or cat’s arrival in Singapore will depend on quarantine requirements.

The steps below contains a summary of post-arrival procedures:

1. Upon arriving in Singapore, your pet will undergo Veterinary Inspection by an AVS officer at the border checkpoints:

  • Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine Station for arival by air,
  • Tuas Checkpoint for arrival by road.

2. If your pet does not require quarantine, your pet will be released upon passing inspection. If your pet requires quarantine, 

2.1. AVS will transport your pet to Animal Quarantine Centre (AQC).

        2.2. AVS appointed pet transporters will transport your pet to Home Quarantine premises.

  2.3 Your pet will be released from quarantine after its quarantine period.

More information on veterinary inspection and customs clearance procedures at our border control offices and  Animal Quarantine Centre (AQC) can be found here .