Estuarine Crocodiles
Estuarine Crocodiles
What are they?
Crocodiles are large reptiles inhabiting tropical regions across Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. The species found in Singapore is the Estuarine Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), also known as the Saltwater Crocodile. This species holds the distinction of being the world's largest crocodile, capable of reaching lengths of 6 to 7 metres. It is characterised by a long snout and a broad, muscular tail adorned with ridges.

Distribution & Habitat
Estuarine Crocodiles inhabit brackish and freshwater environments, including coastal areas and wetlands. Their exceptional camouflage makes them challenging to detect, as they often remain submerged in water. Even when basking on riverbanks, their cryptic brown colouration renders them difficult to spot. These predators are primarily nocturnal hunters, feeding mostly on fish. However, their diet may also include mammals, birds and carrion (the flesh of dead animals).
Crocodiles are cold-blooded, relying on external heat sources such as sunlight to regulate their body temperature. They usually come onto land to bask in the sun. They may look bulky and clumsy but can in fact move very quickly over short distances, both on land and in water. Crocodiles are wild animals and ambush predators that lie in wait for fish or other animals to come close before rushing forward suddenly to attack. They can become aggressive and attack, especially when provoked, whether on land or in water. Females lay their eggs in an elevated mound constructed mainly from mud and each clutch can contain between 40 to 60 eggs. The mothers are fiercely protective of their eggs and young, maintaining a close presence.
Are our green spaces safe to visit?
Estuarine Crocodiles are usually found in the water or on mudflats. The public is advised to exercise caution when engaging in open water activities. Warning signs and advisory notices have been strategically placed in areas where these animals are frequently sighted, such as Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. Where necessary, exclusion measures like fences have been implemented to ensure visitor safety. Visitors are strongly urged to heed these signs, which advise staying on designated visitor routes and refraining from venturing off marked paths.
Did you know?
The Estuarine Crocodile is prized for its hide, which produces high-quality leather used in manufacturing shoes and handbags, as well as for its meat. Sadly, hatchlings are sometimes sold as pets. Successful captive breeding in crocodile farms, especially in Southeast Asia and Australia, has reduced the hunting pressure on wild populations.
What should you do if you are in a habitat where crocodiles are found (e.g. mangroves such as Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve)?
Stay on designated paths and keep away from the water's edge.
Do no enter the water.
What should you do if you encounter a crocodile?
DO stay calm and back away.
DO NOT approach, provoke or feed the animal.
Call NParks’ Animal Response Centre at 1800-476-1600 to inform us or for any assistance required
If you have further queries, please contact us through their online feedback form at
Photos by Max Khoo and Bryan Lim.