
Starting a farm or breeding facility

If you have identified new premises for the farming or ornamental fish breeding activities, you will first need to obtain an in-principle, no objection letter from us.

Before commitment to lease or purchase any newly identified premises, you need to seek necessary clearance from relevant agencies.

 Step  Description

Step 1: 

Seek an in-principle, no objection from us

Please submit the information via this online form:

General information

  • Company profile from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) (if available)
  • Document stating building and landowner’s permission to use the space for farming
  • Tenure of leased premises (if available)
  • (For existing farms) Current farm productivity figures and target annual production

Business proposal

  • Brief description of your proposal to operate a farm or breeding facility. This should include the location of the premises. Note that URA has restrictions for visitors amenities on farm land.
  • Layout plans, including the type and dimension of facilities (e.g. holding area, packing area, lab area, office, etc.) planned for farming or breeding activities
  • Brief description of the technology and farming system used
  • Types of animals to be farmed or bred
  • Biosecurity measures to be implemented on the premises, or other plans to be implemented in the event of disease outbreak
  • Chemicals and/or medication that are intended for use
  • Marketing plan
  • Construction & renovation period
  • Expertise, years of relevant experience and CVs of owner and staff
  • Any other relevant information (e.g. projected income & expenditure for the business)


Step 2:

Seek approval and clearance from relevant agencies


Submit the application for change of use from URA if premise is not approved for intended farming activity.

If a land-based farm is to be set up, engage a qualified person (architect or professional engineer) to submit farm plans to us for clearance, and building plan approval to BCA using the Corenet e-submission system.

If an indoor farm is to be set up, engage a qualified person (architect or professional engineer) for your renovation works.

When the premises are ready for commercial production following completion of the above steps, please proceed to apply for a farm licence. We will conduct a site visit before issuance of the licence.