Public Consultation on Proposed Guidelines for Animal Shelters
Public Consultation on the Proposed Guidelines for Animal Shelters
The Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS), a cluster of the National Parks Board (NParks), works closely with Animal Welfare Groups (AWGs) as part of our efforts to safeguard and enhance animal welfare in Singapore.
Currently, each AWG operating an animal shelter is guided by their internal practices and standards, However, they share a social responsibility and obligation to ensure the welfare of animals under their care. AVS is currently working on developing guidelines for animal shelters to establish common minimum standards of animal welfare, and best practices that the shelters are encouraged to adopt to further raise animal welfare standards. These include areas such as shelter management, animal housing, management and health care.
AVS consulted AVS’ AWG rehoming partners for preliminary views on the proposed guidelines before holding a focus group discussion in September 2024 with relevant stakeholders including animal shelters, veterinarians and animal trainers to come up with the proposed sections to be covered within the guidelines.
AVS invites members of public to share their feedback regarding the proposed sections and content to be included in the guidelines for animal shelters through the form below. The survey will run for two months from 3 December 2024 to 2 February 2025.
AVS will use the findings gathered during the public consultation to refine the proposed guidelines for animal shelters before sharing the finalised guidelines when ready.