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NParks Butterfly Watch

Do you enjoy butterfly watching? Would you like to learn about our butterflies and contribute to a citizen science study on these flying jewels? Join us for the Butterfly Watch, as part of the NParks Community in Nature Biodiversity Watch series, to help us to learn more about our butterflies.

We welcome anyone aged 12 and above to sign up and volunteer with us!


Registration for Butterfly Watch September 2024 is open from now till to 28 August! Click here to register.

Learn more about our common butterflies through our interactive e-learning module (not supported on Mozilla Firefox browser).


What is the Butterfly Watch all about?

The Butterfly Watch is a citizen science initiative, organised by NParks in collaboration with ButterflyCircle, to get Singaporeans involved in collecting valuable information about the butterflies in our parks and gardens.

With the data collected from many survey transects from the various parks around Singapore, we can start piecing together information about where our butterflies are found and in what numbers! This information will contribute towards better park management and conservation measures.


How can I participate?

Anyone aged 12 and above can sign up and volunteer with us.

Training workshop for new volunteers is segmented into watching an online training recording and attending a practical session at the Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Slots will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis, with priority given to new volunteers.

You will be assigned a survey site closer to the date of the survey.


What happens after I have signed up?

  1. We will email you the details about the training (for new volunteers), or to confirm your sign up (for returning volunteers).
  2. Attend the training on your chosen date. Training comprises watching a two-hour-long online training video covering basic survey and butterfly-watching techniques, and a one-hour-long hands-on practical at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. You will also learn how to identify 23 common butterflies in Singapore.
  3. One week before the Butterfly Watch, we will send you information about your designated site and transect locations for your survey.
  4. Head down to your site on any morning (from 9.00am to 3.00pm) between 21 September to 29 September and conduct the Pollard walks at your designated transects.
  5. Send the results of your survey to us either using an online survey form or through email!


If you have any questions, please email us at with “Butterfly Watch SEP2024” in the email subject.


Results from Butterfly Watch 2021


Results from Past Butterfly Watch surveys

Butterfly Watch 2020

Butterfly Watch 2019

Butterfly Watch 2018

Butterfly Watch 2017 (Sep) 

Frequently Asked Questions

1.       I don’t have any butterfly-watching experience. Can I still participate?

Yes! We will provide training at our training sessions (see 5. for more details), which will cover basic survey and butterfly-watching techniques, well as the identification of 23 common butterflies in Singapore. This will enable you to carry out the basic Pollard walks in our parks. With practice, you will be able to identify more species and become a true-blue butterfly-watcher!


2.       Do I need any special equipment?

The survey was designed to accommodate surveyors without any binoculars. All you need is a datasheet and a pen, or a smart-phone with the SGBioAtlas app.


3.       Is it compulsory for me to attend the training workshops?

You will be required to attend the training to familiarise yourself with the common species if you have limited experience with butterfly-watching. The training sessions will also teach you how to do the Pollard walks properly and instructions for the butterfly watch itself. Experienced butterfly-watchers are also welcomed to join us at the session.


4.       What are the common species that you will be covering in the training? Would I still need to attend the training if I can identify them?

The 23 common species are:


Common Name

Scientific Name



Common Mime

Chilasa clytia clytia


Lime Butterfly

Papilio demoleus malayanus


Common Mormon

Papilio polytes romulus


Common Birdwing

Troides helena cerberus


Common Rose

Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris




Catopsilia spp.


Grass Yellows

Eurema spp.


Striped Albatross

Appias libythea olferna


Painted Jezebel

Delias hyparete metarete



Leptosia nina malayana



Plain Tiger

Danaus chrysippus chrysippus


Common Tiger

Danaus genutia genutia


Black Veined Tiger

Danaus melanippus hegesippus


Blue Glassy Tiger

Ideopsis vulgaris macrina


Dark Glassy Tiger

Parantica agleoides agleoides


Common Palmfly

Elymnias hypermnestra agina


Bush Browns

Mycalesis spp.


Peacock Pansy

Junonia almana javana


Chocolate Pansy

Junonia hedonia ida


Blue Pansy

Junonia orithya wallacei


Tawny Coster

Acraea terpsicore



Phalanta phalantha phalantha



Grass Blues

Lycaeninae (Grass Blues)


Even if you can identify these species easily, you should join us if you are unfamiliar with the Pollard walk technique. Expert butterfly-watchers who are familiar with the techniques and are confident of conducting the counts independently with minimal instructions can opt out of the training.


5.       When and where are training sessions?

The online training recordings will be sent to you upon confirmation of your registration.


The hands-on practical sessions will be a short field session in the Singapore Botanic Gardens to try out the techniques taught in the class. You will be assigned a one-hour slot between 9am and 12pm on the following dates:

  • 7 September 2024, Saturday
  • 8 September 2024, Sunday

You may indicate your preference for the practical training sessions in the registration form. An email will be sent to you to confirm your registered sessions beforehand.


6.       Will this Butterfly Watch be very time consuming?

The training will take approximately three hours and the Butterfly Watch itself will only take one morning (from 9.00am to 3.00pm) between 21 September to 29 September 2024. If you volunteer to do counts at more than one site, you may be required to spend more than one morning within the stipulated week.


7.       How will the data I collect help in NParks' park management and conservation efforts?

The data on the butterfly species and their distribution collected during the butterfly watch will help establish a baseline from which we can monitor the patterns in butterfly populations in Singapore. With the counts held annually, we can track changes over time and develop management strategies to sustain or even enhance these populations.


Last updated on 12 August 2024

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