Elephantopus tomentosus L.
Family Name: | Asteraceae (Compositae) |
Common Name: | Devil's Grandmother, Woolly Elephant's Foot, Tobacco Weed, 白花地胆草 |
Classifications and Characteristics
Plant Division | Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants) (Dicotyledon) |
Plant Growth Form | Herbaceous Plant |
Maximum Height | 0.8 m to 1 m |
Description and Ethnobotany
Growth Form | Perennial herb up to 1 m tall. |
Foliage | The upper leaves (7-8 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide) are elliptic to oblong-elliptic (oval to elongated oval), while the lower leaves (8-20 cm long, 3-5 cm wide) are oblong-obovate (elongated to egg-shaped with the wider end at the base. |
Flowers | A compound inflorescence is composed of 12-20 capitula, a type of compound flower where reduced flowers called florets are compactly arranged in a single plane. Each capitula is composed of 4 white, funnel-shaped florets (5-6 mm long). |
Fruit | Dry, indehiscent, 1-seeded fruits are known as achenes (3 mm long). They are oblong to linear, ribbed and hairy. A cluster of 5 bristles known as a pappus is attached on one end. |
Habitat | This species occurs in open spaces along roadsides, slopes and thickets. |
Plant Care and Propagation
Light Preference | Full Sun |
Water Preference | Moderate Water |
Mature Foliage Colour(s) | Green |
Foliar Type | Simple / Unifoliate |
Foliar Shape(s) | Non-Palm Foliage (Obovate, Elliptical, Oblong) |
Foliar Venation | Pinnate / Net |
Foliar Margin | Serrate / Toothed |
Foliar Apex - Tip | Acute |
Foliar Base | Acute |
Floral (Angiosperm)
Flower Colour(s) | White |
Flower Grouping | Cluster / Inflorescence |
Flower Location | Terminal |
Individual Flower Shape | Funnelform / Funnel-shaped |
Inflorescence Type Remarks | Synflorescence (a compound inflorescence composed of 12-20 capitula) |
Fruit, Seed and Spore
Fruit Classification | Simple Fruit |
Fruit Type | Indehiscent Dry Fruit , Achene |
Image Repository
Master ID | 31968 |
Species ID | 6370 |
Flora Disclaimer | The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and NParks does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes. |