Classifications and Characteristics
Plant Growth Form | Herbaceous Plant |
Native Distribution | Brazil, Peru, Bolivia |
Native Habitat | Terrestrial |
Preferred Climate Zone | Tropical, Sub-Tropical / Monsoonal |
Description and Ethnobotany
Growth Form | Rhizomatous herb to 40cm tall |
Foliage | Leaves ovate, 5-8cm long, thin - fleshy, dark green, with a layer of adpressed hairs, venation indistinct; mid rib raised, very pale green - white. Under surface of leaves very pale green, tinged with rose red - purplish red towards the petiole, veins raised. Petioles and upper most part of the stems pale green - rose/purplish red. |
Flowers | Flowers on long peduncles to 10-12cm long, borne in the axils of the uppermost leaves on the stem, salver form, corolla tube bright orange red - red, to 3cm long by 1.2-1.6cm wide, corolla lobes bright red. |
Fruit | Capsules dehiscent, to 1cm long, drying dark brown, subtended with a persistent calyx lobes. |
Landscaping Features
Desirable Plant Features | Ornamental Flowers |
Landscape Uses | Small Gardens, Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant, Container Planting |
Fauna, Pollination and Dispersal
Fauna Pollination Dispersal Associated Fauna | Bird-Attracting (Flowers) |
Pollination Method(s) | Biotic (Fauna) |
Seed or Spore Dispersal | Abiotic |
Plant Care and Propagation
Light Preference | Semi-Shade, [Remarks] (This species can be grown in full sun in subtropical areas and is sometimes used as a bedding plant) |
Water Preference | Moderate Water, Occasional Misting |
Rootzone Tolerance | Well-Drained Soils, Fertile Loamy Soils, Low Humidity / Aircon, Easy to Grow |
Planting Remarks | Plants prefer a slightly cooler growing temperature (<28'c). Plants grown in warmer conditions may not flower as well. |
Pest(s) | Sucking Insects, Soil Insects |
Propagation Method | Seed, Stem Cutting, Division |
Foliage Retention | Evergreen |
Mature Foliage Colour(s) | Green, Purple, Red |
Mature Foliage Texture(s) | Hairy / Hirsute, Thick |
Floral (Angiosperm)
Flower Colour(s) | Orange, Red, Yellow / Golden |
Flower Texture(s) | Hairy / Hirsute |
Flower Location | Axillary |
Flowering Period | Free-Flowering |
Fruit, Seed and Spore
Mature Fruit Colour(s) | Brown |
Mature Fruit Texture(s) | Hairy / Hirsute |
Image Repository
Master ID | 31660 |
Species ID | 6059 |
Flora Disclaimer | The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and NParks does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes. |