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Diospyros oblonga


Diospyros oblonga Wall. ex G.Don

Family Name: Ebenaceae
Synonyms: Diospyros sapotoides Kurz


Family Name
Genus Epithet
Species Epithet
Name Authority
Name Status (botanical)

Classifications and Characteristics

Plant Division Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants)
Plant Growth Form Tree
Lifespan (in Singapore) Perennial
Mode of Nutrition Autotrophic
Maximum Height 12 m


Native Distribution Malay Peninsula
Native Habitat Terrestrial
Preferred Climate Zone Tropical
Local Conservation Status Native to Singapore (Endangered (EN))

Description and Ethnobotany

Growth Form Small to medium-sized tree, able to grow up to about 9 - 12 m tall.
Trunk Bark surface is terete or warty.
Foliage Green oblong to oblong-elliptic leaves, coriaceous and alternate arrangement, measuring about 12 - 20 cm long and 5 - 10 cm wide, petiole about 0.8 - 1.2 cm long.
Flowers Flowers usually 1 - 3 in a cyme inflorescence, corolla 5-lobed and hairy, stamens 10 and united in pairs by the bases of their filaments, staminodes 5 and glabrous.
Fruit Fruit is orange, subglobose in shape and glabrous.
Etymology Genus Diospyros is from the ancient Greek name "diospyron" used by Greek philosopher Theophrastus for the fruit of the nettle-tree. "Diospyron" is from two Greek words "dios" which means "divine" and "pyros" which means "grain", hence giving the meaning of "divine grain". Species oblonga means elliptic with blunt ends.

Landscaping Features

Desirable Plant Features Ornamental Flowers, Ornamental Fruits
Landscape Uses Parks & Gardens, Small Gardens

Plant Care and Propagation

Light Preference Full Sun
Water Preference Moderate Water
Plant Growth Rate Moderate
Rootzone Tolerance Moist Soils, Well-Drained Soils
Propagation Method Seed


Mature Foliage Colour(s) Green
Foliar Apex - Tip Acuminate

Fruit, Seed and Spore

Mature Fruit Colour(s) Orange

Image Repository



Master ID 29636
Species ID 3945
Flora Disclaimer The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and NParks does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes.
Species record last updated on: 13 December 2022.