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Bambusa vulgaris


Bambusa vulgaris

Family Name: Poaceae (Gramineae)
Synonyms: Bambusa auriculata
Common Name: Common Bamboo, Golden Bamboo, 泰山竹, 龙头竹


Family Name
Genus Epithet
Species Epithet
Name Status (botanical)
Common Names

Classifications and Characteristics

Plant Division Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants) (Monocotyledon)
Plant Growth Form Grass or Grass-like Plant (Tall Grass (Poaceae))
Lifespan (in Singapore) Perennial
Mode of Nutrition Autotrophic
Maximum Height 20 m


Native Distribution Southeast Asia, Pantropical
Native Habitat Terrestrial
Preferred Climate Zone Tropical, Sub-Tropical / Monsoonal
Local Conservation Status Non-native (Horticultural / Cultivated Only)

Description and Ethnobotany

Growth Form Large bamboo forming erect clumps up to 20 m tall.
Foliage Leaves are lance-shaped with a rough leaf margin (30 cm long, 4 cm wide). About 8-9 leaves are arranged along each branch. Young leaves are bright yellow, eventually turning green and then brown.
Stems The woody, aboveground stems are known as culms and grow up to 4-10 cm wide. The underground part of the stem is known as a rhizome.
Flowers Tiny, reduced flowers known as florets are arranged in oblong, flattened spikelets (1-2 cm long). Each spikelet contains 4-12 fertile florets.
Fruit One-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruits are known as grains.
Ethnobotanical Uses Food (Fruit or Vegetable): Immature shoot tips are eaten as a vegetable.
Medicinal: In Trinidad and Tobago, the leaves are used to treat diarrhoea or parasites in dogs.
Timber & Products: Bamboo culms are used to make fences, huts, boats, furniture, and paper. Split stems are used to make brooms, baskets and musical instruments.

Landscaping Features

Desirable Plant Features Ornamental Stems, Ornamental Form
Landscape Uses General, Parks & Gardens, Small Gardens, Hedge / Screening, Slope Stabilization
Thematic Landscaping Zen / Minimalist Garden

Plant Care and Propagation

Light Preference Full Sun, Semi-Shade
Water Preference Moderate Water
Rootzone Tolerance Moist Soils, Well-Drained Soils
Propagation Method Seed, Storage Organ (Rhizome)


Foliage Retention Evergreen
Mature Foliage Colour(s) Green
Mature Foliage Texture(s) Rough
Foliar Type Simple / Unifoliate
Foliar Attachment to Stem Sessile
Foliar Shape(s) Non-Palm Foliage (Lanceolate)
Foliar Venation Parallel
Foliar Apex - Tip Acuminate
Foliar Base Rounded / Obtuse

Floral (Angiosperm)

Flower Grouping Cluster / Inflorescence
Inflorescence Type Spikelet / Compound Spike

Fruit, Seed and Spore

Fruit Classification Simple Fruit
Fruit Type Indehiscent Dry Fruit , Caryopsis / Grain

Image Repository



Master ID 29291
Species ID 3600
Flora Disclaimer The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and NParks does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes.
Species record last updated on: 14 October 2021.