Khaya grandifoliola C.D.C.
Family Name: | Meliaceae |
Common Name: | Large-leaved Khaya, Benin Mahogany, African Mahogany, African Mahogony |
Classifications and Characteristics
Plant Division | Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants) |
Plant Growth Form | Tree (Big (>30m)) |
Lifespan (in Singapore) | Perennial |
Mode of Nutrition | Autotrophic |
Native Distribution | Tropical Africa |
Local Conservation Status | Non-native |
Description and Ethnobotany
Growth Form | Large tree growing up to 30 - 35 m tall. |
Trunk | Trunk is straight and tall with dark brown bark, reaching a girth that exceeds 1 m. |
Foliage | Pinnately compound leaves are composed of 4-6 pairs of oblong leaflets with wavy leaf margin and acute apex. |
Flowers | Small, yellowish flowers are composed of 4-5 petals. |
Fruit | Dry, dehiscent fruits are known as capsules (5-8 cm wide). Fruits are round with 4-5 valves and contain numerous winged seeds. |
Habitat | Occurs in evergreen forests. This species is threatened by loss of habitat and its conservation status is currently considered vulnerable. |
Cultivation | This species is tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions, but it prefers a fertile, well-drained soil like sandy loam. |
Etymology | The species epithet "grandifoliola" is Latin for large leaves. |
Ethnobotanical Uses | Others: The gum of Khaya grandifolia is used as a tablet binder for paracetamol. |
Plant Care and Propagation
Light Preference | Full Sun |
Water Preference | Moderate Water |
Plant Growth Rate | Moderate |
Rootzone Tolerance | Well-Drained Soils, Fertile Loamy Soils |
Propagation Method | Seed, Stem Cutting |
Mature Foliage Colour(s) | Green |
Mature Foliage Texture(s) | Smooth, Glossy / Shiny |
Foliar Shape(s) | Non-Palm Foliage |
Leaf Area Index (LAI) for Green Plot Ratio | 3.0 (Tree - Intermediate Canopy) |
Floral (Angiosperm)
Flower Colour(s) | Yellow / Golden |
Fruit, Seed and Spore
Mature Fruit Colour(s) | Brown |
Image Repository
Master ID | 1685 |
Species ID | 2978 |
Flora Disclaimer | The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and NParks does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes. |