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Arachnothryx leucophylla


Arachnothryx leucophylla (Kunth) Planch.

Family Name: Rubiaceae
Synonyms: Hedyotis leucophylla (Kunth) Spreng., Rondeletia leucophylla Kunth, Arachnothryx elongata (Bartl. ex DC.) Planch., Arachnothryx leptodictya (B.L.Rob.) Borhidi, Arachnothryx yucatanensis (Lundell) Borhidi, Bouvardia discolor Hook. & Arn., Rondeletia dubia Hemsl., Rondeletia elongata Bartl. ex DC., Rondeletia leptodictya B.L.Rob., Rondeletia leucophylla var. calycosa Greenm., Rondeletia yucatanensis Lundell
Common Name: Bush Pentas, Panama Rose, Rondeletia


Family Name
Genus Epithet
Species Epithet
Name Authority
Name Status (botanical)
Common Names

Classifications and Characteristics

Plant Division Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants) (Dicotyledon)
Plant Growth Form Shrub
Lifespan (in Singapore) Perennial
Mode of Nutrition Autotrophic
Maximum Height 1.5 m to 6 m


Native Distribution Mexico to Panama
Native Habitat Terrestrial
Preferred Climate Zone Tropical
Local Conservation Status Non-native

Description and Ethnobotany

Growth Form Woody evergreen shrub with a round shape, typically growing up to 1 - 3 m tall in cultivation but can reach 6 m in the wild.
Foliage Opposite leaves are lanceolate to narrowly ovate (10 - 12 cm long, 2 cm wide). Leaves are sessile (the leaf blade is attached to the stem without an intervening stalk). The upper leaf surface is dark green and hairless, while the lower side is whitish and pubescent (covered in short, white hairs). A forked flap of tissue known as a stipule occurs between the pair of leaves found at each point along the stem.
Stems Woody stem has dark brown, shallowly fissured bark. Young stem is tomentose (covered in soft, short hairs). 
Flowers Salverform flowers are tubular with 4 bright pink lobes arranged in the shape of a cross (2 cm long, 1 cm wide). They are arranged in rounded clusters known as cymose inflorescences (5 cm wide). Flowers are most fragrant after sunset.
Fruit Fruits are small, dry and indehiscent, contain many seeds. They are whitish and covered in soft hairs.
Cultivation This species will flower best in full sun or light shade, because deep shade will inhibit flowering and result in leggy plants. Individuals should be spaced 3 - 3.5 m apart. Mulch the plants with compost to prevent the soil from drying out or the roots from overheating. Feed plants with a fertilizer rich in phosphorous to promote flowering. Avoid using nitrogen rich fertilizers, because they encourage development of leaves rather than flowers. Try not to prune this species frequently, because flowers are produced from the new growth.
Etymology The specific epithet "leucophylla" is Latin for white leaf ("leuco" meaning white and "phylla" meaning leaf). The name may be a reference to the pubescent leaves which have short, white hairs.

Landscaping Features

Landscaping This species is planted as an ornamental shrub because of its fragrant, rounded clusters of small, pink flowers. Since its fragrance is strongest after dusk, it would be compatible with other flowering shrubs that are most fragrant during the day, It is ideal for butterfly gardens as a nectar plant. Plant it in the back to avoid obscuring smaller species.
Desirable Plant Features Fragrant (Flowers) (Dawn / Dusk, Day), Ornamental Flowers
Landscape Uses Flowerbed / Border, Parks & Gardens, Small Gardens
Thematic Landscaping Butterfly Garden, Naturalistic Garden, Wildflower Garden

Fauna, Pollination and Dispersal

Fauna Pollination Dispersal Associated Fauna Butterfly-Attracting, Bee-Attracting
Pollination Method(s) Biotic (Fauna) (Insects (Bee), Insects (Butterfly, Moth))
Seed or Spore Dispersal Abiotic

Plant Care and Propagation

Light Preference Full Sun, Semi-Shade
Water Preference Moderate Water
Plant Growth Rate Moderate
Rootzone Tolerance Fertile Loamy Soils, Well-Drained Soils, Moist Soils
Maintenance Requirements Moderate
Propagation Method Stem Cutting


Foliage Retention Evergreen
Mature Foliage Colour(s) Green
Mature Foliage Texture(s) Smooth
Foliar Modification Stipule
Foliar Type Simple / Unifoliate
Foliar Arrangement Along Stem Opposite
Foliar Shape(s) Non-Palm Foliage (Lanceolate)
Foliar Venation Pinnate / Net
Foliar Margin Entire
Foliar Apex - Tip Caudate
Foliar Base Acute
Typical Foliar Area Notophyll ( 20.25cm2 - 45 cm2 )
Leaf Area Index (LAI) for Green Plot Ratio 4.5 (Shrub & Groundcover - Dicot)

Floral (Angiosperm)

Flower & Plant Sexuality Bisexual Flowers
Flower Colour(s) Pink
Flower Grouping Cluster / Inflorescence
Flower Location Axillary
Flower Symmetry Radial
Individual Flower Shape Salverform
Ovary Position Inferior / Epipgynous
Flowering Habit Polycarpic

Fruit, Seed and Spore

Mature Fruit Colour(s) White
Fruit Classification Simple Fruit
Fruit Type Indehiscent Dry Fruit
Seed Quantity Per Fruit Numerous (>20)

Image Repository



Master ID 1098
Species ID 2391
Flora Disclaimer The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and NParks does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes.
Species record last updated on: 13 December 2022.