Emoia atrocostata
Family Name: | Scincidae |
Taxonomic Group: | Vertebrates (Reptile) |
Common Name: | Mangrove Skink |
Size | 26 cm |
Description | Moderately slender body covered in smooth, overlapping scales. Greyish brown back, Bluish with a vague black stripe along the sides. Dorsal surface covered with whitish spots. Ventral surface orange in some individuals. |
Ecology, Habitat & Location
Ecological Notes | Diurnal, terrestrial and semi-arboreal. Feeds largely on invertebrates such as insects and crustaceans. |
Habitats | Mangroves, Rocky Shore |
Distribution | In Singapore, Found in Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. Distributed throught insular Southeast Asia and the tropical parts of the western Pacific. |
Nature Reserves | Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve |
Species Status | Native |
Conservation Status | Rare |
Singapore Red Data Book Status | Endangered (EN) [2008] |
References | Baker, N. & Lim, K. 2012. Wild animals of Singapore. Singapore: Draco Publishing and Distribution Pte Ltd. 180pp |