Dendronanthus indicus
Family Name: | Passeridae |
Taxonomic Group: | Vertebrates (Bird) |
Common Name: | Forest Wagtail, Burung Kedidi Hutan |
Size | 18 cm |
Description | This bird species is medium-sized, has a long tail, and predominantly olive brown in colour. |
Ecology, Habitat & Location
Habitats | Forest, Freshwater, Parks & Gardens |
Distribution | Breeds in Russia, China, Korea, Japan. The wagtail is uncommon but widespread throughout Singapore during the winter months and can be found in suitable wooded parks. An uncommon bird to Sungei Buloh where it is a winter visitor and passage migrant from Sep to Mar. Peak numbers in Sep to Nov. Best seen at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve visitor centre and freshwater pond areas. |
Nature Reserves | Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve |