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Coenobita violascens


Coenobita violascens Heller, 1862

Family Name: Coenobitidae
Taxonomic Group: Invertebrates (Crustacean, Crab and Prawn)
Common Name: Land Hermit Crab


Taxonomic Group 1
Taxonomic Group 2
Family Name
Species Epithet
Common Names

Ecology, Habitat & Location

Ecological Notes These hermit crabs inhabit the supralittoral zone of beaches and immediately adjacent beach forest/vegetation, where it forages for plant and animal matter. They are well adapted for terrestrial living and are able to breathe atmospheric air using modified gill chambers.
Habitats Marine, Sandy Shore
Distribution Wide western Pacific distribution. In Singapore, probably extinct on the mainland, and now restricted to Pulau Ubin (and probably Pulau Tekong) and the southern islands.
Nature Areas Pulau Tekong, Pulau Ubin


Trends & Threats The many beach improvement schemes, clearance of supposedly "unsightly" beach vegetation and debris have almost exterminated these once common animals from many of our shores by depriving them of shelter as well as food. In a twist of fate, some beach-cleanup exercises, done with the good intention of clearing up our polluted beaches, have resulted in the mass removal of unsightly and apparently "empty" shells which contain the crabs.
Scientific Interest & Potential Value The special features possessed by these animals in adapting to a terrestrial lifestyle have still not been studied properly. Coenobita violascens is often mistaken for or treated as a conspecific of C. cavipes, but can in fact be distinguished by its overall violet colouration and especially the fingers of the left claw. This large species is also commonly associated with mangrove habitats and used to be more common in Mandai and other mangrove swamps in the north.
Conservation Notes Sufficient stretches of good beaches and mangroves should be conserved in their natural state. Pragmatic and carefully thought-up beach cleanup operations should also be practiced.


Singapore Red Data Book Status Vulnerable (VU) [2008]




References Davison, G.W.H., Ng, P.K.L. & Ho, H.C (Eds.). 2008. The Singapore Red Data Book (2nd Edition). Singapore: Nature Society (Singapore). 285pp


Master ID
Species ID
Species record last updated on: 21 August 2019.