Milvus migrans
Family Name: | Accipitridae |
Taxonomic Group: | Vertebrates (Bird) |
Common Name: | Black Kite, Burung Lang Bangkai |
Size | 60 cm |
Description | Medium-sized, black bill, non-descript brown raptor |
Ecology, Habitat & Location
Habitats | Forest, Mangroves |
Distribution | Breeds in Africa, temperate zone Eurasia, India; For South-east Asia, in Myanmar to Central Thailand. This raptor is an uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant to Singapore. It is rare at the wetland. |
Nature Reserves | Labrador Nature Reserve, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve |
Conservation Notes | This raptor is an uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant to Singapore. It is rare at the wetland. |