Microhyla butleri
Family Name: | Microhylidae |
Taxonomic Group: | Vertebrates (Amphibian) |
Common Name: | Painted Chorus Frog |
Description | Head relatively small, hind limbs relatively long and slender. Back and sides dark brown, a wavy yellowish stripe on the sides. An oblique yellowish streak behind the eye. Hind limbs with dark brown bands. Tadpoles (about 2 cm) have a large head and are transluscent, with reddish tail and blackish fins. They are found in still water in ponds and ditches, quietly hovering in midwater. Their call, heard in the evening, sounds like a hoarse "ehk-ehk-ehk". |
Ecology, Habitat & Location
Ecological Notes | Ground-dwelling, nocturnal and insectivorous. |
Habitats | Parks & Gardens, Urban |
Nature Reserves | Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve |
Species Status | Native |
Conservation Status | Common |
References | Baker, N. & Lim, K. 2008. Wild animals of Singapore. Singapore: Draco Publishing and Distribution Pte Ltd. 180pp |